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Travel & Vacation: Exploring the Fernbank Museum of Natural History (Atlanta, GA)


 We’re having fun at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History!

We had a blast working our way through the various sections at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History.  They had one section that was very interactive, a lot of science, experiments, brain teasers, heritage, and more.  We ended our visit at what I call the “fun zone”.  It was like a giant indoor jungle gym with lots of things to do, see, and learn about.  They did are really great job with this museum.  Our kids really enjoyed it.  We made it through the entire museum, we were there when they opened and left as they were closing.  It was a full day of fun and learning.


 Brina making a huge bubble


 Jake made an hour glass shape bubble, neat!


Whoa Dad!  That’s so cool!  They loved this bubble activity!


 Karlie giving it a whirl!


 Brina stretching it out a long ways.


 Opps that one popped before she got too far


 Wow, Karlie!


 Awesome bubble Brina!


 Brina flipped the bubble ring over her head and she was standing inside the giant bubble


 Karlie had to try being inside a bubble.  Pretty neat.


 Karlie having fun with the bubbles


 Brina and Daddy trying out the next activity


 Jake helping Brina do this one!


 This one was pretty cool because I could stand on the other side and watch her do the whole activity.  Karlie trying to figure it out.


 Karlie doing the activity while Brina watches.


 Brina doing the “Mirrorly A Window” activity


 Karlie sitting across the room chatting with Brina – super cool!


 Brina talking with Karlie from across the room.  Even though it was noisy with others doing various activities and they were across the room from each other they could hear perfectly fine speaking in their normal voices because the acoustics were set up to carry the sound perfectly.


 Weather station.  Brina watching the tornado


 Brina and Karlie checking things out


 Brina wanted me to go up with her into the huge tree house so she could show me some of the neat stuff they had.   It was really nice play area for the kids.


 Brina jumping onto the swinging bridge just as I was about to cross….crazy girl! She makes me laugh.  At least her dramatic jump give me a little bit of a warning.


 Brina found this book in the tree house library, she thought it was so hilarious she had to show it to me.


 As I was talking with Karlie and looking around for a few minutes I went to find Brina.  This is where I found her back at the library reading another book.  It makes my heart happy when I see my kids reading voluntarily.  Love catching Brina enjoying  a good book on her own.


 Karlie and Brina exploring the ocean section of the play area.


 Baby turtle coming over to say “Hi”


 Karlie on the look out


 Brina and Karlie had a great time at the museum.  The time went by quickly, but we squeezed a lot of fun into the day together.


Karlie thought it was so cool she could sit in a dug-out canoe like the Native Americans used to do so many years ago.

The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!