
  • Reading Eggs – FREE Two Week Trial

    Reading Eggs is offering a Free Two Week Trial Offer.  All you have to do is sign up to try out their reading program, no credit card required. Do you have a little one that is just starting to read or one who wants to increase his or her reading skills?  Then this may be the perfect time to check out Reading Eggs program.

    You want reading to be fun and easy for your child so why not try out Reading Eggs and see if it is a good fit for your family.  Reading Eggs strives to make learning to read interesting and engaging for kids whether they are just beginning to read or increasing their reading fluency.  Through the use of reading games, activities, songs, and other resources your child will pick up great learning tools that will help them on the road to becoming a proficient reader.

    The kids will work through various maps that on their level and will earn golden eggs, ribbons, trophies, and other rewards to encourage them to continue learning more.  Reading Eggs is an interactive program that our family has used in the past for our young readers and our kids LOVED it!  They got a kick out of working through the maps, accomplishing goals, and earning rewards.  The kids can even customize their own “reading egg” avatar to match their personality.
    All you have to do is click the “free trial” button once you get to their homepage and get started!
    More information about Reading Eggs:
    • Reading Eggs was developed by an experienced team of teachers, educational writers, animators, and web developers.  People who have interacted with children and have taught kids to read.
    • Reading Eggs focuses mainly on the core reading curriculum skills and strategies that help readers develop more successful reading skills as well as builds their reading confidence level.  The program is perfect for ages 3 to 12.
    • Each reader can work through the Reading Eggs program at his or her pace so if you have a young reader and more advanced reader in your home both would be able to focus on their specific skills.
    • A more advanced reader would move through the first few maps a little more quickly because it may be more of a review for him or her until they reach a point where the information is newer and more challenging for them, whereas, a new reader would work through the first maps more slowly but steadily as they get more excited about the program and earning rewards.
    • Reading Eggs launched in the United States and Canada in 2011.  Since launching they have had over 500,000 subscribers and have presented more than 15 million lessons.

    Our readers will receive a Free Two-Week Trial Offer!  Register now for a two-week trial of the Reading Eggs program.  No credit card is required.  Help your child learn to read, increase their phonics skills, or increase their reading fluency with Reading Eggs free two-week trial!

    A special thanks to U.S. Family Guide and Reading Eggs for offering a free two-week trial to my readers.  Any specific product information was provided by Reading Eggs and U.S. Family Guide, however, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.  We received a complimentary subscription for sharing information and our family’s experience regarding Reading Eggs. 

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    We had a great three day weekend with the girls (my only regret is it went by too quickly).  We were able to get some stuff done around the house and yard while spending some time with family and friends.  I wasn’t able to get caught up on as many projects as I hoped last week so am hoping to get caught up on a lot of projects this week!  Jake was able to fix my dresser this past weekend so I can now sort through all the clothes and weed out any of the ones that we don’t seem to wear as often, thanks Babe! 🙂

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Read Imagination Station: Revenge of a Red Knight by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 4) – still reading a chapter or two each day
    2. Plan one special Activity with the Family
    3. Play a board gamewe played Bed Bugs with the girls! Hilarious! 🙂
    4. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    5. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    6. Attend After School Activities

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week – need to do better on this one
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day – I didn’t do well with drinking my water because I was so busy but it caught up with me so need to do better this week
    3. Continue my YouVersion plan(s) – still catching up
    4. Finish reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp – need to put this one on hold temporarily, too much other priorities are taking over my schedule at this time
    5. Finish reading Overcoming Dyslexia by M.D. Sally Shaywitz (someone gave me this to read) – didn’t make a lot of progress this week

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week – hoping to get back on track soon, the family schedule has been a little wild lately
    3. Pay all upcoming bills
    4. Work on Spring Cleaning

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. Work completed for clients

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email
    3. Send out the Alms & Legs Meeting Reminder

    Financial Goals

    1. Groceries $40 for 4 – went over budget this week
    2. Payoff the Van – was able to put a little extra this month on the monthly payment
    3. Pay medical bills in full – making payments

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Read Imagination Station: Revenge of a Red Knight by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 4)
    2. Plan one special Activity with the Family
    3. Play a board game
    4. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    5. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    6. Attend After School Activities
    7. Schedule May Volunteer Dates
    8. Schedule dentist appointments for (Jake & Bridgette)
    9. Schedule eye appointment for Bridgette

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    3. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    4. Finish reading Overcoming Dyslexia by M.D. Sally Shaywitz (someone gave me this to read)

    Home (Yard & Pets) Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Pay all upcoming bills
    4. Work on Spring Cleaning
    5. Get insurance quotes & make a decision on Home & Auto Insurance Policies
    6. Remove remaining leaves from the lawn
    7. Clean up the sticks and trees that have fallen & had been cut down
    8. Reseal Jungle Gym & Swing
    9. Give Skipper a bath
    10. Treat the lawn

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. Work completed for clients
    4. Schedule May work dates

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email
    3. Send out the Alms & Legs Meeting Time and Place

    Financial Goals

    1. Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Payoff the Van
    3. Pay medical bills in full

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • The Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

    Heading to the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

    While we were in Charleston over Spring Break we made a trip to the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry.  We haven’t been there before so the girls were very excited.  We headed out first thing Wednesday morning to downtown Charleston so we could be there when it opened to go exploring. The girls had a blast playing in all the rooms from being creative in the art room to checking out all the nooks and crannies in the castle, splashing around in the water wise room, experimenting with golf balls using Newton’s Laws, steering the pirate ship, shopping for groceries, and all the neat games outside too.

    We had only been there for a little while and McCown Bridges came to welcome us as well as let us know about the upcoming events.   If you are in the Charleston area and want a fun place to take the kids you should check out the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry!  Here are some of the highlights of our trip to the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry.

    Karlie having fun exploring the castle room!

    Brina and Karlie having fun

    Brina and Karlie at the Children’s Museum of the Lowcountry

    What things happen in Spring?

    Walking the plank

    Brina steering the pirate ship

    Our little Karlie pirate!

    One of Karlie’s paintings. Both girls loved hanging out and doing several crafts & paintings in the art room

    Brina really liked the art room and the colored rice

  • Travel & Vacation: Nighttime Fun at Walt Disney World

    Still going strong!

    The girls were still going strong after a full day at Disney!  We had just watched the Electrical Parade & Firework Show and the girls still wanted to do some more.  So we decided to keep on going and we ended up staying until midnight when the park closed!  They had a blast, but crashed immediately after they got into the van.  For more posts about our Disney adventure you can go to Walt Disney World or Rides & Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade or Walt Disney World (part 2) or Disney’s Electrical Parade & Firework Show posts.

    Karlie riding the train, it was a quieter ride after going on Space Mountain

    Brina going for another ride on the train

    Someone’s having fun!

    Pull harder!

    Hanging out in Eeyore’s house

    One more ride on the carousel, this time at night!

  • Travel & Vacation: Disney’s Electrical Parade & Firework Show

    Disney’s Electrical Parade

    Another one of the highlights at Disney was their electrical light parade and the firework show.  The girls LOVED it (so neat)!  I can see why so many people stay for this event!  Thankful for a chance to spend the day at Disney with family and friends.  For more posts about our Disney adventure you can go to Walt Disney World or Rides & Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade or Walt Disney World (part 2) posts.

    Watching the Disney’s Electrical Parade, super cool!

    Fireworks at Disney

    Amazing fireworks over the castle

    Beautiful fireworks

    The castle changed colors throughout the firework show

    Watching fireworks at Disney

    The firework show at Disney is awesome!

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Walt Disney World (Orlando, FL – Part 2)

    Enjoying a funny show at Disney

    We had a blast taking the girls to Walt Disney World for the first time.  Thankful for a great time with both family and friends.  There were a lot of fun rides and shows as well as a walk through the Swiss Family Robinson tree house which we finished reading to the girls awhile ago.  You can read more about our trip in the Walt Disney World or Rides & Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade posts.

    Getting a lift to the next activity

    Riding the big carousel

    Karlie checking everything out and loving it!

    Exploring the Swiss Family Robinson tree house

    All the kids checking out the cool items in the Swiss Family Robinson tree house.

    Daddy & Karlie in a Honeypot

    Awesome family behind us in their honeypot!

    Having fun at Disney

     The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family and ways we relax.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Travel & Vacation: Rides & Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade (Orlando, FL)

    Karlie having a blast shooting laser during the Buzz Lightyear ride

    We went on several rides at Disney with the kids and had a lot of fun!  We were thankful for friends who guided us in the right direction and recommended certain rides for the kids.  There were some hilarious shows we went to as well.  A few rides the kids loved so much we went on them several times! 🙂  You can read more about our trip in the Walt Disney World post.

    Mommy and Karlie’s screen shot from the picture they took during our first game, hilarious!

    Daddy and Brina’s screen shot from the picture they took during the first game!

    What did the four older ones get themselves into now!?  Such fun exploring the place with friends!

    It threatened to rain as the parade was starting but we were prepared with disposable ponchos

    Disney – “Celebrate A Dream Come True Parade!”

    Mickey and Minnie Mouse – Your Invited, Celebrate Today!

  • Travel & Vacation: Walt Disney World (Orlando, FL)

    We made it to Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida

    A few months ago we had the opportunity to go visit friends in Winter Park, Florida.  While we were there we took a day and explored Walt Disney World – Where Dreams Come True.  The girls were so excited!  Jake and I still have passes leftover from our honeymoon (which was my first time to see Disney World) so we only had to get tickets for the girls.  It was so neat taking the kids and seeing their reactions to all the amazing rides and adventures at Disney World.  We arrived right about opening time and stayed until they closed the park at midnight.  It was a full day packed full of great activities and amazing memories!

    Three girls watching all the people in front of us get onto the Frontier log ride

    My seat buddy Karlie is loving the ride.  Smiling the whole time but not taking her eyes off all the stuff around her.

    Brina mesmerized by all the stuff to look at.  Was the wolf scary B?!  Good thing she has Daddy to protect her!

    Karlie found a small purple flower that had dropped off a tree and gave it to me.  Sweet girl!

    Our family at Disney World

    Ready for the next adventure, this time we need our 3D glasses!

    Daddy and the girls in front of the Disney Castle.  It was bright, hot, and crowded, but we managed to snap a quick picture!!

  • Intentional Living: Weekly Goals

    We had a BLAST last week spending some extra time with Jake’s cousins kids.  They were great kids and we had fun reading, playing, and exploring together.  It was neat having a 1 year and 2 year in the house in addition to 2 – eight year olds! 🙂    Hoping to get caught up on a lot of projects this week!

    Last week’s goals

    Family Goals

    1. Read Imagination Station: Peril in the Palace by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 3) finished reading and started on the next one! 🙂  I love that the chapters are short so it is easy to read one right before devotions and bed.
    2. Plan one special Activity with the Family
    3. Play a board game – played a couple little kids games (the favorite this week with the younger ones was “Don’t Break the Ice”)
    4. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before – we had a couple field trips, special events, and a busy schedule with little ones running around this week so we didn’t get our lunches packed every night this week
    5. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    6. Attend After School Activities
    7. Take care of, play, and enjoy extra time with the little ones staying with us this week – it was a lot of FUN!!! 🙂 

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week – Ummm…..I didn’t do my official exercises (does it count lifting little ones all week)?
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day – was pretty busy and notice I got behind on my water a couple days last week
    3. Continue my YouVersion plan(s) – hoping to catch up this week
    4. Finish reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp – was catching up on a book that I needed to read for an upcoming meeting
    5. Finish reading Overcoming Dyslexia by M.D. Sally Shaywitz (someone gave me this to read) – made a little progress in the evenings but not as much as I hoped

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Pay all upcoming bills
    4. Work on Spring Cleaning – it was put on hold with the little ones here last week

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts – by the time the kids were in bed, house picked up and prepped for the  next day I didn’t get a lot of creative blogging done this past week (hoping to catch up this week though)
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. Work completed for clients – got the projects I had to get done completed

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email
    3. Send out the Alms & Legs Meeting Reminder

    Financial Goals

    1. Groceries $40 for 4 – went over our Grocery budget this week
    2. Payoff the Van – hoping to make an extra payment next week
    3. Pay medical bills in full – making payments (a couple have been paid off this month

    My goals for the upcoming week

    Family Goals

    1. Read Imagination Station: Revenge of a Red Knight by Marianne Hering and Paul McCusker (Book 4)
    2. Plan one special Activity with the Family
    3. Play a board game
    4. Lunch Boxes & Book Bags packed the night before
    5. Daily School Activities & Homework Completed
    6. Attend After School Activities

    Personal Goals

    1. Exercise at least 5 days this week
    2. Drink 8 glasses of water each day
    3. Continue my YouVersion plan(s)
    4. Finish reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
    5. Finish reading Overcoming Dyslexia by M.D. Sally Shaywitz (someone gave me this to read)

    Home Management Goals

    1. All laundry for the week washed, folded, and put away in one day
    2. Weekly Dinner Menu planned out for the week
    3. Pay all upcoming bills
    4. Work on Spring Cleaning

    Business Goals

    1. Work on ideas for upcoming blog posts
    2. Keep up with the day to day items that need my attention
    3. Work completed for clients

    Ministry Goals

    1. Meet a friend or family member for Breakfast or Lunch
    2. Write and Send Out Community Group Email
    3. Send out the Alms & Legs Meeting Reminder

    Financial Goals

    1. Groceries $40 for 4
    2. Payoff the Van
    3. Pay medical bills in full

    I think it is important to share and encourage each other as we seek to improve our lives and the lives of those around us.  I want to live intentionally not just hope all my dreams and goals come true.  When I focus on small steps of improvement I am able to see results as I get closer to my goals.  Some weeks I get closer to the goals I have in my life and other weeks a take a few steps back (life happens, emergencies occur, people get sick).  Once the goals are written down and shared it provides a guideline for what I aim to accomplish this week.

    Why Share My Goals?

    • To keep me accountable
    • To share a piece of my life with you as I strive to be a better Child of God, Wife, Mom, Friend, Homemaker, Entrepreneur and the many other roles I have each week
    • To have my goals consistently written down so I can gauge progress more accurately
    • Create healthy habits in my life
    • To encourage you to share your goals with me as you continue to grown and learn

    How did you do this week on your goals?  Feel free to share or link to your list of weekly goals.

    The picture above is one that I created for my own purposes, however, The “SMART” acronym was originally coined 30 years ago by Peter Drucker in his classic work, Management by Results.

  • Stop ‘N Tow Game by MJ Moran

    Stop ‘N Tow by MJ Moran is an interesting game that we have played several times.  It requires more attention to detail and memorization but it is a lot of fun.  I am cannot remember exactly where we picked up this game;  it was while we were traveling several years ago.  When we first got the game the girls were still too young to play well but since then they have learned how to play it  and of course they always enjoy blowing the whistles!   One thing I do want to mention with this game is…don’t play if you have a headache (the whistle blowing will probably be too much)! 🙂

    • Colorful vehicles and road signs
    • Includes 55 cards and 6 whistles
    • 3 to 6 players
    • Recommended for ages 8 and up
    • Object of the game – to collect the most cards by memorizing the order of vehicles and being the first one to blow the whistle when certain road signs pop up
    • Learning Benefits – memorization, attention to details, vehicles, signs, reading, and more!
    • Whistles are dishwasher safe

    This game is for a little older kids because they have to remember what each card means and recall from memory the stack of cards played before their card.  After a few times of playing it the girls started really picking up on it. Since the players have their particular whistle in their mouths it is best to wash the whistles at the end of the game.  Typically I wash the whistles with soap after the game and let them air dry before putting the game away.  It is a super fun game, entertaining, and small (so you can take it with you on vacation).

    We love games!   We have found that playing games is beneficial for many reasons.  It gives us quality time together as a family.  The kids learn that they will not always win (which is not always an easy lesson to learn), but the game can still be fun even if you are not the victor in every game.  It provides opportunities for us to talk and create memories together.  Games teach and help our kids practice a variety of useful skills like following directions, reading, writing, counting, taking turns, and more.