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Pottery Creations at Hearts of Clay


Karlie and Brina having fun at Hearts of Clay

For the girls birthday they received a Hearts of Clay gift certificate so we did a “Girls Night Out” this summer.  We had a blast figuring out what they wanted to create, making the moldings, painting, chitchat, and having fun together.    It was neat watching them come up with and create their treasures.  One of the best parts was when the store worker told them that at the end of the session they can dump any of their remaining paint from their pallets onto the floor, they girls thought that was awesome!  They asked the worker several times to make sure she wasn’t just kidding….how often do kids get permission to spill paint onto the floor.


They both made plates – Brina made the flower one and Karlie the square one


 Karlie made a miniature goat and named it Oreo!


Painting their pottery creations!


 Brina having a grand time!


 All smiles!


 Karlie’s rocket, planet, and space plate!


Brina’s flower plate


With the extra clay leftover from their plates they made a black lab, Oreo the goat, a heart, cat, giraffe, and an egg!


At the end of their session they let the girls dump their remaining paint onto the carpeted floor!  They thought that was awesome!!!  Karlie’s ready to dump hers now!


Karlie emptying her pallet of paint onto the floor!


Brina putting her paint onto the floor!  So exciting!


Need to get all the paint onto the floor…..can’t forget to clean the brush off onto the floor too!

It was a great evening out at Hearts of Clay!  Thankful for a nice evening with the girls.