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Life’s Little Hiccups: Mint Chocolate S’mores Brownies

My Mint Chocolate Smores Brownies….burnt to a crispy black color!

Life doesn’t always go exactly as we plan.  Even though I try to make sure the schedule allows for plenty of time with my family, friends, church, work, household duties, and the many other activities in life that doesn’t mean everything will go smoothly.  The reason I call it Life’s Little Hiccups is because after the “stress” of the moment I can look back at the event and usually laugh.  Yes, it was frustrating to ruin something or that life didn’t go as planned but in light of all the other problems in life this is pretty small.  I have discovered that some of these crazy times make the BEST memories for the family.  How I react and recover from Life’s Little Hiccups speaks volumes into the hearts of my children.  Getting mad or frustrated will not solve the problem and often times there is a creative or easy solution if I just relax, think, and try again.

It was a Sunday and I had been up since 4 am to take Jake to the airport for a work conference.  The girls and I went to the early service at church then came home and did some activities around the house, ate lunch, and worked on cleaning the garage (as a surprise for Daddy).  I think we had a little bit more fun cleaning the garage than is normal for most people because we had a blast cleaning, talking, laughing, giggling, and telling stories.  Before I knew it the afternoon had flown by and it was time for us to get ready for Community Group and Awana.

I was in charge of making the desert for Community Group so the girls and I decided to make Mint Chocolate Smore’s Brownies to share (Jake is not a big “mint” person so it was something special that just us girls enjoy).  I put together the brownies, popped them into the oven, and began working with the girls on their verses for Awana.  After wrapping up several sections in their books I decided I should probably get ready.  As I was brushing my teeth Brina comes into the bedroom and says “Mom, it smells good in the kitchen but it looks a little cloudy.”  Oh no!  The BROWNIES!  Well as you can see from the picture above they didn’t turn out as I had hoped.  On the way to Community Group after dropping off the girls at Awana I ran by the grocery store and picked up a cake to share.

When we got home from the events that evening as we were getting out of the van and Brina says “Mom, it smells good… when we burn marshmallows around the fire.”  Even with several windows open the smell had made it to the garage.  The good news though is burnt marshmallows really do have a great smell to them!  One of the many lessons I learned with this “little hiccup” was that stuff will happen (despite my best efforts), it’s not ideal but my reaction and how I handle the situation sets an example for my girls.  After everything we did together that day do you know what their FAVORITE story to tell everyone was?  Yes, the story about how we burnt the Mint Chocolate Smore’s Brownies.

After removing the layer of burnt marshmallows off the top we were able to eat most of the middle pieces of the brownies (see picture below).  The girls took the brownies to school and told their friends about the brownie adventure they had with Mom over the weekend.  Now we laugh about how silly the whole situation was and that we all managed to not hear the timer go off.  I am thankful that we can look at the hiccups and count our blessings for the teachable moments that became funny memories we can share together.

The Mint Chocolate Smore’s Brownies after the burnt marshmallows were removed.  The marshmallows made almost a glaze over the brownies and somehow were partially salvageable.  The girls thought it was hilarious taking a piece to school in their lunch.