Family,  Heart Reflections,  Teaching our Children

Heart Reflections: I Was Hungry…

For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.  – Matthew 25:35

This verse has been on my mind since working on our church’s Alms & Legs Food Pantry a few weeks ago.  Recently I was visited another church for a Fall Festival and I noticed the same verse on their Food Pantry informational sheet.  Our family has gone through tough times but never have we been completely without food to put on the table, yet there are families in our community that go without meals every day.

I am grateful for this verse’s reminder of the importance of reaching out to other people to help not only with their physical needs but spiritual needs.  Actions really do speak louder than words. What actions do I take when I see someone in need?  Yes, I maintain the Food Pantry at church but how often do I reach out and give from my own resources to those in need around me?

Do you ever have a moral dilemma when you see a person standing on the side of the road holding a sign saying something along the lines of “Will work for food.”?  What do you do?  I have a mix of emotions seeing someone standing on the street holding one of those signs.  I really never experienced anything like it growing up so the first time I saw someone standing there holding a sign I didn’t know what to do.

  • Do you give money…..what if you just feed an addiction?
  • Do you give food…..(you have a granola bar or box animal crackers in the car) does that really help them?
  • Do you give them water…..(you have an extra water bottle in the car) how does that help them?
  • Do you give words of encouragement…….you only have a few seconds or minute if you are at a stoplight?

I have had the opportunity to think about this situation and several other ones similar over the past few years.  When you apply the verse from the beginning of the post by giving them food, drink, or a welcomed word of encouragement you are reaching out.  You may be meeting their physical need which may in return open the door to meet their spiritual needs.  I do not suggest you feed or give water to everyone standing on the street corner especially if it is unsafe.  Use your best judgment, but take an opportunity to help others when you can even if it means just sharing a bottle of water or granola bar.