• Flashback Friday: Ready for Snow!

    Sled Ride - Brina and Karlie (9 Months, Nov. 2005)c

    Brina and Karlie

    Ready for a winter snow now!  The girls are all ready to try out their sled.  They were so excited with all the fun festivities going on during this time of year.  It was a fun experience going through the Holiday season for the first time with the girls.

  • Everything Beautifully Covered in Icicles


    All the trees coated in ice!

    The past couple of weeks have been busy with changes in schedules due to the weather.  Our first big storm started as sleet went to snow and ended in more sleet.  The result was everything covered in a sheet of ice.

    The kids that it was great they got out of school.  They didn’t care that it was cold or slick they loved playing outside in it!   It was nice having some extra fun time with the kids.  With all the fun we have been having it has taken me awhile to catch up on the things around the house and get the blog pictures posted.  Hopefully, I will have you all updated on our snow and ice activities within the next couple of days! 🙂


    Brina volunteering to take out our mail.  So happy to have a “snow / ice” day from school!


    Skipper loves snow days as much as the kids.  She loves playing outside with them!


    Brina sledding.  The ice on top of the snow actually made the sledding a lot of fun for the kids.


    Karlie getting ready to go down too!


    Karlie sledding.  It’s amazing how well the sled worked even going through the leaves!


    Icicles on the back porch.


    Icicles on the jungle gym.


    My old planter is covered with ice!


    Our poor trees….they looked so sad!  They were not as happy about having the weight of ice on them.


    Icy branches!

  • Sledding & Exploring the Woods


    Pausing for a moment by the creek to snap a quick picture of the girls.  They are thrilled to have the extra snow days!

    Fun times together sledding and exploring the woods.  One day Jake was able to come out a little bit over his lunch break and go sledding for a little bit with the whole family.  We had a lot of fun!


    Thankful for some fun time together!


    Oreo was not entirely sure about the sledding adventure.  Several times as we were flying down the hill on the sled the goats and dog would go bounding out of the way or almost jump into our laps!


    Brina heading down the slope!


    There goes Daddy!


    Oreo finding some yummy leaves while Brina and Daddy decide on the next hill to go sledding down!


    On your marks…..get set…..Go!!!!


    Every day the girls wanted to take a hike through the woods.  Today, Jake joined us on this fun adventure!


    She’s looking mischievous….probably forming another snowball to toss my direction when I am least expecting it!


    Jake helping Brina up onto a fallen tree covered in snow in the woods.


    It was fun to spend some time outside with everyone for a little bit!


    Brina having a blast!


    She’s definitely getting ready for a surprise snowball attack!


    Brina was pretty proud of this one!  Love her face!  Let’s just say this one took me by surprise and hit square on the camera and in my face!  Silly girl!

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont (part 2)

    Karlie sledding right past me, giggling the whole time

    The girls had a BLAST sledding in Vermont.  They tried out several spots for sledding.  The snow was beautiful and the weather was perfect.  They didn’t even complain about carrying their sleds back up the hills.

    Brina zooming past me on the steep slope

    Daddy’s coming down now!

    Mommy is having a blast sledding too!

    Brina all bundled up and sledding down the hill again

    Karlie came to an abrubt stop when she hit a tree.  Somehow she was the only one all weekend that hit a tree and she managed to get snagged on more than one!

    There goes Brina Bee again!

  • Travel & Vacation: Sledding in Vermont

    Brina got some air on that ride down!

    The girls were excited to make up a trip North to Vermont this winter.  They have been waiting to go sledding all winter and with us being in South Carolina we haven’t had any good sledding weather.  The girls spent hours outside over the long weekend playing in the snow and sledding.  We found some great places to go sledding!

    Karlie kicking up some extra snow on her trip down the hill

    Brina is ready for sledding

    Karlie had some interesting stops on the sled

    Going for a sled ride, the girls are really excited!  Oh my, I  think Karlie is getting ready to throw a snow ball right at me.

    Here comes Brina!  Look Out!

    Here comes Karlie!