• Would You Rather Hold A Scorpion, Spider, or Snake?

    Karlie was so excited to hold a scorpion!

    I was going back over some pictures from a few months ago and came across these…..pictures from the Critter Keeper event we attended.  The girls are fascinated by animals, bugs, and any other kind of wildlife.  I love animals too, but I like to keep a safe distance between myself and certain critters like large scorpions, spiders, and snakes!  One of the biggest highlights for them was being able to hold, touch, and learn more about a variety of different animals.  They LOVED it!

    That’s one big spider!

    Do you see the huge yellow and white snake?  Yikes!  Can you find Brina and Karlie in this picture?

    So proud of her “I held a Scorpion!” sticker

  • Go Ape by Patch

    I picked up the Go Ape game by Patch at the grocery store on clearance for the girls for Christmas.  It was a huge hit!   Our family has already played this game several times since Christmas.

    The Go Ape game adds a fun twist to the traditional game of Go Fish!  Instead of asking another player for a card you act out the funny monkey picture on the card!  The person who collects the most monkey matches wins the game.

    It is hilarious watching the girls act out the various monkey faces!  The girls is for 2 to 6 players and for ages 4 and up.

  • Tissue Paper Bleeding Art

    Do you have some crumpled tissue paper laying around?  At the next birthday party or gathering make sure to keep the colorful, crinkled tissue paper for this craft or if you already have some on hand that works great too.  It is super easy and loads of fun!  Our girls loved these and had a blast doing this craft.

    Colorful tissue paper in one of the kids bowl

    Tissue Paper Bleeding Art

    • Variety of colorful, crumpled Tissue Paper
    • White Paper (we use a heavier paper or poster board)
    • Small Bowl of Water
    • Paint Brush

    Gather some brightly colored tissue paper. Tear the tissue paper into a variety of pieces (small to several inches).  Put a piece of tissue paper on the white paper and use a paint brush dipped in water to wet the tissue paper, you will see the colors start to bleed.    Continue putting the tissue paper pieces down and painting with water until your white paper is full.  Set aside and allow to dry over night.  Once the tissue paper has dried, remove all the pieces and throw away.  You can use your new tissue paper bleeding art paper to cut out shapes and use them for thank you notes or display (see picture at the top of the post).

    Tip – if the kids are not able to get all the tissue paper wet you can use a spray water bottle and lightly mist the art piece before putting it away to dry.

    Putting down the tissue paper

    Water in a bowl and a paint brush

    Tissue paper covering the paper now just need to wait for it to dry

    What the paper looks like after the tissue paper dried and removed.  The tissue paper die bleeds onto the heavy paper underneath and this is what it looks after it has dried, really neat!  You can use this paper to cut out shapes and use for thank you notes or something special for the kids to display.

  • Roper Mountain Science Center – Animals and Activities

    Wow!  Look at all those tiny legs on this one!

    Our girls love any trips we take to Roper Mountain Science Center!  There is so much to see, learn, and explore.  Whenever possible we try to go to their second Saturday events because they are a big hit with our kids.  The second Saturday events have a theme and the kids can do anything from holding animals, crafts, participate in events, and much more.  They have everything from animals, ocean life, space activities, farming, cultural events, and more!  I have even learned a few new facts about history, animals, and space too.  🙂

    Karlie holding a snake

    Jake holding the snake.  I am not a big fan of snakes so I was okay with not holding this snake, although I did touch it briefly…very briefly!

    Look at this cool guy!

    Yes, that is a huge spider that she is holding in both her hands!  A tarantula actually!

    Brina holding a box turtle

    Karlie wanted to hold the box turtle too

    Super soft……Chinchilla!

    Is it a baby pig, baby squirrel, or baby chipmunk Brina is holding????  None of those,  it is actually baby mouse (the mouse is only 1 day old)!

  • Creative Kids: Sidewalk Chalk Paint

    With the warm weather just around the corner (it was in the 70’s here this past weekend).  I want to share one of our family’s favorite outside crafts with you.  Sidewalk Chalk Paint is super easy to make and can entertain the kids for hours.  The sidewalk chalk paint can take the place of traditional chalk and is inexpensive to make at home.  You can make whatever colors you want; we’ve done all the colors of the rainbow, including Charleston Green (which was requested by the girls).

    We’ve had kids from 1 years old and up play with this neat paint and love it!

    Sidewalk Chalk Paint

    • 1/2 cup cold Water
    • 1/2 cup Cornstarch
    • Food Coloring
    • Jumbo Muffin Tin
    • Variety of Old Paint Brushes

    Stir the cold water and cornstarch together until you have a smooth consistency.  Mix in 3 to 6 drops of food coloring.  Repeat the process until you have filled your muffin tin with a rainbow of colors.   If you want to make less you can do 1/4 cup cold water and 1/4 cup cornstarch.  You can make your sidewalk chalk paint darker by adding a few more drops of food coloring.

    My niece Noelle and I were having fun doing her name together!

    This works on any sidewalk or driveway, although smooth surfaces may be a little better.  Our driveway is rough but the kids always have a blast doing this activity.  When Jake’s sister and family was here a few months ago we did this activity with the kids.

    Brina painted her name on the sidewalk

    The sidewalk chalk paint will wash off your sidewalk or driveway and is safe for your grass and plants.  If you have leftovers you can put them into empty yogurt containers and store them until the next time the kids are ready for sidewalk chalk paint.  You may have to add a few drops of water if the paint has become a little dry but it should revive well after adding a little more water.

  • Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder

    I just finished reading Little House on the Prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder to the girls.  I have an older version of the book (from when I was a kid), but the story is exactly the same.  They have a picture every few pages that the girls enjoyed looking at as we read together.    Brina and Karlie really enjoy these books and are always begging me to read…..just one more chapter. 🙂

    Little House on the Prairie is the second book in the Laura Ingalls Wilder series.  We read Little House in the Big Woods by Laura Ingalls Wilder first.  In this book the little girl, Laura, that we met in the first book traveled with her family out Midwest to the Kansas area.  Her Pa found a place out in the wide open space of the prairie where they built their new home, barn, started farming, trapping, and explored the area.  In this book Laura met Indians for the first time, saw a papoose, and experienced many new adventures.

  • Travel & Vacation: Parks Near Charleston We Love! (part 2)

    Karlie is our water bug. She is having a blast!

    One of the girls favorite places to visit is Charleston.  We have enjoyed finding a lot of neat parks near Charleston.  Several of the parks we found while others were recommended to us by friends and people we met along the way.  It is always an adventure hanging out with the chickies at the parks.  They have a blast and love getting a chance to play, splash around, and explore!

    Playing in the water at the park

    A soaked Brina on the run and heading straight for me!

    Chatting while Brina holds back a fountain sprayer and Karlie relaxes for a few minutes on the fence

    Two little monkeys climbing on the tube slide at the park

    Brina loves spinning in these red cups! Makes me almost sick and dizzy just watching them!

  • Travel & Vacation: Parks Near Charleston We Love!

    Hanging out at Mount Pleasant. Notice the huge bridge above them, the girls always enjoy coming to Waterfront Park.


    Relaxing for a few minutes

    Silly Sisters

    If you are looking for a great spot to fish near Charleston you can go on the pier of Mt Pleasant next to Waterfront Park.  The girls always enjoy seeing pictures of the fish then walking down the pier checking out all the fish the people have caught that day.

    Swinging on the pier

  • Creative Kids: Invisible Writing

    The girls love to do crafts and all kinds of fun activities…..(so do I)! 🙂  As I was getting ready to leave for a few hours the other day I left a “secret” note on the girls bar stools.  They didn’t realize it was a note because it was invisible .  The night before the girls had asked if they could paint again soon so I decided that since the paints were going to be out anyway I might as well leave an invisible note for them to discover the next morning.

    These invisible notes were a hit and super easy to do.  Take a white piece of paper, write a message in white crayon, and have the kids paint over the letters to decode the message.  Once the girls figured out it wasn’t just a plain white piece of paper on their bar stools they quickly decoded the message.

    They decided it was pretty neat and the next spent hour writing invisible notes back and forth to each other.  I love it when I start a fun activity and they run with it.  Thankful that the girls get excited over the little stuff.

    These would work really well for younger kids too.  You could do a picture instead of a note as well.

  • Family Fun: Adventures With Our Cousins

    Cousins hanging out at the park together!

    We had an opportunity a few months ago to spend some time with Jake’s sister and her family.  The girls were in school during their stay with us but we still found plenty of time to have fun.  It was great having an opportunity to hang out with them and create new memories, especially since it will be quite awhile before we can get together again.

    Oh MY…..your lips look different today…..Silly girls with silly mouths!

    My cute little kitchen helper!

    Noah helping with the “science” experiment!  Loading up the ingredients into a Ziploc bag.

    It’s going to blow!!!!  We did an experiment with baking soda, water, and vinegar inside Ziploc bags.  When we sealed the bags they bubbled up and they popped!  The kids really enjoyed doing this one.