Family,  Kids,  Twins

Smiles Spread Cheer

I enjoy making smiley snacks for the girls especially when they are not expecting the fun surprise.  They were outside playing last week and I decided to make something healthy for them to munch on.  Smiles spread cheer and excitement when they are delivered.  They ate their smiles at the picnic table while talking and giggling. You can make a smile snack with anything that you have at home.  Both girls had a big smile matching their plates when I handed them over.

Here is what was on each smile snack plate today:

  • 1 Banana
  • 6 Chocolate Covered Almonds
  • 1 Cherry Tomato (from our garden, one of the last few)
  • 2 slices of Zucchini
  • 2 Raisins
  • 4 Baby Carrots
  • 1 Mozzarella String Cheese Stick (cut up)

Add a smile to your kids food today and see how excited they get over it.  Life is short, have some fun.