• Rainbow Confetti Snowman


    Introducing the kids snowman for 2015 – Rainbow Confetti!  Shortly after this picture I was beamed with a snowball (can you guess from who?!)  Look at the person in the picture holding a snowball waiting for me to snap the picture.

    The last snow day we had the girls decided it was time to build a snowman.  It was perfect packing snow so they got started.  The only probably they had is the originally started the snowman ball at the bottom of the yard and rolled it uphill.  It wasn’t until they reached the driveway did they realize that they were not going to make it into the front yard so they came inside requesting help.  Between the three of us slip and sliding the big ball of snow across the driveway we managed to get it into the front yard.

    It isn’t the most beautiful snowman with the leaves, sticks, and dirt sticking out of it, but for the most part it is one that was built primarily by the kids with only a little assistance getting it into the front yard.  They did a great job and had a blast.  They “painted” their snowman with a mix of water and food coloring in a spray bottle then named him “Rainbow Confetti”.  Skipper was there to supervise the construction!  I do have to say their snowman lasted for several days and was one of the last ones in our area to completely melt so they did a great job packing in the snow plus they built him under a tree so it was a little more shaded.

    Snow, Winter, Snowman, Outside, Animals, Snow Art, Colorful Snow, Animals, goats, Dog,

    They would roll up more big snowballs and break them down next to the bottom of the snowman to build up a strong base.  I think the “breaking” and jumping up and down on the balls of snow were the real fun, the snowman just had the benefit of all the extra snow around it.


    Rainbow Confetti was a mix of random colors from red, yellow, green, and blue.  They decided to use the fox hat.  Rainbow Confetti’s face was made completely out of vegetables that the critters running through the yard could eat.  Cherry tomato eyes, carrot nose, and an orange pepper mouth!


    The kids colorful snowman.  They did a great job!

  • Hiking & Tracking Animals in the Snow


    Hiking through the woods

    Most kids love to go sledding, building a snowman, make snow angels, and more crazy stuff in the snow.  One of the first things our kids want to do is take a hike in the woods.  They love going through the woods, checking out the stream, and looking for various animal tracks in the snow.  We saw a lot of animal tracks and most of them I knew what they were there was only one set that had me stumped….still haven’t quite figured it out even after looking up pictures.


    One of our favorite stops by the stream.  Always gurgling down hill even on the snowy days.


    Lots of deer tracks going through the woods after the snow and ice stopped.


    Karlie looking for animal tracks.


    Karlie loves being outside.


    Brina brought the sled and was sledding down hills on our hike.  She managed to go around most trees.


    Little tracks….


    This was the one that perplexed me, it was as big as my hand and had 5 claws (or toes).


    Lots of little bird tracks.


    Skipper goes swimming in the creek even when its icy cold and snowing!


    Little bird…


    Cat paw prints.


    Hanging out in the woods.


    Talking, walking, and having fun in the woods.


    Karlie loves getting out of school for snow days!

  • A Leaf Covered Driveway Becomes the Kids New Race Track


    There are benefits living in South Carolina with a lot of trees on the property, we have a lot of leaves!  Our leaf covered driveway became the kids new race track one sunny afternoon.   The girls took the rake, broom, and chalk out to the driveway and made a race track.  They spent the rest of the day riding their bikes, scooters, and cars around on their fresh track.  Glad to see them use their creativity and vent some extra energy.

    Driveway Race Track

    Starting line for the race track!


    A maze of kid roads on our driveway!

  • Happy Kids & Messy Mud Pies

    Mud Pies

    The girls love making mud pies!  I cannot count the number of times they have been found mixing up a batch of dirt, sand, clay, pebbles, water, sticks, and a variety of other treasures they find in the yard to make their special mud pies.  The mud pie in this picture was made especially for me!  🙂   It is what they call a “Happy Mud Pie”!   When I was a kid my Mom would let me make mud pies in the backyard so this activity brings back some fun memories for me too.  Although, I don’t remember getting so dirty doing it as a kid, but my Mom may have a different opinion about that subject.  Ahem…

    To be honest one of the biggest reasons I am not a big fan of the kids making mud pies is because it is messy (I don’t like big messes), not to mention the random holes they happen to dig in our yard, but when I do allow it they usually have a blast and come up with some interesting creations.  They always get excited when they get my approval to make mud pies!  After whipping up their mud pie concoctions they will set them out in the sun to bake for a couple days. Once they are good and dry they will pop them out of their containers and proudly show us their fun creations.

    The more I think about it the mud pie making process is good practice for cooking (measuring ingredients, mixing, etc…) plus it allows them to experiment, and be creative with a variety of ingredients.    While I will probably never be a fan of messes sometimes I have to let go of my priorities and just allow the kids to have fun making a mess.  Plus, if it is warm enough outside I can hose them down prior to coming indoors.  🙂   I am thankful for my kids and glad that they enjoy opportunities to play, be creative, and yes even make messy mud pies.


  • Sweet Sisters

    Brina picking up a duck out of the river so she can toss it back into the water.

    Now that’s one big bubble!

    Sweet sister

  • Family Fun: Getting a Little Fresh Air

    Brina swinging on the jungle gym

    One of the best parts about the warm sunny days when they hit in the middle of winter is the family can go outside and get some fresh air.  Since it is the season of colds and sickness the fresh air is wonderful for everyone.  We try to let the girls get some play time outside when the weather permits and we even join in on the fun.  Whether it is pushing one of the girls on the swings or playing catch it is important that we spend some time relaxing together.

    Karlie playing catch with Daddy

    Thankful for the warm and sunny days in South Carolina as well as the opportunity to spend some extra time with my family! 🙂

  • Family Activities: Enjoying the Simple Things in Life……

    Jake pulling Brina and Karlie in the wagon (Brina’s waving at me).

    When the weather is beautiful you’ll often see our family outside.  After more than a year without the mower we finally were able to get it fixed.  My Dad and Grandpa actually found a local mower repairman that fixes older lawn mowers in his garage (we were thankful for the help in locating someone to get the mower repaired for a reasonable price, isn’t family awesome). You don’t realize how much you use a mower until it is broken.

    When there isn’t the extra funds to fix it or to buy a new one you make do with what you have.  We did purchase a walk behind cylinder mower (the one with just the blades, no motor) for a $6 dollars at a yard sale that helped hold us over until the mower could be fixed.  With the push mower (and you really had to push with all the weeds in our yard) and weed eater we were able to keep the weeds down and made the front yard presentable which bought us some time.

    Since the mower was working again and the girls had been helping they were given a ride in the wagon.  It is amazing how just a simple ride in the wagon can bring out the giggles in the kids.  If you take a simple activity like pulling the wagon behind the mower and make it an adventure the kids will have fun.

    It didn’t take much of Jake’s time to give them a ride around the yard but it meant a lot to the kids.  Even if you cannot do something big or fancy for your kids taking a walk, pulling them in the wagon, collecting funny looking sticks, or playing catch can be great opportunities to spend time together.  The point is to deliberately spend quality time with your kids everyday.  These precious memories are ones that you will look back and smile at because before long they will be all grown up.   What are some fun activities that you do together in the yard?

  • Family Fun: Rocket Sprinkler

    One of the benefits to living in South Carolina is you still have warm days even in the Fall and Winter. Yes, last week it got down to 14 degrees at night but the by the end of the week we were enjoying 60 to 70 degree weather.  To help everyone think “warm” thoughts this cool winter I decided to post a fun warm weather activity that you can look forward to doing with your kids before long.

    Rocket Sprinkler blasting off!  Jake had a sprinkler similar to this one growing up (his was a clown).  At the end of summer we bought this rocket.  Since we have a girl that LOVES rockets when this sprinkler went on clearance for a couple dollars I decided it was worth trying it out!

    The rocket sailing through the air!  The girls love spending time outside playing.  The sprinkler provides a great source of entertainment (when it is warm enough).  It might be a few more weeks….

    Brina and Karlie running around in the sprinkler and getting ready to shoot the rocket off again.

    The girls have a fun time playing in the yard splashing around in the water, climbing on the jungle gym, running around with Skipper (our black lab), drawing with chalk, riding bikes or many of the other fun outside activities.  I am thankful to have a yard were they can run and play.  I am looking forward to even more fun activities as we move closer to Spring and the weather continues to warm up, maybe even a couple “snow” days too. 

  • Family Activities: Enjoying Time with Extended Family

    I was going through some pictures (from the 2011 Fall Season) and realized I never posted anything about our visit from extended family members. My parents, little brother and grandparents were able to come out for a few days and spend some time with us. We were blessed to have some time with everyone. The girls LOVED having Grandpa Russell, Grandma Penny, Uncle Josh, Great Grandpa CE, and Great Grandma Willa staying at our house.  It reminds me of how important it is that we spend time with those we love whenever we have the opportunity to get together.

    Playing outside with Grandma.  Brina and Karlie blowing bubbles on Skipper while Skipper looks at me as if to say “do you see what I have to put up with!”

    Brina and Karlie giggling as they chase Skipper across the yard.

    No sleeping in Uncle Josh, it is time to play!  They don’t give him much of an option to rest with all their “Uncle Josh, let’s go…..Uncle Josh will you play with me, Uncle Josh…….”  Brina’s ready to go roller blading and Karlie has a lot of fun stories to tell!  Brina and Karlie have fun when Uncle Josh is over reading books and playing. 

    Convinced Uncle Josh to read them a few books.  Here they are reading a book from the library called “Hot Fudge”

    Playing a round of Wits & Wagers with Dad, Josh, Grandpa CE and Grandma Willa.  We received this game as a gift and since then have gotten several other family members and friends hooked on the game.  If you are looking for a great family game with a bunch of fun facts check out Wits & Wagers!

    It was a fun extended weekend with family.  We played games, read books, spent time outside, celebrated my nephew Nicholas’s first birthday and enjoyed great fellowship together.  I am truly grateful that the girls have the opportunity to spend time with not only their grandparents, but great grandparents as well as Aunts and Uncles.  It was a fun weekend full of great memories for everyone! 🙂

  • Family Activities: Bubble Trouble

    Brina blowing bubbles and Skipper chasing them across the front porch trying to pop them.

    One of the best parts about having a pet is the entertainment they provide the family.  Brina and Karlie LOVE blowing bubbles outside because Skipper has a blast chasing and popping the bubbles.  It is hilarious seeing Skipper twist, turn, and jump trying to pop the bubbles while hearing the girls giggle and blow more bubbles.  Thankful for two kiddos and one furry four legged puppy that bring laughter to the family.  She is a great dog and companion for the girls plus a good squirrel hunter and protector of the home front.

    Skipper popping bubbles from Brina and Karlie.

    Living in South Carolina has its perks too.  Even though our cooler winter months are in December, January, and February there are days when it is warm enough we can go outside and play.  There have already been several days in the 70s this winter.  I am  thankful for those days when we have beautiful weather so we can have fun outdoors.  The girls love playing outside with Skipper and I would rather have them playing outside getting some fresh air.

    Karlie in the midst of a sea of bubbles as she tries out her bubble blower.

    Even though we didn’t get a white Christmas, like last year, the girls are still hoping that we get a few days of snow this winter so they can play outside.  They have fun making snow angels, snowmen, sledding and all those fun activities too.  I am fine with having a mix of both warm and cool days because it makes the Winter months even more entertaining for the family!