• You Make Everything Better

    It’s the simple and thoughtful gestures that can make the biggest impact in our lives. The other day I opened up my lunch bag and found this sweet note from my handsome man. It was a special surprise and made me smile.

    Sometimes it is the little acts of kindness that make you feel the most loved and appreciated. Life is crazy busy but taking a few minutes to show someone you care can make a huge difference in their days.

    I am very blessed and sometimes I forget how truly lucky I am. Thankful for this little note because it was a great reminder that I am loved and do matter to someone.

    If you are looking for ways to show your spouse or someone you love that you care, I would encourage you to take a few minutes to leave a surprise note in their lunch bag or on their mirror or in their car. It’s a simple yet effective way to brighten up their day and let them know that they are special to you.

    Everyone wants to be noticed, loved, and valued. These little expressions of love really do matter!

  • Tuna & Spinach Salad Made with Love

    A few days ago Karlie was in charge of making the family meal.  She made a super delicious meal.  For my meal she put together a Tuna, Spinach & Tomato Salad.  When I sat down for dinner this beauty greeted me.

    I love how she displayed the tomatoes around the edges of the salad and the 1 spinach leaf on the top of the tuna fish salad mix she put together on her own.  It was amazing!  Thankful for a thoughtful and sweet kid who made a delicious and healthy meal.

    She made tuna fish sandwiches for the rest of the family, which based on their reactions turned out really tasty as well.  Thanks Karlie for a great meal!  Love you kiddos!

  • Organized Chaos: Keeping Track of Water Bottles

    Organized Chaos - Water Bottles - P1410648c

    Labeled Water Bottles

    Since we have two kids the same age and gender they have several items that are identical.  A common identical item that both kids have are their water bottles.  Like the blue water bottles with the owls on the outside pictured above.  A few months ago we had some issues with everybody using whatever water bottle they wanted (even if it was their sister’s), however, during the course of the school day their sister’s water bottle would get dropped, dented, scratched, broken, or misplaced. The next time that sister wanted to use her water bottle it was gone or had additional marks on it.

    I know it seems crazy, but there have been some serious discussions between the two kids in our house over damaged or lost special water bottles.  I am pretty sure no other household has these types of discussions in their home, but there were a few times I had to intervene in these conversations.  Although, items will get dropped or damaged the more they are used I had to find a solution so that these discussions would not be happening on a regular basis in our house. Prior to this year neither child cared which water bottle they took, but the older they get the more they want their items to look good and last longer.  I am happy they they want to take good care of their items we just had to find a method to track which water bottle belonged to who.

    My initial solution to the problem super easy, took only a couple seconds, and was very inexpensive.  I wrote their names on the special water bottles with a permanent black sharpie.  The names were written on the bottoms and / or sides of the water bottles so that each kid could easily see if it was theirs before taking it out of the drawer.  It was amazing how quickly the issue was resolved, however, after a several washings the permanent marker would wear off making it harder to tell whose water bottle it was again. Now I use several different methods to identify or keep track of the special water bottles:

    • Write the Names on the Water Bottles with Black Permanent Marker (easy and inexpensive, but washes off over time)
    • Use a washable Label with their Individual Names Printer on it – My personal favorite are the thin Lovable Labels ones because they stay on through MANY washes (anywhere from a few months to years as long as your kids don’t try peeling them off)
    • Purchase water bottles with their Names printed or engraved on them (usually more expensive, but works really well). My favorite place to get printed or engraved names on water bottles is Oriental Trading.

    There are several generic water bottles that anybody can use at any time in the drawer, however, the special ones have each child’s name on them.  The special water bottles usually have the child’s name written in permanent sharpie on the bottom and a label (or name printed / engraved) on the side of the water bottle.  Occasionally someone accidentally picks up the wrong water bottle, but for the most part everyone uses their own or a generic one.

    Now if they lose or damage their water bottle then they are the only ones inconvenienced by their actions.  One of our kids tends to be a little rougher on water bottles (clipping or tying them to her book bag which is bumped against everything in its path, dropping, or just forgetting it).  She has gotten a lot better as she is getting older, but I have to smile when she brings home just the water bottle top because I know that means the water bottle itself did not survive it’s nose dive to the concrete floor at school.

  • Free Ebooks: Money Lifehacks, Dinosaurs, The Loud Bird Forest, 12 Australian Mammals, Gluten Free Cookbook Box Set, Yoga for Weight Loss, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Money Lifehacks: A 60-Minute Beginner’s Guide to Rethinking Your Personal Finances by Gabriel Aviles

    Download a free copy of Dinosaurs – Amazing Pictures & Fun Facts on Animals in Nature by Kay de Silva

    Download a free copy of 100 Bundt and Tube Pan Cake Recipes by Tera L. Davis

    Download a free copy of The Loud Bird Forest (Jack and his friends at Jungle Gym Heights) by P.C. Adams

    Download a free copy of YOGA for Weight Loss and Overall Fitness by Radha Yadav

    Download a free copy of 12 Australian Mammals with Native Wildlife Pictures  by Leanne Annett

    Download a free copy of Gluten Free Cookbook Box Set: Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Bread Recipes by Charity Wilson

  • Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals


    It  has been a busy few weeks and I think we are starting to get into the school groove now.  Per a few requests I am going to try to update more regularly again regarding what items I pack for the kids school lunches.  We try to pack a variety of items for the girls to eat.  They have a snack in the morning, lunch, and an afternoon snack that needs to go into their lunches.  Almost everyday of the week we have something right after school so we make sure they have enough to get them to dinner.

    Lunch Box Meal

    • Peanut Butter & Jelly Tortilla & One is actually a Soy Butter & Jelly Tortilla (peanut allergy)
    • Fresh Cherry Tomatoes
    • Raisins
    • Pistachios, Cashews, and Almond Mix
    • Oreo Cookies
    • Fresh Red and Green Grapes
    • Vanilla with Oreo Cookie Topping Yogurt & One with Soy Blueberry Yogurt (dairy allergy)
    • ABC or Animal Crackers (one with non-dairy)
    • Strawberry Fruit Nuggets
    • Chocolate Milk & One with Simply Orange Juice
    • Water Bottle

    The girls pack their lunches at least once or twice a week.  Since they have so much going on at school plus homework I try to pack their lunches for them on the other nights.  It gives me a chance to help them out and after homework if they have any extra free time I want them to be able to relax, read, play, or do something fun (be a kid).  I am thankful they are still excited about bringing their lunch to school because I know they are eating a variety of food.


    The items in their containers (grapes, oreos, nuts, raisins, tomatoes).


    Karlie’s lunch is ready to go!

  • Launching Rockets at Legacy Park


    Setting up the rocket!  3….2….1…. Blast Off!

    We met Jake at Legacy Park over his lunch hour to shoot off rockets.  The girls had a blast setting up, shooting it off, and chasing it down.  We shot off the rocket several times, on the last shooting it got stuck in the tree!   We had a grand time even though the rocket didn’t make it back home again!


    She found it!


    Karlie turning to look at the cheering squad. There was a daycare at the park while we were shooting off the rocket!  A whole group of kids were sitting on the steps cheering every time we shot off the rocket.   I think the had as much fun as we did.  Jake is trying to untangle the parachute so we can do the next round.


     The girls are helping Daddy set it up for another round.


    Ready for blast off!


     Putting the rocket and parachute back together for another launch!


     Setting it back up!


     Karlie on the run for it!  If you look closely in the upper right corner of the picture (in the blue sky) you can see the parachute and rocket coming down.


     Brina helping prep for one more launch.


    Brina ready to push the button for launch!


    Ready for take off….just need to push the button!


    Opps!  The rocket got caught in the tree!  You can see the yellow in the upper middle of the picture.    The little “Fat Jak” rocket provided entertainment for quite awhile!  Thanks Daddy for meeting us at the park on your lunch break!


  • Love It – Splade

    Love It - Splade

    Jake surprised me a couple months ago with a cool and practical gift!  Love those types of gifts!  A splayd!!!  Before getting my gift I didn’t know what a splayd was and my first thought was that it was a spork (which is similar, but not the same).

    My husband had been noticing how our silverware drawers would be empty before the dishwasher needed to be run so he came up with this great utensil that would cut back on the silverware we would need to use for each meal.  Since is a combination utensil we shouldn’t need to get out both a fork and spoon for each meal.

    “Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!

  • Lunch Box Notes

    Brina and Karlie lunch containers with a note

    Every once in awhile I write to a note and stick it in the girls school lunch boxes.  They always like finding their notes and over the months I notice they keep a stash of notes inside one of the pockets of their lunch boxes.  The fun part is coming up with something different to do for each note.  For this note I wrote their names in bold marker colors and attached them with Disney princess tape to the outside of their lunch containers.

    Brina’s Note

    Most time the notes are the same or similar with only slight variants.  The notes for this particular day both read: “Have a great day at school! Learn a lot and have fun!  I look forward to seeing you soon!  Love, Mom XOXO”

    Karlie’s Note

    What are some creative ways you leave notes for your kids or spouse to brighten up their day?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

    It was great having some extra time this past weekend with the family over Memorial Day.  Only a couple more weeks of packing school lunches and then we’ll be into Summer Break!  I am really excited about having the girls home for the summer and we have a lot of super fun activities planned.

    Lunch Box Meal

    • Ham Sandwiches
    • Fresh Carrots
    • Pickles
    • Animal Crackers or Granola Bar
    • Chips
    • Fresh Apple
    • Vanilla Yogurt
    • Juice Bag

    The girls are getting really good at packing their lunches, but I know they will enjoy having a little break once summer hits.  Thankful they are still excited about bringing their lunch to school.  Every once in a while we’ll have them eat at school as a special treat and even then sometimes they prefer to take their own lunch.

  • Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

    The girls always love taking school lunches.  It is hard to believe that before long the girls will be done with school and summer break will be started.  We are looking forward to a lot of fun activities over the summer together.

    Lunch Box Meal

    • PB&J Sandwich for Karlie & Soy & Jelly Sandwich for Brina
    • Homemade Cinnamon Applesauce
    • Yellow Pear Tomatoes
    • Apple Slices
    • Strawberry Yogurt
    • Chips
    • Water Bottle

    Thankful the girls enjoy taking lunch to school.  It is nice knowing exactly what the girls are eating for lunch.  Over the next few weeks we’ll have a few field trips and other activities over lunch so not too many more days and they’ll have a break from packing their lunch boxes everyday.  We’ll have to make sure to go on a few picnics this Summer to keep up the  fun.