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Family Activities: Enjoying the Simple Things in Life……

Jake pulling Brina and Karlie in the wagon (Brina’s waving at me).

When the weather is beautiful you’ll often see our family outside.  After more than a year without the mower we finally were able to get it fixed.  My Dad and Grandpa actually found a local mower repairman that fixes older lawn mowers in his garage (we were thankful for the help in locating someone to get the mower repaired for a reasonable price, isn’t family awesome). You don’t realize how much you use a mower until it is broken.

When there isn’t the extra funds to fix it or to buy a new one you make do with what you have.  We did purchase a walk behind cylinder mower (the one with just the blades, no motor) for a $6 dollars at a yard sale that helped hold us over until the mower could be fixed.  With the push mower (and you really had to push with all the weeds in our yard) and weed eater we were able to keep the weeds down and made the front yard presentable which bought us some time.

Since the mower was working again and the girls had been helping they were given a ride in the wagon.  It is amazing how just a simple ride in the wagon can bring out the giggles in the kids.  If you take a simple activity like pulling the wagon behind the mower and make it an adventure the kids will have fun.

It didn’t take much of Jake’s time to give them a ride around the yard but it meant a lot to the kids.  Even if you cannot do something big or fancy for your kids taking a walk, pulling them in the wagon, collecting funny looking sticks, or playing catch can be great opportunities to spend time together.  The point is to deliberately spend quality time with your kids everyday.  These precious memories are ones that you will look back and smile at because before long they will be all grown up.   What are some fun activities that you do together in the yard?