
Dream It, Believe It, Do It

Book and Quill Pen Yes, it is true we are nearly halfway through the first month of 2010.  Have you taken the time to evaluate the things that drive you personally and professionally?  What are you passionate about?  It is amazing to think we are already off to another great start and yet some have not taken the time to think about what you want to accomplish this week, month, year, and in your lifetime.  Although it is difficult to sit down and write out your goals it is important take  time to do it.  Great quote……

“It’s a dream until you write it down…then it’s a goal.”  – Anonymous

  • Brainstorm and Get Your Ideas Out – every day for the next several days take time to write out your thoughts, goals, hopes, and wishes both personally and professionally.  Write about what you want for yourself, your family, friends, business, and career.  It doesn’t have to be written neatly or in complete sentences the purpose is to get it out of your head and onto paper.
  • Write them down – take the information from your brainstorming sessions and write down specific goals that you want to accomplish in 2010 and beyond.  Do this for the areas in your life that are important to you – personally, physically, spiritually, family, friends, professionally, and any other areas that you want to improve.
  • Make them Measurable – you need to be able to gauge your advancement towards the goals.  Found time regularly to review how you are doing.  Believe in yourself and that you can accomplish your dreams.  If you are starting to get behind on a goal step it up a few notches and make sure to find ways to stay positive.  Keep moving forward, you can do it.
  • Challenging and Accomplishable – if you can reach all your goals by the end of the first quarter they are not challenging enough.  Or if it is impossible to reach them within the time period you set than you need to review the goals.  You want constantly to stretch yourself to reach new levels of success.
  • Recharge – share your goals with your accountability partners and meet with them regularly.  It is wise to have people in your life that will be honest with you.  They will help encourage you to continue reaching for those areas where you are wanting to grow.

Wishing you a truly wonderful 2010 year full of happiness, success, great memories, and joy.  Continue to evaluate your goals and push forward.  Be positive and celebrate your successes!  What are some of your goals for 2010 and beyond?