• Counting My Blessings: Week In Review

    It was a great week with my family.  We had some good fun together while accomplishing a lot of little, but much needed tasks around the house and yard.  The girls have been enjoying their summer adventures too!  Love hearing about their days and what they have been learning at camp and the adventures they are enjoying.   Thankful for an opportunity to have an extra day with my family over the July 4th Holiday.

    I want to be accountable to you so the following are snip-its of some of the things I am thankful for this past week.

    Counting My Blessings – Week In Review:

    Monday –Thankful for a great July 4th Holiday to celebrate our country, time with my family, and a chance to have an extra day at home to get some items done!

    Tuesday – Thankful that Jake took the girls into summer camp so I could get into work earlier.  Also, grateful that I was able to get off work at lunch to pick up the girls and spend the afternoon with them.  We had a lot of fun hanging out together.

    Wednesday – Thankful for Jake and the girls help getting some items done around the house.

    Thursday – Thankful for an opportunity to spend extra time with extended family.  It wasn’t on the schedule until last night, but my Grandma Willa was in town visiting so we had an impromptu dinner with Grandma, my brother & his family, Aunt Pat, and my cousins and their families.  We had a great meal, the kids played well, and a good time of catching up.  Grateful for an opportunity to see family.

    Friday – Thankful for the girls summer camp and the adventures that they have been able to enjoy this summer.  They met a lot of neat people this week and was able to get in a lot of biking time (also the importance of staying hydrated on hot summer days in South Carolina).  Both girls were grateful for the camel backs this week.

    Saturday – Thankful for some time to catch up on projects around the house and yard.  Grateful for Jake and all he does for our family.

    Sunday – Thankful for the freedom to worship and fellowship with other believers.

    What are you thankful for today?  I encourage you to take the time to write down a few blessings that you have in your life today.  It will help cheer you up and turn your focus on the amazing blessings you encounter each day.

  • Flashback Friday: Happy July 4th

    Flashback Friday - Brina and Karliec

     Happy Independence Day from Brina and Karlie!!!

    Today we are flashing back to July 4, 2005.  It was the girls first July 4th Independence Day celebration!  My Aunt gave the girls these adorable dresses to wear for the celebration.

    We spent the first part of the day as usual.  Getting everybody up, fed, changed, and some play time.  That evening we went over to a friends house to play games and celebrate.  They were good sports and happy babies the whole evening.

    Girls in the Holiday Spiritc

     Brina, Riley, and Karlie all coordinated for the July 4th Holiday!

    Brina and Karliec

    So many reasons to celebrate this July 4th!

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Family in Vermont

    Family in Vermont

    Spending time with family in Vermont!

    We had the opportunity to visit family in Vermont this summer!  Jake’s Grandpa Wesley or “PopPop” as the girls call him turned 90 and we were able to celebrate his birthday while we were there.  It was nice seeing Jake’s Mom, grandparents, and his sister’s family while we were in Vermont.

    Family in Vermont

    PopPop with the three girls at the picnic table!


    Sunning themselves on the rock after going for a swim in the pool!


    Brina loved Grandma Kay’s chickens!  She thinks we should get some too now, ha!  Midge was very accommodating and allowed the kids to carry her around.

    Family in Vermont

    We made a lean to fort now they are weaving some items.  Always something with this crew.


    Celebrating PopPop’s 90th Birthday!


    Nana opening up her singing card!


    The three girls hanging out with PopPop and Nana!


    Grandma Kay with three of her granddaughters on July 4th!


    Happy July 4th from Vermont!

    Family in VermontRunning around by the river!


    July 4th was a little bit of a raining day, but we still had a lot of fun and managed to squeeze in some time playing down at the river.

    Family in VermontThe three girls putting on a play.


    These chickens let the girls hold them, which made it even more enjoyable of the kids!


    Playing the Jelly Belly Bean Boozled Game!  Wonder if Noelle got a good flavor…..nope!


    Irish enjoying her ham bone!


    We tried the Vermont Maple Soda for the first time this summer!  The four of us split a bottle.  It was cold and good.  A little sweeter than I expected, but delicious!


    Splashing around in the cool river on a sunny day!


    The girls had fun hanging out with cousins at the river!


    PopPop and Nana relaxing in their chairs!


    A full table!


    It was great spending some time with family in Vermont.