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Launching Rockets at Legacy Park


Setting up the rocket!  3….2….1…. Blast Off!

We met Jake at Legacy Park over his lunch hour to shoot off rockets.  The girls had a blast setting up, shooting it off, and chasing it down.  We shot off the rocket several times, on the last shooting it got stuck in the tree!   We had a grand time even though the rocket didn’t make it back home again!


She found it!


Karlie turning to look at the cheering squad. There was a daycare at the park while we were shooting off the rocket!  A whole group of kids were sitting on the steps cheering every time we shot off the rocket.   I think the had as much fun as we did.  Jake is trying to untangle the parachute so we can do the next round.


 The girls are helping Daddy set it up for another round.


Ready for blast off!


 Putting the rocket and parachute back together for another launch!


 Setting it back up!


 Karlie on the run for it!  If you look closely in the upper right corner of the picture (in the blue sky) you can see the parachute and rocket coming down.


 Brina helping prep for one more launch.


Brina ready to push the button for launch!


Ready for take off….just need to push the button!


Opps!  The rocket got caught in the tree!  You can see the yellow in the upper middle of the picture.    The little “Fat Jak” rocket provided entertainment for quite awhile!  Thanks Daddy for meeting us at the park on your lunch break!