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Gift Giving: 12 Days of Christmas

It’s that time of year again…..excitement is building and the countdown to the final days of Christmas draws nearer.  This year we decided to spread the Holiday Cheer out at our house this year by doing the 12 Days of Christmas again.  I did this last year and  the year before; both years it was a huge hit!

Christmas morning can be so busy and this allows an opportunity to spread the fun over 12 days instead of packing everything into one day.  Starting December 13th the girls will be able to open one a day with the last one being opened on Christmas Eve.  The cost in the previous years was less than $20 total, including boxes and wrapping paper, however, we decided to add their “big” gift to this stack.  Most of the gifts were bought on clearance over the past year and their big gift really wasn’t that much because we got a great deal on it.  We did a joint stack for both of our girls, although you can choose to do a stack for each person.

12 Days of Christmas

  • Day 1:  Reindeer Christmas Socks (purchase last year after Christmas on clearance with rewards)
  • Day 2:  White Christmas Teddy Bear Shaped Soap (purchased last year after Christmas on clearance and with rewards)
  • Day 3:  “B” and “K” Candy Cane Striped Christmas Ornament for each girl (purchased last year after Christmas on clearance with rewards)
  • Day 4:  Christmas Stocking Sticker Craft (purchased on clearance with rewards)
  • Day 5:  Two Colgate Kids Christmas Toothpastes  (purchased on clearance with rewards)
  • Day 6:  Two Christmas Games – Pin the Star on the Tree & Christmas Checkers (purchased on clearance with rewards)
  • Day 7:  Christmas Bear Pez Dispensers and Pez Candy Packs (purchased with rewards on clearance)
  • Day 8:  Disney Cars Christmas Spiral Notebooks (purchased on clearance with rewards)
  • Day 9:  Gingerbread House Kit (purchased on clearance)
  • Day 10:  Princess and Frosty Hot Chocolate Tins Sets (found on clearance at Kmart and used gift card)
  • Day 11:  New Winter PJ’s for each to wear (picked up on sale)
  • Day 12: New Digital Camera’s (purchased when it was on sale with Swagbucks gift cards)

Their cameras are their “big” items for Christmas this year.  Jake and I decided to give them to the girls for the last day of their 12 Days of Christmas so they would have the cameras to use on Christmas Day.  The girls are taking more and more pictures these days.  The inexpensive, non-English digital cameras that we bought for them several years ago have held up remarkably well.  Whenever their cameras are not working over the past several months they were asking to borrow mine to use so we decided to do a little research, save up (including earning Swagbucks) and get them a little better quality cameras this year since they both are showing a big interest in photography and creative writing.  The cameras made my typical $20 or less 12 Days of Christmas gifts a little higher this year but since it included their big gift for the Holidays I am okay with that because they will be so excited to start using them.  This time around we got the same camera, but in different colors to help keep track whose is whose without putting names on each camera.

Other Ideas for 12 Days of Christmas:

  • Hair Accessories
  • Facial Cleansers or Make Up – if you have a teenager just starting to wear makeup or want to update your collection my Mary Kay contact is doing a 12 Day of Christmas set!  If your husband is looking for something awesome to get you he may want to contact Ann too.
  • Socks or Tights
  • Chapstick
  • Socks
  • Gloves or Scarf
  • Card Game
  • Construction Paper
  • Markers or Crayons
  • Matchbox cars
  • Small Toys
  • Baby Doll Clothes
  • Christmas Underwear
  • The ideas are endless!

I wrapped them in the original boxes or found ones around the house to put the items into.  The Christmas paper was purchased on clearance and I used a coupon.  Many of the items we purchased on clearance throughout the year and / or used CVS – ECBs and Walgreens – Register Rewards, Swagbucks Gift Cards or Coupons.  I cannot remember the price for all the items but with the rewards it very reasonable price for 12 gifts and some days had multiple items in them.

We did a joint stack for our girls to save money, however, the items we picked match their individual interests (for example, the pj’s were themed to match each girls tastes).  When the girls walked into the room and saw the stack of gifts they were super excited.  Love seeing their faces and hearing their comments when they first see the stack.