• Fresh & Healthy: Sharing the Garden Goodies

    Fresh Produce from the Garden that we gave away.

    We have been blessed with a wonderful garden this summer.  It was a great learning experience for the girls.  They enjoyed planting, watering, picking, washing, eating, and giving away the produce.  The weed pulling wasn’t a highlight for them but they did pitch in and help a few times.  I am thankful for how well the vegetables and fruit produced.

    We recently replanted the garden for Fall Harvest so we are in between stages right now.  The tomatoes are slowing down but still producing a few.  Our four okra plants have been consistently producing as well.    The above basket was one that we were able to give to several people at Jake’s work.  It has been a tremendous blessing being able to share the garden vegetables with others.

    Did you grow a garden?  What produce did you have in your garden?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Fresh Lettuce, Spinach, Broccoli, Dill, Zucchini, Basil, & Radishes!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh from the Garden - Leafy Lettuce, Spinach, Radishes, and Broccoli!

    A full dish strainer full of freshly picked goodies from the garden.  A variety of leafy lettuces, spinach, several radishes, and a few small broccoli.


    Zucchini, Radishes, and Broccoli from the Garden

    Our first zucchini from the garden!  The broccoli and radishes are done, we put in more radishes and replaced the broccoli with okra, we’ll see how it does.


    Lettuce, Basil, Spinach and Dill fresh from the garden!

    A whole colander full of a variety of leafy lettuce, fresh spinach, basil and dill!  Thinking a nice salad is in our near future!

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Fresh Lettuce, Spinach, Radishes, & Broccoli

    Directly from the garden to the table! Fresh Spinach, Broccoli, and Radishes . Love Garden Veggies!

    I have been enjoying our Vegetable Garden this year. Many thanks to my amazing husband for putting in the time and energy to help get it started for me.  The girls are thrilled to help me pick veggies.  The vegetables are fresh, delicious and they can be taken directly in to eat at dinner.  This week we picked A LOT of lettuce (a variety of leafy lettuce), some spinach, a few radishes, and a couple small broccoli heads.  My broccoli doesn’t get as big as the ones in the grocery store but they taste good!  I even made homemade White Pie Pizza topped with fresh spinach from the garden, black olives (from the box sale), and mushrooms.  All the neighbors and some of their family members have received lettuce from our garden already this year.  It is amazing how having a garden will encourage your neighbors to come over and visit for a few minutes every week.  The girls helped me deliver lettuce to those who haven’t had the chance to stop by the house this week.  I am thankful that we have been blessed with a garden this year, I LOVE being able to eat fresh veggies and share with others.  It has been a wonderful adventure and has already been a great venue for teaching the girls about giving to others and how to cook what we grow.


    Fresh Garden Vegetables we picked this week! We were able to take lettuce around to the neighbors this week, we had a great time catching up with everyone!


    Fresh Garden Radishes, the girls comment on their taste was "SPICY"!


    Fresh Homemade White Pie Pizza with Fresh Spinach from the Garden, Olives and Mushrooms!