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Travel & Vacation: Visiting Daniel’s Island and More

View after going over the Cooper River Bridge on our way to Daniel's Island

We always love the views on our way to Daniel’s Island, South Carolina.  This picture was taken shortly after going over the Cooper River Bridge.  Just one of the beautiful pieces of scenery in the Charleston area.

Almost there.....one more mile to Daniel's Island.

The girls always look for this sign and know we are almost to Daniel’s Island.  They know that it is Exit 24 and in between two big bridges.  It is a lot of fun traveling with the family!

One of my favorite signs in the Charleston area.

A sign we have seen many times this year that the girls always wanted me to read whenever we go to the Waterfront Park under the Arthur Ravenel Bridge.    I grew up in the country hearing coyotes so this smile makes me smile.  One of the girls questions the first time we read it why can we “never feed coyotes won’t they get hungry?”

Snacks at the park

The girls were really good about remembering to take their drink with them to the parks.  Most of the places we went had water fountain and restrooms which was really nice too.  I had made some cookies for Jake’s co-workers that week so I put in a few sugar cookies with sprinkles for the girls too.

Stopping for a quick snack

I was able to convince Karlie and Brina to stop for a few minutes for a quick snack and more importantly a drink (it was over 100 degrees and we had been out all morning).  They were so fascinated by all the other kids at the park.  Sometimes we would be at the park with a handful of kids and a daycare would show up to play making the the area buzzing with little ones having fun.

Refueling with Powerade on a very hot day

On one of our trips it was over 100 degrees and the girls (and Mommy) spent the day outside at parks.  I was worried about them getting dehydrated so we stopped by CVS and picked up a “Powerade”.  The girls thought it was great and it tasted like lemonade.

Karlie worked up enough courage to go down the big pole.

Although the pole probably would have been a little easier sliding down in pants I was very proud of Karlie for trying it out.  It takes a little bit of guts to reach out over that gap between the jungle gym and gap to go on the pole.  She was very excited of her accomplishment.

Brina spinning in the red seats at the park

I really don’t know how she could sit in those seats and just spin!  The couple times I braved it and did a couple of spins I was ready to loose my cookies.

Brina and Karlie testing out a new ride

One afternoon during our Charleston adventures it decided rain so the girls and I hang out for about an hour at the Outlets.  The girls thought this car was HILARIOUS and spent several minutes checking it out.

After picking up Daddy from work Brina crashed

We picked up Jake after a full day at the parks and playing.  A few minutes later I looked back to point out a rainbow I saw in the sky and Brina has fallen fast asleep.  Not sure how she can sleep like this (it looks very uncomfortable) but all our pillows and stuff was already at the hotel.

Karlie was sleeping too

Looking back at both of them sleeping made me laugh.  They are so different even when they sleep in the car.  After a busy nap the few minute cap night was very nice for both of them.  Thankful that they both travel so well and enjoy exploring different places on our trips together.

Watching the sun set as we crossed over the bridge.

One of the questions the girls asked the last time we were in Charleston….”Is Charleston made of bridges?”  There are quite of few there.  We enjoyed watching the sunsets, sunrises, and seeing the beautiful scenery from the many bridges we crossed.

Walking with Daddy near downtown Charleston

The girls loved learning about history and just walking around Charleston.  We actually wore out one pair of flipflops on this trip with all the walking and playing.  They love asking Daddy a lot of questions about the town and Jake is so good about answering them.

Sign from one of the guns / cannons near downtown Charleston

We went through the Battery Park in Charleston again and looked at all the guns and cannons.  This is a sign from one of the guns that was used to attack Fort Sumter on April 7, 1863.  The girls loved learning about the variety of different cannons and the history behind them.

The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!