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Celebrating Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! We love you! XOXOXO

Happy Father’s Day to my Dad and my Grandpa’s for being there for me throughout my life and for continuing to make a positive impact in the lives of our kids. Happy Father’s Day to my amazing husband Jake Hayes who is a loving husband and a kind, caring, generous, considerate, and awesome Dad to our girls! Thanks for everything you do for us, all your hard work, the laughter, and fun memories you bring into our lives. I love you bunches and am grateful that God has allowed me to share this incredible journey with you! XOXO Happy Fathers Day!

Sending a Happy Father’s Day message!

The girls and I were able to spend the week before Father’s Day with my parents and extended family in Kansas.  It was great getting to spend some time with my Dad right before Father’s Day since I don’t get to do that very often anymore with us being so far away.  Thankful that my parents let us invade their house for about 10 days and the great memories we made while in Kansas.

We were not able to be with Jake for Father’s Day so the girls and I decided to send him a Father’s Day picture.   They helped orchestrate and plan this “chalk message surprise” for Jake.   They were bubbling over with so much excitement that I was afraid they would bust out with the secret before we got it done since we talked to him earlier in the day….they didn’t  though.

He enjoyed his Father’s Day message from the kids (and the one furry critter that had to be in the picture too).  While Father’s Day is a specific time to “thank” our Dads we are grateful that we can celebrate any time of the year. I am also, thankful that my brother and sister-in-law invited us hang out with them for a few hours on Father’s Day and for the delicious Low Country Broil they made for lunch!