Christmas,  Creative Kids,  Family,  Kids,  Raising Multiples,  Twins

Creative Kids: Miniature Marshmallow Snowmen

Brina and Karlie’s mini marshmallow snowmen

Recently the girls were enjoying a snack together (including marshmallows) when they called me in to see the creations they had made.  They had taken the miniature marshmallows and stacked them together to make mini “snowmen”.  It was so cute to see them come up with these silly little snowmen that we decided to leave them for a little bit so Jake could check them out too.

Sometimes it is the simple little things that can provide the most fun and entertainment.  I am thankful to have the opportunity to celebrate this creative (and goofy) moment with the girls.  It may not seem like much when the kids create something like miniature marshmallow snowmen but it is times like these that brighten up the day for your kids when you truly get excited about their creative “artwork”.