• You Know it is Going to Be An Interesting Day When …

    You look down and you are wearing not only two different shoes, but two entirely different colored shoes!  Not that long ago I woke up with my alarm (5:00 am), got dressed and headed downstairs to go yoga before waking up the rest of the family and heading off to work.  It was one of those mornings I had to drag myself out of bed.  I didn’t “want” to go do yoga, but knew that it would be good for me.

    As I was setting up my mat and yoga items I happened to look down at my feet and noticed that I was wearing 1 pink and 1 black flipflop.  Oops!  Granted I did get dressed in the dark as to not wake my sleeping husband, but it was a sure sign I was more tired than I realized when I didn’t even notice I was wearing two different shoes for several minutes.

    It was a rather busy day, but I survived.  Doing yoga that morning even with two different shoes was the right choice.  I don’t always make good choices, but if the worse thing that happens in my day is wearing two different colored shoes I am doing ok.  Who knows maybe I will start a new trend.  At least it is something funny to look at and laugh about.  And I made it out of the house with two coordinating shoes that day (I double checked before heading into work)!

  • Flashback Friday: Exhausting Day

    Daddy, Brina and Karlie nappingc

    Must have been an exhausting day!

    Our Flashback Friday goes back to April 2005 when the girls were almost 2 months old.  Jake and the girls were playing while I was making dinner.  When I came back to check on them this is what I discovered.  Everyone was napping peacefully.  Must have been a busy day for the crew.  Maybe it is all those middle of the night feedings interrupting our sleep.

    Thankful for my family and the blessings in my life. They look so peaceful when they are sleeping.  Those first few months were especially tiring for Jake and I.  I am not sure how he did everything.  He got up every night to help me with feeding the girls and then go work a full day.  There weren’t a lot of parties and late night fun activities other than taking care of babies during this season of our life.