• Insta-Snow Powder for Fun Indoor Snow Activities!


    Super cool fake snow!

    Our friends Mike, Ashley, and Bradley gave the girls Insta-Snow Powder for their birthdays!  It is AMAZING!  The girls have spent hours playing with it.  Ok, I will admit it I have been playing with it too.  It’s just so cool to play with inside!

    It is super simple to make (just add water to a measured amount of powder).  The canister we have makes 2 gallons of snow.  We have only made a few batches and still have the snow we made from the last several weeks.  It lasts a really long time if you put it in a ziplock bag.  It is fascinating, not cold, and funky to play with.

    The girls were wanting to go somewhere with snow for their birthday so our friend sent “snow” to them.  They had the snow out almost immediately and within a couple of days of playing with the Insta-Snow we got real snow outside in SC.  The kids are convinced our friends are good luck because every time they played with the Insta-Snow they sent them it would snow again in SC (which means no school too).

    It is a fun activity for the kids.  If any of the snow particles do get on the counter or floors they are easy to wipe up or if you miss them they will dry back up into the powder which is easy to sweep or vacuum up off the floor.  We are gearing up to do a science project and the girls are convinced that whatever they decide to do they will need to add some of the Insta-Snow powder to give their science projects an extra WOW factor, ha!

    I think the next thing we are going to try is to dye the snow different colors to see how it handles that and what it looks like when you mix various ones together.  Thankful for thoughtful friends who know how to brighten the lives of the little ones (and big ones) in our home!  THANK YOU Ashley from Reflecting on the Simple Things in Life for providing hours of entertainment at our house!!!


    They thought it was neat being able to write messages in the snow!


    The Insta-Snow Powder came in this canister and it makes 2 gallons.  The snow expands rapidly to 100 times its original size.  It goes from being a dry granule to fluffy white snow-like substance in a matter of seconds.


    Inside the canister there is a scoop for easy measuring!


    First we measured the insta-snow powder into a red cup than poured the water into it.


    Mixing up the snow and water.  It literally grew in her hands.  Super cool!


    Playing with it!


    So fascinating they wouldn’t even look up for the camera


    Pile of fake snow to play with inside.


    Felt really neat!


    Loved looking at all the little pieces and playing with it.


    Building a volcano!


     Look it’s snowing inside!


    You could play with it for hours with your bare hands because it is not cold like actually snow plus it doesn’t melt and it’s easy to clean up!


    Brina playing with the snow!


    Creating a replica of the Great Wall of China which we were just talking about the other day!

    If you are looking for a fun and indoor activity you can find Insta-Snow Powder and other Snow like items on Amazon.

  • Travel & Vacation: Bippity Boppity Boutique Fairy Dust (Orlando, FL)


    Brina getting her fairy dust!

    At the Bippity Boppity Boutique downtown Disney you can stop by and get pixie fairy dust for free.  We were at the store looking around and walking by the boutique so stopped to have the girls gets some fairy dust.  They did a cute saying as the girls got the fairy dust sprinkled into their hair.  The fairy dust is basically glitter.  I don’t know if it was a special type of glitter or if the heat from running around in the hot sun all day, but that glitter stayed on for awhile.


    Karlie getting her fairy dust!

  • Rainbow Confetti Snowman


    Introducing the kids snowman for 2015 – Rainbow Confetti!  Shortly after this picture I was beamed with a snowball (can you guess from who?!)  Look at the person in the picture holding a snowball waiting for me to snap the picture.

    The last snow day we had the girls decided it was time to build a snowman.  It was perfect packing snow so they got started.  The only probably they had is the originally started the snowman ball at the bottom of the yard and rolled it uphill.  It wasn’t until they reached the driveway did they realize that they were not going to make it into the front yard so they came inside requesting help.  Between the three of us slip and sliding the big ball of snow across the driveway we managed to get it into the front yard.

    It isn’t the most beautiful snowman with the leaves, sticks, and dirt sticking out of it, but for the most part it is one that was built primarily by the kids with only a little assistance getting it into the front yard.  They did a great job and had a blast.  They “painted” their snowman with a mix of water and food coloring in a spray bottle then named him “Rainbow Confetti”.  Skipper was there to supervise the construction!  I do have to say their snowman lasted for several days and was one of the last ones in our area to completely melt so they did a great job packing in the snow plus they built him under a tree so it was a little more shaded.

    Snow, Winter, Snowman, Outside, Animals, Snow Art, Colorful Snow, Animals, goats, Dog,

    They would roll up more big snowballs and break them down next to the bottom of the snowman to build up a strong base.  I think the “breaking” and jumping up and down on the balls of snow were the real fun, the snowman just had the benefit of all the extra snow around it.


    Rainbow Confetti was a mix of random colors from red, yellow, green, and blue.  They decided to use the fox hat.  Rainbow Confetti’s face was made completely out of vegetables that the critters running through the yard could eat.  Cherry tomato eyes, carrot nose, and an orange pepper mouth!


    The kids colorful snowman.  They did a great job!

  • Sledding & Exploring the Woods


    Pausing for a moment by the creek to snap a quick picture of the girls.  They are thrilled to have the extra snow days!

    Fun times together sledding and exploring the woods.  One day Jake was able to come out a little bit over his lunch break and go sledding for a little bit with the whole family.  We had a lot of fun!


    Thankful for some fun time together!


    Oreo was not entirely sure about the sledding adventure.  Several times as we were flying down the hill on the sled the goats and dog would go bounding out of the way or almost jump into our laps!


    Brina heading down the slope!


    There goes Daddy!


    Oreo finding some yummy leaves while Brina and Daddy decide on the next hill to go sledding down!


    On your marks…..get set…..Go!!!!


    Every day the girls wanted to take a hike through the woods.  Today, Jake joined us on this fun adventure!


    She’s looking mischievous….probably forming another snowball to toss my direction when I am least expecting it!


    Jake helping Brina up onto a fallen tree covered in snow in the woods.


    It was fun to spend some time outside with everyone for a little bit!


    Brina having a blast!


    She’s definitely getting ready for a surprise snowball attack!


    Brina was pretty proud of this one!  Love her face!  Let’s just say this one took me by surprise and hit square on the camera and in my face!  Silly girl!

  • A Rainbow of Snow Colors


    Brina painting a huge  rainbow heart on the snow!

    We had a blast in the snow!  One of the things we did this week was get some old spray bottles fill them with water and add a few drops of food coloring to it!  We filled and refilled those spray bottles several times over the last few days as we painted pretty pictures in the snow!  The girls had a great time!

    I would like to take the credit for coming up with this awesome idea all on my own, but my amazing and creative cousin suggested we do some snow painting when I spoke with her earlier this week.  Yes, it was a huge hit like all her fun ideas, thanks Renelle!  The neighbor kids even came over and had a grand time painting pictures in our yard.


    Pretty red heart in honor of Valentine’s Day spray painted in the snow by the girls!


    Coloring the front porch steps!  Coming up to our house was a rainbow of colors for several days, thanks to Brina & Karlie!


    A friendly “Hello” to greet our friends and neighbors coming into our yard!


    Pretty rainbow on the snow!


    There were all kinds of random paintings all over the yard and driveway!


    Karlie Kool Kat having fun painting the snow!


    Brina Bee painted her name on the driveway!


    Someone even did my name, so sweet!


    A little more defined green star!


    Someone painted Dad’s name on the yard too!


    Karlie, Brina, and Skipper standing at the top of the driveway where they painted the word “Welcome”


    I thought it was cute that they painted a smiley face next to the mailbox to bring some winter cheer to our mailman!  Sweet kids!


    Brina’s armed with a spraying, wonder what she’s going to do next!


    The rocks, trees, bushes, and various random items had been marked by the spray painters!


    The well covered was sprinkled with paint like confetti!


    Skipper even got a pretty painted dog house.  It looked like a big decorated gingerbread house when they were done!

  • Extra “SnowCATION” with the Kids!


    Really concentrating on her throw!

    In South Carolina we really don’t get a lot of snow.  If we get a sprinkle here or there everyone gets excited and we might have a day or two off from school.  Also, it is likely that many people will lose power.  Somehow the last few years we have been lucky and haven’t lost our power!  We haven’t have a big snow storm in South Carolina for several years.  The girls have been waiting, hoping, and wishing for snow all winter.  Their wishes came true this week.

    We have several inches of snow and they have been out of school since Tuesday.  They think its AWESOME they got an unexpected 6 day weekend or Snowcation (snow-vacation) in the middle of the school year.  They have been having a BLAST playing outside several hours every day.  It has been a lot of fun having them home and spending extra time with them this week too.  Jake was home for most of those days too, but he still had to work.  One of the “benefits” of having a job that he can work from home at times, but he got to join in on the fun here and there (we didn’t leave him out)!

    Snow Storm

    One of the snowy morning the girls and Jake were up  at the break of dawn to work and play. Their three smiling faces were first thing I saw this morning as they were bringing me breakfast in bed! Snow days are rated pretty high in my book already, but this makes them even better!!! I had a great breakfast of fresh strawberries, yogurt, cashews, homemade Egg McMuffin, and a huge glass of ice water. Feeling very blessed! Love my family!


    Karlie all smiles!  She got her wish of a big winter snow storm so she could play for several days in the snow!


    Brina very excited to have a snow day.  Snow is always fun and it gives them a little break from school.  She loves playing outside with her animals (as you can see Skipper is loving the attention too)!


    Karlie was definitely more into snowball fights this year.  You had to watch out because every time you turned around another snowball would be zooming right at you followed by lots of giggles!


    Here it comes!  DUCK!


    Here she comes again!  LOOK OUT!


    Skipper was excited to be out and playing in the snow with the kids all week too!





    There’s just something about time spent playing in the snow followed by a good hot cup of hot chocolate or apple cider.  Of course, the marshmallow and candy cane stir stick was an added bonus!


    Gingerbread men and sugar cookies hit the spot too!

    P1100371cSnack time!

  • Snow Day!


    snow day

    It’s snowing!!

    Since we live in South Carolina, when it snows during the winter it is a big deal, especially for the kids.  The girls have been waiting all winter for the snow to come to SC.  They were so very excited when we finally got a snow storm and they got a day off from school so they could play in the snow.  The pets enjoyed some extra play time with the kids too.  We packed in a lot of fun activities during their time off of school.  We even got to try out their new sled!


    Brina so excited that it is finally snowing this winter here in South Carolina!


    Karlie running around in our first snow!


    Brina’s first rainbow “snow” cone


    Karlie loving her rainbow snow cone!


    The goats are not really sure about all this white stuff.


    They made a mini snowman!


    Brina loves sledding down the side yard!  Fun snow day adventures!


    She’s laughing, but trying to avoid hitting the tree at the same time!


    The goats with their thick winter coats were more concerned by the snow covering their food (leaves) on the ground then the cold!


    Karlie was a little more cautious on the sled, but she zoomed down the hill several times!


    Brina having a blast!


    So excited to play in the snow!

    snow day

    “Hey Mom!  Let’s go sledding!”


    Very excited about having a snow day off from school!


    Karlie all smiles!


    Skipper loved having the girls home and playing outside for the day!

  • Fire Ball Applesauce

    I made a change to my crockpot applesauce recipe, I added 12 fire ball candies instead of cinnamon with the apples and a touch of brown sugar in the crockpot.   The applesauce turned out delicious and a beautiful pink-red color!  It’s a super easy recipe!

    Fire Ball Crockpot Applesauce:

    • 10 to 12 Apples (I just filled the crockpot)
    • 1 tablespoon Brown Sugar
    • 12 Fire Balls

    1.  Wash the apples.   Core and cut your apples into slices.  You can also peel the apples if you want too.

    2.  Put the apples in the crockpot.  Sprinkle the brown sugar on top of the apples.  Place the 12 Fire balls on top.

    3.  Cover and cook on low for 3 to 6 hours.  Stir every hour or so until the apples are the consistency you want (we like ours a more chunky so it was a little over 3 hours in the crockpot).

    4.  Mash them with a potato masher, fork, or blender.

    4.  Cool and store in an airtight container or bag in the refrigerator or freeze to enjoy at a later date.

  • Travel & Vacation: Visiting Our Grandparents (part 2)

    The girls had a wonderful time up in Vermont with Grandma Kay and Irish.  Thankful for an opportunity to spend some time with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.

    Earlier this year we were able to fly up to Vermont to spend a long weekend with Jake’s Mom and grandparents.  We were blessed to have a good trip, plenty of snow, safe travels, good memories, and lots of fun. The girls weren’t ready to go home when the weekend was over, but it was time to get back to school again.  The day we left was the coldest day, but we ran outside for a few quick pictures before we had to head back to the airport!

    Hanging out with Nana and PopPop in Vermont (aka Grams and Gramps)!  Karlie and Brina had a blast.  We took this picture on the front porch right next to the big snowdrift!

    Last morning in Vermont, we had a great trip!

    Karlie’s card that she made for Grandma Kay. Very cute, I especially like the creative “pop-out” heart!

    When we came down that morning this is what we caught Karlie doing…yup, playing a game on Grandma’s Kay cell phone.  Somebody got them hooked on it the night before!

    And what do you think Brina was doing at the same time?!  Yes, Grandma had introduced Brina to a new game and she was hooked within the first few seconds of playing!  Oh boy!

    Daddy, Brina, and Karlie building some cool items

    Sweet Nana and PopPop