• Flashback Friday: Visit From Grandma

    Grandma Kay at the Falls Park with Karlie and Brinac

     Grandma Kay and the girls at Falls Park

    Today’s Flashback Friday goes back to September 2005 when Grandma Kay came to visit for a few days.  The girls were almost 7 months old and are a lot more active than they were when Grandma was here a few months ago (they were actually still in NICU).  We packed a lot of fun into the weekend.

    Falls Park downtown Greenville (Karlie and Brina)cc

    Our family at Falls Park – Karlie and Brina obviously were not impressed or we wore them out already because they were fast asleep in the stroller for their first picture at Falls Park.

    Karlie and Brina sleeping as we view the Fallsc

    First visit to Falls Park!  Brina and Karlie were so excited they fell asleep as we walked through the park.

    Karlie and Brina's 1st trip to the Falls Park downtown Greenvillec

     Karlie and Brina are ready for a fun stroll through the park.

    Karlie and Brina riding on a fire enginec

     Karlie, Brina and Grandma Kay at GattiTown

    Karlie and Brina's first ride on a carousel c

     Karlie and Mommy and Brina with Grandma Kay on the carousel.  They loved it and were fascinated by all the lights and sounds.

    Brina playing with Grandma Kayc

     Brina playing with Grandma Kay

    Grandma Kay playing with Brina and Karliec

     Having fun with Grandma Kay

    Karlie and Brina down for their nap, looks like someone isn't sleepingc

    Taking a siesta in their bassinets.  Karlie and Brina both have their legs hanging out as they sleep.  The bassinets may be getting too small for them now.

    Karlie and Brina love playingc

     Karlie and Brina playing with their toys.

    Karlie, Brina and Grandma Kay sitting next to Mr. Octopusc

     Grandma Kay, Karlie, and Brina playing

    Daddy and his two goofy girls (Karlie and Brina)c

     Jake and his girls

    Karlie giving us a cheeky smilec

    Someone woke up from her nap all smiles – Karlie Kool Kat

    Go ahead smile Brinac

    Brina Bee woke up with sweet smiles and laughter too.

    Grandma Kay hanging out with Brina and Karliec

     Brina and Karlie hanging out with Grandma Kay

    Playing ball with Grandma Kay - Karlie and Brinac

    Karlie and Brina kicking and pushing the ball back and forth across Grandma Kay’s lap

    Flashback Friday - Brina fell asleep holding Grandma Kay's necklacec

    Brina crashed and Karlie’s not far behind

    Flashback Friday - Silly babies - Brina and Karliec

    Giggling girls – Brina and Karlie

    Flashback Friday - Brina curious about Karlie's feetc

     Bath time Brina!

    Karlie chewing on Nemoc

    Karlie was more interested in chewing on the bath toys

    Karlie and Brina drying offc

    Karlie and Brina are now squeaky clean and ready to get in their jammies

    Brina watching Daddy play Settlers of Catanc

    Brina sporting a bowl as she supervises Daddy’s game of Settler’s of Catan

    Karlie is now sporting the yellow bowlc

    Karlie isn’t sure about the bowl thing, but relaxing with us as we play a game!

  • I Love You Too!


    “I Love U” spelled out with their Magformers Set

    It is always a pleasant surprise when you walk into a room and find a nice saying or artwork waiting for you.   The other day I walked into the dining room and this is what was on the kitchen table.  An “I Love You” message and smiley face.

    Thankful for my kids.  Their creativeness and their little ways of reminding us that they truly do appreciate and love us as well.  They requested that I take a picture of their artwork so they could send a message to some people and let them know that they were thinking of them on this particular day.

    It’s the little things like this that make me smile.  Parenting can be tough some days, but it is also very rewarding too.  Grateful for these special moments when they demonstrate love, happiness, and the desire to brighten the days of others.

    P1360483cA Magformer smile waiting to be discovered on the table!

  • Adding A Little Something Extra

    Smile sandwich maker

    I picked up this sandwich imprinter at the Dollar Tree at the beginning of this school year.  The girls love getting surprises in their lunch boxes.  Usually they make their lunches, but occasionally I will make them for them if it has been a busy day or to give them a break.

    When I make their school lunches I always try to add in something special.  Sometimes after their in bed I will double check their lunches to make sure they packed everything they need and add a little something extra to it.  It could be a note, an special snack, a imprinted sandwich, or something else.  They always enjoy discovering the something “extra” in their lunches.

    I have used these sandwich imprints many times over the past few months.  It is simple and easy, yet the kids love it.  All you have to do is make the sandwich, imprint the bread, and pack it into their lunch.  It only takes a few seconds, but it is worth it because the kids enjoy it so much.

    A peanut butter and jelly sandwich is always better with a smile!

  • Heart Reflections: Is Anyone Cheerful?

    A few weeks ago I read a verse that stuck in my head.  The verse reminded me of the importance of praying for others and giving thanks not only for what is happening in our immediate families but for the lives of those we touch everyday.

    Is anyone among you suffering?

    There are people around you everyday that are suffering.  Some days you may be suffering as well.  When you meet with a friend, family member, or acquaintance that is going through a tough time what do you do?  It is wonderful to take time to listen and encourage.   What does the Bible say about those who are suffering?  The answer “let him pray”.  The best thing you can do when you are going through a trial or you know of someone who is suffering is to pray.

    Is anyone cheerful?

    There is so much negativity that surrounds us every day that it can sometimes be more difficult finding people who are cheerful.  Are we focusing on the positive blessings in our life everyday?  How are we encouraging those around us?  Is cheerfulness seen in your life?  The Bible says to “let him sing praise.”   When you are cheerful you may find yourself singing praises!

    Is anyone among you sick?

    It doesn’t take long to hear about someone who is going through an illness or suffering from an unknown sickness.  When you have a friend or family member with an illness it is important to pray for them and have others pray as well.  You may never know how much of an encouragement your prayers may be to those going through the sickness.  God can work miracles and bring healing through your prayers.

    Is anyone among you suffering?  Let him pray.  Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.  Is anyone among you sick?  Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. – James 5:13-14

    Photo by Candie_N

  • The Best Stuff in Life is FREE!

    I have come to learn that most treasured things in life really are “free”!  You cannot purchase these items and they come spontaneously and sincerely from the giver.  They are little wonderful gifts to those on the receiving end.  It is easy to get wrapped up in the day to day life and not realize that some of the best stuff that we can get in our lifetime is free.  These simple acts of kindness can be a huge blessing to us on a tough day.  As a Mom I am thankful for girls who freely and generously shower me with these blessings quite frequently.

    Here are some of the BEST things in my life that are free:

    • A hug from a child
    • Word of encouragement from a friend
    • Smile from a stranger
    • A handful of freshly picked dandelions, weeds, or flowers picked from the yard
    • Simple act of kindness
    • A handwritten note in the mail
    • And Many More Special Blessings

    I can think of so many more amazing blessings in my life that a free yet have a positive impact on my life as well as on the lives of others.  Another thought to consider is……how often do I give these gifts to others?  Often times it is when you demonstrate to your children, family and friends these blessing that you’ll see the ripple effect and eventually the other side of it.

    What are some ways you are a blessing to others?  Does it take much time or cost you too much to make a positive impact on the lives of the people around you?

  • You know I do a lot of smiley faces for the girls when…..

    The girls start coming up with food smiles on their own.  I was baking the Beary Cute Cookies and asked Brina to help unwrap and sort the candies.  This is the plate of goodies she handed to me.  Yes, it made me smile.  I am thrilled to see her willingness to participate in the kitchen and love  the creative side coming out as well.  Thankful for some extra cooking time with my sweet Brina.  Everyone has been enjoying the goodies that we baked together this weekend.  Hope you are having a wonderful time celebrating the last day of 2010 too!!!!

  • Smiles Spread Cheer

    I enjoy making smiley snacks for the girls especially when they are not expecting the fun surprise.  They were outside playing last week and I decided to make something healthy for them to munch on.  Smiles spread cheer and excitement when they are delivered.  They ate their smiles at the picnic table while talking and giggling. You can make a smile snack with anything that you have at home.  Both girls had a big smile matching their plates when I handed them over.

    Here is what was on each smile snack plate today:

    • 1 Banana
    • 6 Chocolate Covered Almonds
    • 1 Cherry Tomato (from our garden, one of the last few)
    • 2 slices of Zucchini
    • 2 Raisins
    • 4 Baby Carrots
    • 1 Mozzarella String Cheese Stick (cut up)

    Add a smile to your kids food today and see how excited they get over it.  Life is short, have some fun.