• Travel & Vacation: Parks Near Charleston We Love! (part 2)

    Karlie is our water bug. She is having a blast!

    One of the girls favorite places to visit is Charleston.  We have enjoyed finding a lot of neat parks near Charleston.  Several of the parks we found while others were recommended to us by friends and people we met along the way.  It is always an adventure hanging out with the chickies at the parks.  They have a blast and love getting a chance to play, splash around, and explore!

    Playing in the water at the park

    A soaked Brina on the run and heading straight for me!

    Chatting while Brina holds back a fountain sprayer and Karlie relaxes for a few minutes on the fence

    Two little monkeys climbing on the tube slide at the park

    Brina loves spinning in these red cups! Makes me almost sick and dizzy just watching them!

  • Travel & Vacation: Parks Near Charleston We Love!

    Hanging out at Mount Pleasant. Notice the huge bridge above them, the girls always enjoy coming to Waterfront Park.


    Relaxing for a few minutes

    Silly Sisters

    If you are looking for a great spot to fish near Charleston you can go on the pier of Mt Pleasant next to Waterfront Park.  The girls always enjoy seeing pictures of the fish then walking down the pier checking out all the fish the people have caught that day.

    Swinging on the pier

  • Travel & Vacation: Hanging Out on Daniel’s Island

    One of our favorite places to visit….Daniel’s Island (near Charleston)!

    Happy Brina Bee, she loves our trips to Daniel’s Island!

    As I was going back over some of our pictures from the last several months I realized I didn’t share with you our winter trip to Daniel’s Island.  The beautiful part about going to Daniel’s Island in the winter time is the weather is awesome.  Majority of the time you don’t even need a jacket.  The only thing the girls were disappointed about our winter visit is that the pool was closed (but that was only for a split moment)!

    Karlie thrilled to be back in Daniel’s Island at the “turtle” park

    Brina and Karlie hanging out in the white boat at the park

    Oh boy……Karlie caught something and is bringing it over to show me, love the silly smile on her face as she brings the surprise!

    Some serious discussions going on about how to take care of their big turtles

    Brina and Karlie put together mini pizzas for our lunch together

    Delicious Pizza!  I snapped a picture before she wiped the pizza sauce off her face, but she’s all smiles after lunch!

    Caught Brina doing twirls around the room after eating lunch….I think she’s ready for our next adventure!

    Karlie loves spotting all the USA Flags.  She insisted that I take a picture of the one flying over the tennis stadium.

    Brina and Karlie standing in front of the “astronaut” in TGI Friday’s!

    Brina played so hard today on Daniel’s Island she crashed instantly

    Karlie is asleep with a smile on her face after a fun day

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Swimming Pool Fun on Daniel’s Island

    We got to try out a few hotel pools this summer with all our travel adventures.  The one in the pictures below we visited more then once and the girls love it.  The Hampton Inn on Daniel’s Island, SC (actually the only hotel on Daniel’s Island) was one of the girls favorites I think because we went to it several times over the summer and it was really close to everything.

    Brina and Karlie swimming in their “favorite” hotel pool!

      The pool usually had some shade any time you were in it plus it was relatively quiet during the day.

    Brina Bee swimming in the pool.

    The girls did really well in the pools and ocean this summer.  When it was just Mommy and the girls swimming I made sure the girls wore floaties or their life jackets as an extra precaution.  When Jake was with us they could go without the floaties or life jackets because each of us could spot one of the girls.  You really cannot be too safe when it comes to swimming pools.

    Karlie showing off under water

    Love this picture of Karlie and the pool.  As you can see from the picture we were literally the only ones in the pool at this time.  The girls would swims for hours.  We had a blast swimming and playing.

    Brina smiling at me under water

    Cute shot of Brina under water.  She did great swimming, splashing and playing in the pool.  I was thrilled to see her willing to take off her life jacket and floaties for a few minutes too.  She loves the water!

    Karlie ready to jump

    Karlie would wait to make sure I was looking before jumping.  She loved jumping off the side of the pool into the water.  The cannon ball was her favorite because it did a big splash.

    Brina playing in the swimming pool!

    Brina had a blast swimming and diving under the water.  She thought it was funny that she could see under water better than Mommy.

    Karlie in mid air

    Karlie’s face in this picture makes me smile.  She loved jumping, diving, cannon balling into the pool.

    Brina getting ready to jump

    Love her little tongue sticking out as she contemplates the best way to jump on her unsuspecting noodle.    Brina’s favorite way to jump into the pool was to target her noodle and jump in on it.

    Karlie holding her breath under water

    Karlie wears her goggles almost the entire time she is in the pool.  She loves being able to see “clearly” under water.  One time she even found another kids diving stick for them!  The goggles are on a little off center  in this picture but the girls did really well putting them on by themselves.

    Brina laughing at her noodle.

    Sometimes it is the simplest things in life that are so funny.  Even though we were really busy filling our days with activities it was wonderful to have play time were we could relax, play and just have a blast together.

    Karlie in mid jump.....her target is her blue noodle

    Karlie loves jumping into the pool.  I was surprised at how high she was able to get on some of her jumps.  Thankful for this time together and seeing my girls growing up.

    Pretty Brina Bee holding her breath under water in the pool

    It takes talent learning how to hold your breath under water.  I think over the last several months the girls have become water bugs.  They love swimming!

    Karlie having fun at the pool

    The girls could play all day at the pool.  After several hours of swimming and several layers of sunblock Mommy decided we better head in so Daddy wasn’t waiting on us.  The girls loved swimming in the pool and going on adventures.  Most of our activities were simple (swimming in the pool, playing in the park, etc…) yet they were enjoyable for everyone.  We made a lot of fun memories together this year.  Thankful for my camera Jake gave me for Christmas because I can take it with me in the pool, ocean, or rain and not worry about the camera being ruined.  The girls loved that I could take the camera into the pool with us!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Angel Oak Tree and other Family Adventures near Charleston, SC

    Canopy of trees on the way to the Angel Oak Tree

    The girls and I ventured out a little ways to check out the Angel Oak Tree while Jake was working in Charleston one day.  The picture above is the beautiful canopy of trees we saw on the bumpy country road that led to our amazing tree adventure that was recommended to us by my friend Janet.

    Facts about the Angel Oak Tree

    In case you cannot read the sheet above here are some of the details –  The Angel Oak Tree we visited is said to be between 300 to 400 years old, 65 feet tall, the circumference is 25.5 feet, area of shade 17,000 square feet and the largest limb is 11.25 feet in circumference and 89 feet long.  It is located on John’s Island near Charleston, SC.  Some people believe that the tree is over 1500 years old.

    Angel Oak Tree near Charleston, South Carolina

    The Angel Oak Tree is massive, it was really hard to get a picture that truly shows it’s size.  I took a few pictures from different angles but I couldn’t get the entire tree to fit in one picture.  It was simply amazing to see such a huge tree.

    Beautiful and huge Angel Oak Tree

    If you look closely you can see the supports helping hold up the limbs.  The girls and I were nearly speechless at the size of the tree.  We walked around it several times just in awe!

    Brina inspecting the large carrot we picked out at a local Farmer's Market

    We stopped at this really neat local Farmers Market store on our way back from the Angel Oak Tree adventure.  Their carrots were very BIG, the girls have never seen carrots that huge before (not sure I had either).  They must have had some great soil for carrots.  We picked out a large carrot and nibbled on it for a couple days (I didn’t think to weigh to but I am think it could have been over a pound).

    Great quote the girls and I discovered along our adventures

    The girls love traveling with Jake and I on road trips.  We are always on the look out for neat ideas or something interesting to share.  Of course one of the areas we frequently visited in our travels were a variety of restrooms.  Sometimes the girls were in dire need of a restroom by the time with found one.  The girls wanted me to read this sign in the Farmers Market restroom, we all had a good laugh at it as we reminisced together of some times just in the last few months we felt like a minute was a very long time as we waited on the other side of the door.

    Walking down one of the girls favorite piers.

    Some days the water is low and all the greenery is out of the water other days it is complete under water.  Love the little “sand” trail that you can see under the water.

    The guy fishing off the pier caught a little one!

    As we were walking down the pier we notice a guy fishing.  We asked if he had caught anything yet and he showed us his catch of the morning.  The girls thought it was such a cute little fish!  They were very excited for him.

    Daddy brought us a blue raspberry slushy.

    After a fun day at the park and pool Daddy brought his girls a blue raspberry slushy.  It was amazing!

    We had blue tongues after just a few minutes.

    The blue raspberry slushy made all of our tongues blue!  I think the girls drink more of the slushy based off their tongue color, ha!

    Cannon outside the hotel.

     The girls always hoped that our room was never in the line of fire.  Thankfully our room never faced the cannon.  The girls always loved looking at it!

    After dinner we took a little walk together and found a pond with turtles.

    I am not sure how long we watched these turtles but it was a lot of fun.  The girls were mesmerized by these cute little turtles.   According to the girl there was a whole family of turtles (we did see quite a few).

    Crashed on the pull out couch after a few minutes of chitchat about their "super fun" day

    We got back to the hotel, gave the girls baths and they spent a few minutes talking and giggling about their “super fun” day before crashing.  They were exhausted but in good spirits.  We really did pack a lot into one day!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Daniel’s Island and More

    View after going over the Cooper River Bridge on our way to Daniel's Island

    We always love the views on our way to Daniel’s Island, South Carolina.  This picture was taken shortly after going over the Cooper River Bridge.  Just one of the beautiful pieces of scenery in the Charleston area.

    Almost there.....one more mile to Daniel's Island.

    The girls always look for this sign and know we are almost to Daniel’s Island.  They know that it is Exit 24 and in between two big bridges.  It is a lot of fun traveling with the family!

    One of my favorite signs in the Charleston area.

    A sign we have seen many times this year that the girls always wanted me to read whenever we go to the Waterfront Park under the Arthur Ravenel Bridge.    I grew up in the country hearing coyotes so this smile makes me smile.  One of the girls questions the first time we read it why can we “never feed coyotes won’t they get hungry?”

    Snacks at the park

    The girls were really good about remembering to take their drink with them to the parks.  Most of the places we went had water fountain and restrooms which was really nice too.  I had made some cookies for Jake’s co-workers that week so I put in a few sugar cookies with sprinkles for the girls too.

    Stopping for a quick snack

    I was able to convince Karlie and Brina to stop for a few minutes for a quick snack and more importantly a drink (it was over 100 degrees and we had been out all morning).  They were so fascinated by all the other kids at the park.  Sometimes we would be at the park with a handful of kids and a daycare would show up to play making the the area buzzing with little ones having fun.

    Refueling with Powerade on a very hot day

    On one of our trips it was over 100 degrees and the girls (and Mommy) spent the day outside at parks.  I was worried about them getting dehydrated so we stopped by CVS and picked up a “Powerade”.  The girls thought it was great and it tasted like lemonade.

    Karlie worked up enough courage to go down the big pole.

    Although the pole probably would have been a little easier sliding down in pants I was very proud of Karlie for trying it out.  It takes a little bit of guts to reach out over that gap between the jungle gym and gap to go on the pole.  She was very excited of her accomplishment.

    Brina spinning in the red seats at the park

    I really don’t know how she could sit in those seats and just spin!  The couple times I braved it and did a couple of spins I was ready to loose my cookies.

    Brina and Karlie testing out a new ride

    One afternoon during our Charleston adventures it decided rain so the girls and I hang out for about an hour at the Outlets.  The girls thought this car was HILARIOUS and spent several minutes checking it out.

    After picking up Daddy from work Brina crashed

    We picked up Jake after a full day at the parks and playing.  A few minutes later I looked back to point out a rainbow I saw in the sky and Brina has fallen fast asleep.  Not sure how she can sleep like this (it looks very uncomfortable) but all our pillows and stuff was already at the hotel.

    Karlie was sleeping too

    Looking back at both of them sleeping made me laugh.  They are so different even when they sleep in the car.  After a busy nap the few minute cap night was very nice for both of them.  Thankful that they both travel so well and enjoy exploring different places on our trips together.

    Watching the sun set as we crossed over the bridge.

    One of the questions the girls asked the last time we were in Charleston….”Is Charleston made of bridges?”  There are quite of few there.  We enjoyed watching the sunsets, sunrises, and seeing the beautiful scenery from the many bridges we crossed.

    Walking with Daddy near downtown Charleston

    The girls loved learning about history and just walking around Charleston.  We actually wore out one pair of flipflops on this trip with all the walking and playing.  They love asking Daddy a lot of questions about the town and Jake is so good about answering them.

    Sign from one of the guns / cannons near downtown Charleston

    We went through the Battery Park in Charleston again and looked at all the guns and cannons.  This is a sign from one of the guns that was used to attack Fort Sumter on April 7, 1863.  The girls loved learning about the variety of different cannons and the history behind them.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Enjoying Charleston’s Piers

    Boats loading on the edge of the pier.

    The boats are getting loaded up at the end of the pier.

    Little crabs at the waters edge

    They would run down the sand picking up pieces to eat and then would run back up the beach when the wave came in.  It was neat to watch the wave of crabs running back and forth.  We were standing on the edge of the pier these little crabs were scurrying back and forth with the tide coming in.  The girls thought it was hilarious.

    I was moving fast enough so Brina ran back to check on me.

    Love seeing the thoughtfulness and compassion in this sweet girl.  She truly does care about others and wants everyone to have fun together.

    Karlie on the run!

    Karlie noticed that Brina and I were still coming up the pier so she decided to check out what we were up to.  When did my babies grown up?  So excited yet sad to see how much they have changed even over the past year.

    Standing at the edge of the pier looking at the bridge that leads to Daniel's Island.

    The girls thought it was a little scary at the end of the pier, but thought it was super cool looking at the bridge.

    Karlie and Brina running down the pier

    The girls had a race down the pier.  They were running and giggling the whole way.  It’s amazing how educational and entertaining time at the pier can be for the kids!

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!