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Travel & Vacation: Fun in Charleston

On our family road trip to Charleston we got to discover neat places.  Thanks to a friend, who gave us some information in advance, we had a blast exploring new kid playgrounds during our time away.   It was a fun filled inexpensive mini vacation together.

Karlie climbing.

The girls and I spent one morning at the Mt. Pleasant Palmetto Islands County Park.  They loved it!

Brina on the tire swing.

Brina loves spinning on this swing!

Karlie enjoying her time at the playground.

It took a lot of work to climb up the jungle gym and go down this slide, Karlie is quite pleased with her accomplishment!

Brina loves this slide.

Brina happy to finally go down the slide, several kids fell trying to get up the jungle gym to go down this slide.

Giggling as they look down on Mommy!

Brina and Karlie loved being up high and thought it was hilarious how “tiny” Mommy was on the ground.

Brina determined to get find the diving stick.

The girls swam for hours in the hotel pool.  They had fun splashing, playing, relaxing and meeting new friends.

Karlie loved splashing around in the pool.

We spent almost five hours in the pool that afternoon.  The nice part about where the pool was located is that part of it was in the shade throughout the day so you didn’t have to be out in the intense heat all day swimming.

Daddy, Karlie and Brina ready for dinner at Red's

We ate at a local seafood restaurant one night.  The girls favorite part was that the kids meals were served on a frisbee so they were able to take it home with them, they thought it was so funny.

Crossing the Arthur Ravenel Bridge just after sun down to go into downtown Charleston.

We gave the girls the option after dinner to go back to the hotel and swim or go to downtown Charleston and drive around.  Much to our surprise they wanted to go explore downtown Charleston.  They always enjoyed going over this bridge!

The girls wanted to know all the history behind the cannons.

Daddy patiently answered many questions on the history behind Charleston and the surrounding area during our walk through the park and downtown.

The most bizarre thing we saw in Charleston.

As we were walking through the part we saw a visible path of white feathers about 3 to 5 feet across from one tree to the next tree (about 30 to 40 feet away).  The feathers had obviously been placed there for a reason, we believe there is some historical resemblance but not sure.  Can anyone who has more knowledge on the history of Charleston give us an explanation?  It was odd seeing a path of feathers between two huge trees and several cars as they were driving by honked as they passed that part of the park.

See the white line between the two trees? It is a wide path of white feathers.

I am still a little perplexed by this one…..

Our family thoroughly enjoy Charleston the food, adventures, and time together was refreshing.  I am thrilled the girls had fun exploring the town.  I have a little bit more about our Charleston adventures coming up soon so stay tuned!

“A Vacation To Remember” series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!