Fresh & Healthy,  Kids,  School

Fresh & Healthy: Lunch Box Meals

Packing the school lunches

How is possible we are almost halfway through December!  Are you ready for Christmas?  I find myself rushing to get the girls lunches packed and ready the night before with all the extra activities going on this Season.  While it is really busy it is very important that the kids continue to eat healthy.  There are days when I think it would be easier to have them eat at school, but since I have one with food allergies and I have no idea how much they are eating or exactly what they have ate it probably would be more complicated in the long run.


Lunch Box Meal

  • Homemade Roast Beef Sandwich
  • Fresh Red Plums
  • Fresh Green Beans
  • Fresh Broccoli Straws
  • Fruity Raisins or Mott’s Pomegranate Applesauce
  • Peach Yogurt
  • Fit & Active Blueberry Fruit Strip
  • Animal Crackers or Ritz Bitz Peanut Butter Crackers
  • Vanilla & Chocolate Oreos
  • Sweet Tart
  • Strawberry Kiwi Juice Bag

Fresh red plums, fresh green beans, and roast beef sandwich