• Spread the Entrepreneurial Spirit

    team Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  Have you considered starting a business?  Do you own a small business?  I love spotting the entrepreneurial spirit in people.  They are excited about their business and their passion shines through in their lives.

    Growing up in a family business instilled the passion for entrepreneurship in me at an early age.  I felt compelled to start my first business in junior high school with my siblings doing custom hay and harvesting work for local farmers.  Again in college I started a residential cleaning company to help pay for college.  I am excited to have the opportunity to interact with some of the most amazing entrepreneurs through my current business InSource Executives and Enterprise Launch.  I want to encourage those who are entrepreneurs, small business owners, or new startups because you can accomplish anything you want.

    Signs you are a contagious entrepreneur:

    • Share your Excitement – as an entrepreneur you are passionate about the products and services you have to offer.  When someone sees your excitement they will want to know more.  Many entrepreneurs are passionate about what they do and it shows!
    • Help Others – when you have the opportunity to pitch in and help someone do it.  Whether it is in your personal or professional life you need to be a part of their journeys as well.  Be giving of your time and energy when you can.  Everyone needs to be treated with respect and we all have times when help from a friend is the perfect pick-me-up.  Bring a meal to a new Mom, help a friend move, spend time to help a client complete a project, babysit so your friends can have a night out, share contact information that will be beneficial to someone else, etc…
    • Spread the Positive – what comes around goes around.  I truly believe that sharing the positive will stimulate a positive chain of reactions.  Always remember to spread good cheer to those around you.  Life is full of hurdles so try to look at the bright side of every situation.  Positive attitudes are contagious and much more encouraging to be around.

    The entrepreneurs that I have the opportunity to meet are incredible!  Seeing their entrepreneurial spirit shine through is encouraging.  I am thrilled to be a part of the business community and look forward to meeting the more great people this week.  Are you a contagious entrepreneur?  What are ways you spread the entrepreneurial spirit?

  • Dream It, Believe It, Do It

    Book and Quill Pen Yes, it is true we are nearly halfway through the first month of 2010.  Have you taken the time to evaluate the things that drive you personally and professionally?  What are you passionate about?  It is amazing to think we are already off to another great start and yet some have not taken the time to think about what you want to accomplish this week, month, year, and in your lifetime.  Although it is difficult to sit down and write out your goals it is important take  time to do it.  Great quote……

    “It’s a dream until you write it down…then it’s a goal.”  – Anonymous

    • Brainstorm and Get Your Ideas Out – every day for the next several days take time to write out your thoughts, goals, hopes, and wishes both personally and professionally.  Write about what you want for yourself, your family, friends, business, and career.  It doesn’t have to be written neatly or in complete sentences the purpose is to get it out of your head and onto paper.
    • Write them down – take the information from your brainstorming sessions and write down specific goals that you want to accomplish in 2010 and beyond.  Do this for the areas in your life that are important to you – personally, physically, spiritually, family, friends, professionally, and any other areas that you want to improve.
    • Make them Measurable – you need to be able to gauge your advancement towards the goals.  Found time regularly to review how you are doing.  Believe in yourself and that you can accomplish your dreams.  If you are starting to get behind on a goal step it up a few notches and make sure to find ways to stay positive.  Keep moving forward, you can do it.
    • Challenging and Accomplishable – if you can reach all your goals by the end of the first quarter they are not challenging enough.  Or if it is impossible to reach them within the time period you set than you need to review the goals.  You want constantly to stretch yourself to reach new levels of success.
    • Recharge – share your goals with your accountability partners and meet with them regularly.  It is wise to have people in your life that will be honest with you.  They will help encourage you to continue reaching for those areas where you are wanting to grow.

    Wishing you a truly wonderful 2010 year full of happiness, success, great memories, and joy.  Continue to evaluate your goals and push forward.  Be positive and celebrate your successes!  What are some of your goals for 2010 and beyond?

  • Celebrating the Successes!

    Celebrating the SuccessAs we reflect back on 2009 let’s celebrate our accomplishments.  It has been a year full of surprises, challenges, and blessings for ourselves as well as the many people in our lives.  There have been goals that exceeded our expectations while others proved to be great character building opportunities.  Take a moment to objectively review your goals whether you have them written down or not.  It is a wonderful a time to remember both the personal and professional opportunities that have taken place over the past few months.  Here are a few areas to review:

    • Relationships – certain relationships may have blossomed into something even more precious while others have gone in less desirable directions.  Have you been taking time to nurture and grow your relationships over the past year?  We are blessed with wonderful family members, friends, and professionals that need our time and attention.
    • Health – we can be thankful for each day that we have an opportunity to enjoy.  We may be in perfect health or possibly we have overcome some health challenges personally or gone through it with a friend or family, whatever our case may be, we are blessed with another day to make an impact on the lives of those around us.
    • Finances – it has been a great year for some while very difficult year for others.  The neat part is many people have taken the time to learn how to budget, cut back on the extras, and show their family ways to give to those who are going through a tough season.   It is a wonderful time of year to be thankful for what you have and to help others.
    • Knowledge – everyday is filled with new opportunities to learn and gain experience.  Many exciting activities have taken place in the lives of those around us – new businesses have been started, Social Media has been a whirlwind of new experiences, couples were married, children were born, schooling completed, and many other great accomplishments were made.  Think about the new experiences in your life and how you are a better person because of the knowledge you have gained this year.

    Whether it has been a wildly successful or challenging year for you we all have accomplishments that we can be thankful for in our lives.   And for those goals that you haven’t quite met yet you still have a couple more weeks.  Give it all you got!