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Travel & Vacation: Quick Stop in Doha, Qatar

Looking at Qatar from the airplane, BEAUTIFUL!!!

Our longest flights to and from India were on Qatar Airways.  The flights were between 13 to 17 hours (one included an extra delay where we were stuck on the plane).  It was a great airline to fly.  I only wish we had more time in Doha, Qatar so we could explore the area more.  The people we met on the flights and in Qatar were really neat too.  The service was great, food delicious, and all our luggage arrived exactly when and where it was suppose to (which is kind of important).  After traveling with them I would definitely recommend them especially if you are traveling overseas with long flights.

Another picture of Qatar as we gained more altitude.  These are all man made patches of land.  Qatar is one of wealthiest country in the world.

When you have to spend 17 hours on a flight it is nice they have good food! 🙂  Breakfast anyone?

Rain delay in the Qatar!  Guess they don’t get a lot of rain in the desert area so it causes some issues with the planes.  We ended up being on the plane almost two additional hours with this delay.

Qatar Airways

I tried not using any flash on the plane so I wouldn’t disturb people around us who were sleeping, but had to take a picture of the ice cream.  On the way out we got Ben & Jerry’s and the way back London Diary ice cream and cookies for snacks.  The girls were ready to go to India as soon as the heard we had meals and ICE CREAM on the plane, ha! 🙂

Another delicious meal on the airplane.  If I remember correctly we had 3 meals and several snacks on both our Qatar flights.  The stewardess would give you a menu and you picked out which options you wanted.  If you fell asleep you could just put a sticker on the top of the seat telling the steward what you wanted for your next meal.

The food was great (as you can see from the pictures) and the seats were really comfortable.  The seats were bigger and even reclined a lot more making it easier to rest.  After flying Qatar from Doha, Qatar to Washington, DC we transferred to US Airways (that’s when we realized how big, comfortable, and reclining abilities of the seats on Qatar were).  The US Airway plane felt tiny and more cramped.  We were thankful for safe flights and were ready to get home to our chickies.  Only a couple more hours of driving and we would be there! 🙂