• Welcoming the Beautiful Spring Season!


    Bringing in Spring with my two chickies!

    Spring is my FAVORITE Season!  I love that everything starts looking fresh, bright, and beautiful.  The new flower buds and leaves start growing.  There are bright green grass blades peeking up out of the soil.  Brilliant shades of colors start appearing around us through the flowers.  People begin prepping for planting their gardens.   You start noticing more fresh produce in the stores and farmers markets.  There are noticeably more animals scurrying through the yard and many with new little ones in tow.  You start feeling more of the warm sunshine rays hitting you.  Everything just seems more cheerful.  It’s just a fresh and fun time of year.  I absolutely love it!

    The start of Spring also signifies that we have made a lot of progress through the school year too.  It’s time to really start thinking and planning our summer activities and adventures.  I am thankful for my family and always look forward to our extra time together.  What are your plans for this Spring Season?


    We are planning a lot of fun activities for this Spring!

    Happy Spring Brina and Karlie

    Karlie and Brina are ready for Spring!

  • Family Fun: Rocket Sprinkler

    One of the benefits to living in South Carolina is you still have warm days even in the Fall and Winter. Yes, last week it got down to 14 degrees at night but the by the end of the week we were enjoying 60 to 70 degree weather.  To help everyone think “warm” thoughts this cool winter I decided to post a fun warm weather activity that you can look forward to doing with your kids before long.

    Rocket Sprinkler blasting off!  Jake had a sprinkler similar to this one growing up (his was a clown).  At the end of summer we bought this rocket.  Since we have a girl that LOVES rockets when this sprinkler went on clearance for a couple dollars I decided it was worth trying it out!

    The rocket sailing through the air!  The girls love spending time outside playing.  The sprinkler provides a great source of entertainment (when it is warm enough).  It might be a few more weeks….

    Brina and Karlie running around in the sprinkler and getting ready to shoot the rocket off again.

    The girls have a fun time playing in the yard splashing around in the water, climbing on the jungle gym, running around with Skipper (our black lab), drawing with chalk, riding bikes or many of the other fun outside activities.  I am thankful to have a yard were they can run and play.  I am looking forward to even more fun activities as we move closer to Spring and the weather continues to warm up, maybe even a couple “snow” days too.