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Summer Activities: Picnics on the Porch

Brina and Karlie are having a "picnic" on the front porch. Skipper, the girls faithful outdoor friend, is nearby in case they drop any crumbs!

A new favorite spot for the girls to eat their snacks, lunch, and goodies is on the front porch. A couple years ago my parents got me a glider for the front porch and it has been a huge hit with the entire family. The girls like to sit on the glider and eat because Skipper is not trying to snatch their food but they can still eat outside. Their drinks are usually on the table next to the glider whenever they are playing outside to help remind them to stay hydrated.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Skipper gets her fair share of extra food from the girls.  On the hot days when the girls spend a lot of time outside all three of them (the kids and dog) crash by the evening.  One time after a full day of playing with the girls we watched Skipper walk up to the front door mat (where she enjoys napping) and literally flop over in exhaustion.  She’s enjoying all the attention but it wears her out too.

Does your family have a favorite spot to eat picnics at home?