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Family Fun: Adventures With Our Cousins

Cousins hanging out at the park together!

We had an opportunity a few months ago to spend some time with Jake’s sister and her family.  The girls were in school during their stay with us but we still found plenty of time to have fun.  It was great having an opportunity to hang out with them and create new memories, especially since it will be quite awhile before we can get together again.

Oh MY…..your lips look different today…..Silly girls with silly mouths!

My cute little kitchen helper!

Noah helping with the “science” experiment!  Loading up the ingredients into a Ziploc bag.

It’s going to blow!!!!  We did an experiment with baking soda, water, and vinegar inside Ziploc bags.  When we sealed the bags they bubbled up and they popped!  The kids really enjoyed doing this one.

Four little princesses enjoying their princesses from Disney

Kids goody buckets…..what’s hanging off of them? Why, yes that is a snake (or two or four)

Kiddos watching their snakes grow in the container on the front porch.

A table full of cutie pies! What a fun bunch of girls.  So thankful Brina and Karlie were able to spend some time playing with their cousins.


Sweet chickies

The 3 older girls taking a group picture, cute!

Checking out the mallard ducks in the Reedy River

Some ducks hanging out near the kids

After our picnic in the park we attempted to get a picture of the cousins.  For some reason it is always difficult getting a group of kids to look at the camera all together. 🙂  We had a lot of fun and are thankful for our time together.

Goody bags for the kids on last day as the cousins were leaving.  It will be a long time before we see them again, but are thrilled that we had some time together and were able to create some new memories.