Family Activities

  • Outdoor Summer Activities – Pool, Games, and More!

    Summer Vacation

    We spent a good bit of our summer time in the pool when we were home.  Last year I got a blow up seesaw for the pool.  It was a big hit with the kids!  The hardest part was staying on when you were all wet!


    Having fun in the pool!


    We put crepe paper across the two doors with kids sleeping in them.  They thought it was hilarious when they woke up and were barricaded in the room.  They had a blast running through it that morning!


    Karlie reading the “clues” for the treasure hunt that morning.


    Looking for another clue!


    The girls came up with a bunch of outdoor games for the whole family to play.  One of them was a relay race in the side yard.  The Dad’s even participated!


    Another game required the teammates to hit the baseball.


    Now were ready for the bike and scooter races!


    Hula Hoop contest!


    Noah thought he was pretty smart doing it on his arm instead of around the waist!


    The youngest had the best hula hooping skills!  She won hands down as the best hula hooper in both families!


    Aunt Mirm braiding the girls hair.  The thought that was pretty cool having all the fancy braids!


    A lot of girly chitchat, giggles, and silliness going on in the back of the van.

  • Window Easels


    Noelle’s window art

    One of our fun summer crafty activities that ended up a big hit with all the kids was Window Easels!  Each kid (ages 4 to 12) got to pick their own window as their easel and could draw whatever they wanted on it.  I had a stack of window paint (like the ones you put on car windows) and each kid could come grab what colors they needed for their particular artwork.  They had a blast doing it.  I didn’t get a huge amount of pictures during the activity because I was helping distribute the paint and wiping up any drips as they happened.  It has a big hit!  I left the painted easels up for the rest of their stay so everyone could enjoy their artwork for several days. You could see the artwork both inside and outside of the house which was pretty neat!  Some of the kids choose to paint both the top and bottom windows (while standing on a chair) while others just wanted to do one window.


    Brina did both of her windows


    Noah’s creatively decorated windows!


    Nadia, the youngest one of the group, had a lot of fun doing her window – “All by herself!”

    window art

    Karlie packed a lot onto her window – Art, Names, Signs, Shapes, Math, and more fun stuff!

    Not only was it a lot of fun it gave me a good excuse to scrub down the windows this summer too!  It was the perfect summer craft.  It kept the kids entertained for quite awhile and there were very little clean up.   Plus no one had to wait for turns at the easel because everyone had their own and they all painted at the same time.  It was fun watching them paint and hearing them chitchat at the same time.

  • Fun at the Zoo!

    Greenville Zoo and Window Art

    Watching “Joy” the elephant play

    We were able to squeeze in a fun trip to the Greenville Zoo with our cousins during summer vacation!  A big thanks to our sweet cousin who shared zoo passes with us!  Joy the elephant was playing with her tire while we were there.  It was the last week Joy was at Greenville Zoo.  A couple days later they were transporting her to a new zoo in Colorado.


     Sweet girls!


     Hanging out in the shade at the Giraffe exhibit.  There were 3 giraffes in the pen and the Momma is expecting another one any day now!  Great times with the cousins!


     The turtles were very fascinating to watch!


     A quick picture of the girls on the bear as we worked our way through the zoo!

    We spent the morning at the zoo then headed to Cleveland Park to eat a picnic lunch and play on the playgrounds.  It is always fun going on special trips with cousins.  Thankful for a fun time together with family!

  • Welcome Family!


    We painted “Welcome” on our driveway as we waited for extended family to arrive!

    We have had a great summer break with our kids home from school!!!  We packed in great adventures, time with our extended families, camps, Vacation Bible School, lots of memories, fun, history, road trips, flights, and much more!  So thankful for a wonderful time with our family.    Thanks for being patient with me as I enjoyed extra time with my family.  It is my intention of getting back on schedule here soon.  I will be posting some pictures of our summer fun soon!

    Our first big summer adventure was having Jake’s sister and her family come stay with us for a week.  They arrived on the same day the girls got out of school.  We had a blast!  As an added bonus of fun we also got to see Jake’s cousins who live in the area several times throughout the week as well.  Thankful for family and fun times together!

    P1140426c The girls enjoying popsicles and ice cream bars!

    Time with family - Beliasov - Cousins

    The guys enjoying their game!


    A pool full of fun!


    The kids breaking open the pinata!

    Hayes - Weimann - Beliasov - Bennett

    Playing the Jelly Belly game “Bean Boozled” with extended family!  Everyone is waiting with anticipation to see if Aunt Cindy got a good flavor!


    Snow cones were a hit with the kids one hot afternoon!

  • Fun at the Lake in Connecticut!

    Grandpa Tim's in CT

    Brina hoping to catch something in the lake!

    Our family was able to stop for a few hours in Connecticut this summer.  Jake’s Dad lives in CT and we wanted to catch up since we were driving through on our way back home.  The girls were excited to spend some time with Grandpa Tim and the rest of the crew at the lake.  It was a beautiful sunny day and the lake was gorgeous.  The perfect day to hang out at the lake!  We had a wonderful time visiting, playing at the lake, eating delicious food, shooting off the cannon, and more!  It was great getting a chance to hang out for a few hours!

    Grandpa Tim's in CT - Lake Day

    Karlie was determined to catch a fish with her net.  They were really fast though!


     Splashing around in the lake while Grandpa Tim cools off!


     Jake and Karlie went for a ride in the canoe


     They did a great job out on the lake, but they got a little wet when trying to dock.  I didn’t get a picture of them flipping out of the canoe when they were getting out because I was trying to help, but it did provide some good laughs watching them!


     Grandpa Tim sitting up the cannon!  Oh boy!  Super excited to watch the cannon fire.


      Grandpa Tim wanted to try out these cool shots that he got at a garage sale.  At first we thought they were duds…..however, a few seconds after the initial shot there was a huge explosion and water came spraying up from the lake.   I would say they were really well!  Better make sure the lake is clear before firing another one!


    Grandpa Tim was standing right next the cannon when he reached back to pull it back up the hill by the string a little bit, but instead set the cannon off making another big and loud explosion in front of us on the lake.  He was surprised, but thankfully not hurt (other than the ringing in his ears from being so close to it when it went off).  Once everyone knew Grandpa was okay everyone was laughing hysterically.  The expression on Grandpa Tim’s face was priceless when he unexpectedly set off the cannon.  Thankfully, everyone was okay and it is something we can laugh about now!


     Karlie’s turn to shoot off the cannon!  The girls loved the cannon!  They haven’t set one off before so it was a lot of fun for them!


    My Little Pony goodies, the perfect gift for the long road trip home!  Thankful for a wonderful day with family in CT.

  • Greenville Drive Baseball Game & Fireworks

    Greenville Drive & Fireworks

    Greenville Drive Game

    Jake’s company hosted an event at the Greenville Drive.  We ate delicious BBQ and enjoyed one of the best Greenville Drive Games we have been to in our area.  The girls had a blast watching the game!  Since it was a Friday night they had fireworks after the game as well which are always a big hit with everyone!  Greenville won with a 13 point spread.


    Daddy and Brina watching the baseball game!


    Karlie is very excited!


    Awesome fireworks!


    Great way to end the night at the baseball field


    A few fireworks even hit the stadium lights!




    Thankful for our fun evening together!

  • Target Practicing


    Daddy showing Brina how to shoot the black powder gun!


    Brina taking a shot at the target


    Daddy showing Karlie how to shoot with black powder


    Karlie taking another shot!

  • Robotics Activities


    Working on robotics!

    The girls have been part of the STEM Club at their school.  They have really enjoyed learning so much through the club, including more about robotics.  Since they have been learning about robotics and are really interested in learning more so Jake has been doing fun robotics projects with them at home as well.  Here are a few of the projects they have been working on recently.


    Brina and Karlie checking out the robotic


    Daddy helping the girls put together one of the robots


    This is one that Jake had from college.  He pulled it out and had the girls help him get it back up and running again.


    Watching the robot spin around the kitchen!

  • Civil War Activity – Museum & Library of Confederate History


    A picnic at the park with my girls before going to the museum!

    Recently I took the girls to the Museum and Library of Confederate History in a nearby town.  They have been studying in school various aspects of the Civil War and I thought it would be a good field trip to help them learn a little more regarding the history they are studying in school.  They had a grand time looking at all the cool items in the museum.  One of the workers took the time to go from room to room with the girls and explain in more detail many of the items on display.


    Brina and Karlie at the Museum & Library of Confederate History


    Touring the Museum & Library of Confederate History


    Checking out the cool Civil War items


    This toy cannon is similar to the one Thomas Jefferson’s son had as a child.  It was said that he attacked his toy soldiers with the cannon and occasionally a stray chicken.


    Enjoying the museum


    Karlie soaking it all in…


    Brina enjoying her time at the museum exploring.


    Karlie and Brina had fun learning more about the Civil War!

  • Family STEM Activity Night

    Family STEM Night

    Karlie watching the robotics demonstration right after giving her speech to the students, faculty, parents, and family members in attendance.  So proud of her!  She was the only 3rd grader to give a speech that night!

    The girls had a blast at their Family STEM Night!  Karlie gave a presentation to everyone in attendance about their STEM Club and robotics competition.  That night they had a lot of fun activities as well as informational meetings throughout the evening.  Brina and Karlie had a blast learning, soaking in all the great information, and participating in the various activities.  It was neat to see them work both independently and together to create some neat projects in the evening!


    Learning about the cool pieces and their purposes.  Karlie was thrilled to hold the one that had been up in space!


    Karlie testing her dragon racer.


    Brina testing her dragon racer.


    Putting together a soft bed for the raw egg.


    Almost done with wrapping our egg!


    Final wrapping to  their egg nicknamed “Pink Flemingo” for the egg drop competition.  I remember doing a similar activity in elementary school.  Super Fun!


    Under all those pink and orange feathers and bubble wrap is a raw egg – “Pink Flemingo”!


    A little concerned that the Pink Flemingo may have broken in the drop so they are hurrying to get back and unwrap her!


    Brina so proud of her Pink Flemingo egg drop activity and wrapping skills!  The Pink Flemingo did survive the egg drop!  Yay!  The girls loved this activity!


    Making their airplane gliders to fly and measure!