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Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder

I just finished leaving the book Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  This series was one of my favorites growing up as a kid.  The girls loved it so much that they begged to start reading the second book in the series right away.

The book is about a little girl named Laura Ingalls who grew up to write the Little House books.  She lived in a snug little log house deep in the woods of Wisconsin in the late 1870s with her Pa, Ma, older sister Mary, and baby sister Carrie.

This is the first book of the series and a great one to read to your kids. We have an older version of the book (from when I was a kid), but the story is exactly the same.  They even have a picture every few pages that the girls enjoyed looking at as we read together.