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Decorating the Christmas Tree

A picture of our spinning Christmas tree all decorated at night!

The girls LOVE helping us decorate the tree for Christmas and can barely wait for us to get all the stuff out of the attic.  Over the years they really have become a huge help when it comes to decorating, not to mention that their excitement is contagious!

When we decorate the Christmas tree we like to turn on the Christmas music and have fun.  While our tree will not win any award for the “most professionally decorated”  or “color coordinated”, it is packed full of memories.   Christmas ornaments I had as a baby, items the girls have made for us, and many other fun family treasures. In all fairness it is the perfect tree for our family because we did it together.

Karlie all smiles as she wears the “tree skirt”!

My little Brina helper!  All smiles as she listens to music and helps put up the Christmas decorations.

Taking a break from tree decorating to drink some Eggnog!

Our Christmas tree, decorated by the whole family!

Throughout the Christmas Season you can often find our family reading a book together near the tree, sitting on the couch next to it talking about our days, or even enjoying a cup of hot chocolate while looking into the tinkling lights.  I am thankful for my family and the opportunity to celebrate yet another wonderful season together.