• Travel & Vacation: Amazing Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    Brina ready to head out on the Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom

    The fast passes were gone for the Kilimanjaro Safari at Animal Kingdom before we decided which day we would be going to the park which is a sign that this is a popular activity.  We waited in line for about an hour to go on the safari, but it was very worth it.  This is the longest we had to wait for any activity while at Animal Kingdom.  During this safari we were able to see real animals in their natural habitats during the expedition through the Safari.

    We got to ride out to the safari where many animals were living in the wild.   We went through mud, standing water, on “shaky” bridges, and more while seeing animals at every turn.  Many of these animals I would not want to meet out in the jungle, however, the animals in this jungle looked well fed, peaceful, and relaxed.  It was a wonderful experience.  The kids LOVED this and rated the Safari as one of their favorite activities while at Animal Kingdom.  If you are ever at Animal Kingdom don’t miss this activity if you like seeing a lot of wild animals fairly close!


    Karlie on the lookout for animals!


    An okapi which is half zebra and half giraffe!


    Hippo sunning itself on the bank by the water.


    A group of hippo hanging out in the water.


    Beautiful scenery!


    That’s a lot of alligators in one spot!


    Thankfully that big guy is heading that  direction and not our way!


    Life is rough!


    Very tall termite mound!  Surprised at how many of these were around in a variety of different sizes and shapes.


    Giraffes nibbling on the tree!




    Friendly elephant!


    The elephants were covering themselves with mud to keep from getting sunburned.


    A cluster of elephants rooming around.


    The upside down tree (looks like the roots are growing out of the top).


    Pink flamingos hanging out around the water.


    Rhinos munching on hay!


    Had to stop our drive through the grasslands when a rhino decided to cross the road in front of us.


    Meandering along!


    A gathering of rhinos helping themselves to some delicious rhino snacks.


    Cheetah napping in the shade.


    Lion sleeping in the cool rocks.


    Zebras munching on the grass.


    Warthogs resting


    Ostrich eggs?


    Zebras were pretty!


    The animals were so peaceful!



  • Travel & Vacation: Welcome to Disney’s Animal Kingdom (Orlando, FL)


    A day at Animal Kingdom with these two chickies!

    The girls and I went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom in Orlando, FL recently while Jake was at a conference!  They were very excited to check out all the animals in the park.  We packed in a full day at Animal Kingdom.  We arrived early and were one of the last few to leave at closing.  The crazy thing is we still didn’t get to everything we wanted to do, but we definitely did a lot.  It was a great day with my girls.  Both girls LOVED it, but Animal Kingdom was probably Brina’s favorite place to visit (which isn’t a big surprise for those who know her).


     Pretty bird….was the first comment I heard from the girls as we entered the park.


    A pair of beautiful birds perched on the branch.


    Having a blast!


    A Wallaby eating its morning treat.  At first we thought it was a kangaroo until further investigation.  Must be in the same family though because there are similarities.


    Karlie and Brina in front of a gorgeous waterfall in Animal Kingdom.


    Starting to get more crowded.  The tree in back is the “Tree of Life” and has over 300 animal figured carved into it.  Very fascinating to see up close.


    Hanging out in line.  They were troopers even in the longer lines.  We took the time to get something to eat and drink whenever we spent a decent amount of time standing in lines.  Thankfully, it wasn’t the busiest season so at Animal Kingdom the longest line we waited in was the Kilimanjaro Safari for an hour in the Africa section which was well worth the wait (I will be sharing more about that safari in a later post).


     Big black fish swimming right beside us.


     Going through the waterfall as we head into the Tree of Life for the “It’s Tough Being a Bug” Show!


    Bug Eyes!!!  They are ready for the show!  Such a great show and one of their favorites for the day.  Wish we had time to do it again!


     Africa was one of their favorite places to visit while in Animal Kingdom.  It had great music, the  Kilimanjaro Safari tour, Lion King, and more fun activities to do.


    Musical entertainment shortly after entering the gates into the Africa section.  They had people playing on and off all day.  Fun upbeat music.


     Karlie trying out her musical talent!


     Brina going all out!


     Swinging around on their jungle gym!


    Another one taking a rest!


     Rodrigues Fruit Bats hanging around at Animal Kingdom.  Wonder what they eat….if you guessed fruit you are correct.  All the ones in the section we visited were male.  Did you know that their bat wings are made out of similar material that our eyelids are made out of?  They were fascinating to watch!


    Beautiful tiger lounging peaceful and keeping a watchful eye on the visitors.


     This tiger was literally on the other side of the glass from us.  It’s fur looked so soft, not sure it would have been a good idea to pet the big cat though!


     Deer enjoying a rest in the shade.


     Love the colors on this feathered friend.


    Mesmerized by all the activity above them!


     So much fun.  They were on the go and soaking all the cool animal sights in throughout the day.


    Mount Everest at Animal Kingdom.  The mountain is the host for the Expedition Everest roller coaster.  We all agreed that it was probably a little more than we wanted to do, but it was super cool to watch!


    They had a blast!  Waiting for the bus to take us back to the resort.  Thankful for an chance to spend the day with the kids at Animal Kingdom and all the fun memories as well as activities we did that day!

  • Book: “The Dragon and the Turtle Go On Safari” by Donita K. Paul & Evangeline Denmark

    I was really excited to get The Dragon and the Turtle Go on Safari by Donita K. Paul and Evangeline Denmark to read to the girls.  It is a story about two friends Padraig (the dragon) and Roger (the turtle) on a camping adventure together at the base of “Mount Sillymanborrow” (their backyard).   They have a camp fire, toast marshmallows, eat baked bugs, sleep in a tent, and let their creative imaginations send them on several fun Safari adventures.  Throughout the night they encountered a variety of “jungle” beasts – they heard noises from a howler monkey (owl), giraffes (squirrel), elephants (raccoon), fed a rhinoceros (dog), and rescued a baby leopard (kitten).

    The two friends shared in the adventure together, supporting and encouraging each other when they were frightened.  Roger even nicknamed his friend Professor Padraig since he was an “expert” on jungle animals.  They chose to do activities that both friends wanted to do which also distracted them from thinking about the scary noises around them.  I liked how both friends encouraged each other throughout the night and never made fun of the other one even when they were scared.  If one friend did not want to do an activity (such as listen to a scary story) they just picked another safari activity to do together.  Even though they were scared they still were brave enough to help another animal in distress, the kitten.

    Although the authors had a several wonderful underlying points in the story I was disappointed in the flow of the book.  It came across a little choppy in areas; the words didn’t flow together smoothly and the girls didn’t get some of the jokes.  The story at the end of the book “The Legend of Mount Sillymanborrow” didn’t seem to fit well with the story and I had to explain it to my girls.  With that being said,  I really enjoyed the very last page – “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid… God goes with you; he will never leave you.” – Deuteronomy 3:16   The authors did provide some really good discussion questions for kids and I liked how they encouraged our girls to think of positive ways to help a friend when they are scared.  Overall I think the book had some really good points and brought out some teachable moments for the kids, however, I would suggest checking the book out at the library first to make sure it is a good fit for your family prior to purchasing it.

    Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book for review purposes from the publisher through the Waterhouse Multnomah.  The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”