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Travel & Vacation: Visiting Family in Vermont

Family in Vermont

Spending time with family in Vermont!

We had the opportunity to visit family in Vermont this summer!  Jake’s Grandpa Wesley or “PopPop” as the girls call him turned 90 and we were able to celebrate his birthday while we were there.  It was nice seeing Jake’s Mom, grandparents, and his sister’s family while we were in Vermont.

Family in Vermont

PopPop with the three girls at the picnic table!


Sunning themselves on the rock after going for a swim in the pool!


Brina loved Grandma Kay’s chickens!  She thinks we should get some too now, ha!  Midge was very accommodating and allowed the kids to carry her around.

Family in Vermont

We made a lean to fort now they are weaving some items.  Always something with this crew.


Celebrating PopPop’s 90th Birthday!


Nana opening up her singing card!


The three girls hanging out with PopPop and Nana!


Grandma Kay with three of her granddaughters on July 4th!


Happy July 4th from Vermont!

Family in VermontRunning around by the river!


July 4th was a little bit of a raining day, but we still had a lot of fun and managed to squeeze in some time playing down at the river.

Family in VermontThe three girls putting on a play.


These chickens let the girls hold them, which made it even more enjoyable of the kids!


Playing the Jelly Belly Bean Boozled Game!  Wonder if Noelle got a good flavor…..nope!


Irish enjoying her ham bone!


We tried the Vermont Maple Soda for the first time this summer!  The four of us split a bottle.  It was cold and good.  A little sweeter than I expected, but delicious!


Splashing around in the cool river on a sunny day!


The girls had fun hanging out with cousins at the river!


PopPop and Nana relaxing in their chairs!


A full table!


It was great spending some time with family in Vermont.