• Book: “Starlight” by Kristin Earhart

    The girls enjoy the book Starlight by Kristin Earhart. This book is about a little girl named Haley and her foal called Starlight.  Haley did her best to train Starlight but it seems like Starlight was too busy having fun to listen until one night Starlight gets lost in the woods. Our girls really enjoy these books.  They are great for the early readers especially if they like horses.

  • Book: “Dash” by J. Elizabeth Mills

    Even though our girls are twins they have very different personalities.  One of the few things they have in common is their love of horses!  Both of them absolutely love anything about horses.  Lately I have been noticing that more and more horse books have been pulled off the shelf to read and when we go to the used book store they are always on the look out for new “horse” books.

    The other day I noticed that Karlie had been carrying this Scholastic book Dash by J. Elizabeth Mills around for several days and reading it over and over.  I asked if she would be willing to read the book to me and she did!  It is still hard to believe that my girls are old enough to be reading me books.  Granted this one isn’t a huge book but it does have four short chapters.

    The story is about a little girl named Jenny who wants to participate in a barrel racing competition.  She and her horse Dash train really hard for the big day.  Both of our girls love this book.  If your child loves horses and is starting to read independently this would be a great book to add to your library.