• Recipes: Pickled Green Beans

    Recipes - Pickled Green Beans - P1360121c

    Making Pickled Green Beans

    Our family loves green beans.  Fresh garden green beans are so tasty too!  We always planted a lot of green beans whenever we had a garden.  We typically had several varieties of beans from foot long beans to different types of green beans to purple beans and more.

    Whenever we had extra green beans we would look for a variety of ways to store, eat, and enjoy them.  I recently came across our Pickled Green Bean recipe.  Since it is Spring I thought it would be a good time to share it.    These pickled green beans are crunchy and tasty!

    Pickled Green Beans Recipe:

    • 2 pounds fresh Green Beans (rinsed)
    • 2 1/2 cups White Distilled Vinegar
    • 2 1/2 cups Water
    • 1/4 cup Salt
    • 4 Garlic Cloves (peeled)
    • 1 large bunch fresh Dill Weed
    • 2 teaspoons Mustard Seeds
    • 1 teaspoon Red Pepper Flakes
    • 6 Jars (1/2 pint each) with Rings and Lids

    1.  Locate your jars and sterilize them.

    2.  Trim both ends off the rinsed fresh green beans.  Make sure the green beans fit into your jars if not cut them in half.

    3.  In a large saucepan put the vinegar, water, and salt.  Bring the mixture into a rolling boil over high heat.

    4.  In each jar place 1 garlic clove, 1 sprig of dill, 1/8 teaspoon of Red Pepper Flakes, and 1/4 teaspoon of Mustard Seeds.

    5.  Pack the green beans into the jars, standing them up vertically.

    6.  Ladle boiling mixture into the jars until it is 1/4 inch from the top.

    7.  Put the lids on the jars and allow the jars and contents to cool to room temperature before placing them into the refrigerator.  Let the pickles ferment for 2 to 3 weeks before eating the pickled green beans.

    Makes 6 pint sized jars of Pickled Green Beans.


    Green Beans being pickled


    Everything added now need to put on the lids!

    Recipes - Pickled Green Beans - P1360699c

    Jars ready to be stored for later treats!

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Beans, Peas, and Tomatoes….Oh My!

    Purple Beans, Green Beans, Snow Peas, Red Cherry Tomatoes, and Orange Cherry Tomatoes

    The garden is starting to take off and we are getting more of a variety of color as well as veggies.  It is so nice having fresh garden produce in the fridge again!  I saw more colors popping out this week too.  Our family was able to pick purple beans, green beans, orange cherry tomatoes, red cherry tomatoes and snow peas.  There’s nothing like eating a vegetable just picked moments before from the garden.  It has been great having these for snacks and meals.  I am hoping to see a lot more produce ready to be eaten in the next few weeks!a

    While we are out of town the people watching the house and animals gets to pick what they need / want from the garden.  Hopefully they’ll be able to get a lot of great food for their family too.  It is my prayer that our garden will not only be a delicious treat for our family but a blessing to others as well.

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 4)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We were thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 4 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh Goodies from our Local CSA Farm

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 Acorn Squash
    • 2 Sweet Potatoes
    • 1 bundle White Radishes
    • 1 White Eggplant
    • 1  Black Eggplant
    • 2 Milk Thistles
    • 1 bundle Greens and ?
    • 1 Half Dozen Fresh Eggs
    I am not sure what the vegetable is on the left front corner of the picture, I’ve seen them before but cannot remember what they are.  I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!  To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Fresh & Healthy: Sharing the Garden Goodies

    Fresh Produce from the Garden that we gave away.

    We have been blessed with a wonderful garden this summer.  It was a great learning experience for the girls.  They enjoyed planting, watering, picking, washing, eating, and giving away the produce.  The weed pulling wasn’t a highlight for them but they did pitch in and help a few times.  I am thankful for how well the vegetables and fruit produced.

    We recently replanted the garden for Fall Harvest so we are in between stages right now.  The tomatoes are slowing down but still producing a few.  Our four okra plants have been consistently producing as well.    The above basket was one that we were able to give to several people at Jake’s work.  It has been a tremendous blessing being able to share the garden vegetables with others.

    Did you grow a garden?  What produce did you have in your garden?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Okra, Green Beans, Summer Squash, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Purple Beans,Tomatoes, Zucchini, Peppers and More!

    We are enjoying the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week we were traveling for part of the week.  We picked some veggies to take with us on a recent road trip to Charleston and came home with an empty basket.  It was nice having the opportunity to share goodies with the people we knew in Charleston.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh Garden Produce

    Fresh garden produce this week – green peppers, red tomatoes, yellow tomatoes, cherry tomatoes, roma tomatoes, summer squash, zucchini, okra (our first one), cucumbers, banana peppers, purple beans, green beans, and lettuce.

    Garden Produce

    A picked a few tomatoes and strawberries earlier in the week and forgot to take a picture.  These were another quick pick on a busy day – okra, strawberry, purple beans, green beans, tomatoes and cucumbers.

    We have had a lot of great tomatoes the last couple of weeks.  If you are looking for a new recipe to try using fresh tomatoes check out the one that my friend Ashley from Reflecting on the Simple Things in Life posted called “Tomato Pie”!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Community Supported Agriculture (Week 9)

    It is our ninth week receiving fresh produce from our CSA!  Our family purchased a half of share and will be receiving fresh produce, local honey, eggs and more for 20 weeks.   Jake picked up the fresh veggies this week, it was nice to get our basket this week after being away for a little bit.

    Week 9 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 bag Red Potatoes
    • 2 Green / Yellow Squash
    • 1/2 bag Red Okra
    • 1/2 bag Green Okra
    • 1 bag Green Beans
    • 2 cucumbers
    • 1 Tomato
    • Dozen Fresh Eggs

    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!!!

    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Green Beans, Summer Squash, Lettuce, Cucumbers, Purple Beans, and a variety of Tomatoes!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week I only have one picture from the garden because we were traveling for part of the week.  The good news is we were able to take some of our goodies from the garden to share with family along the way and we came back to some more fresh ones ready to be picked.  Also, while we are gone my brother and his family get to pick any of the produce that is ready for themselves or to give away so I didn’t get pictures of the items they picked while we were out of town.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh Garden Vegetables!

    We were able to pick this all in one day fresh from the garden.  Fresh Summer Squash, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Cherry Tomatoes, Roma Tomatoes, Whole Size Tomatoes, Big Yellow / Orange Tomatoes, Fresh Leafy Green Lettuce, Purple Beans, Banana Peppers, Green Pepper,  (some are not pictured because they were given away prior to the picture being taken).   We were able to share some of the veggies this week with family and friends!  Thankful for a garden that we can share!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Zucchini, Green Beans, Squash, Lettuce, Cucumber, Strawberries, Purple Beans, and Tomatoes!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week I only took one picture from the garden because we were traveling.  The good news is we were able to take some of our goodies from the garden to share with family along the way.  Also, while we are gone my brother and his family get to pick any of the produce that is ready for themselves or to give away so I didn’t get pictures of the items they picked while we were out of town.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Fresh Garden Produce!

    We were able to pick this all in one day fresh from the garden.  Fresh Zucchini, Green Beans, Summer Squash, Cucumber, Cherry Tomatoes, Roma Tomatoes, Whole Size Tomatoes, Fresh Leafy Green Lettuce, Purple Beans, a handful of Strawberries that made it in the picture and a Banana Pepper (not pictured because it was ate by the kiddos).  Some of these items we delivered to a good friend since we were traveling and we wanted to make sure they were eaten while they were still fresh.

    We were able to share some of the veggies this week with family and friends!  Thankful for a garden that we can share!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Leafy Lettuce, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Purple Beans, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Green Beans, Cabbage, and Cauliflower!!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week I did a little  better at taking pictures of the items our family picked.  Although I must say the strawberries didn’t get in most of the pictures, they were ate immediately after washing.   We were able to give some of the garden produce to friends and family this week so it is nice that the garden is producing extra to share with others.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:


    Produce from the garden!

    We hadn’t been out in several days because of unexpected emergencies with friends and a busy week so we got quite a bit in this batch.  We had a whole bunch full of green beans and purple beans, 2 heads of cabbage, 2 heads of cauliflower, lots of cherry and roma tomatoes, leafy green lettuce, purple leaf lettuce, cucumbers and strawberries!


    Giant Zucchini and Summer Squash from the garden!

    The girls were VERY excited to pick these, as they called them, GIANT Vegetables!  We are hoping to get a couple more later in the week!

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?

  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Leafy Lettuce, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Purple Beans, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Green Beans, and Snow Peas!

    We are loving the fresh vegetables from our garden!  This week I did better at taking pictures of the items our family picked.  We were traveling for a few day.  Hopefully my brother who was watching the house was able to get a few items out of the garden to use for their family.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:


    Fresh from the Garden - Leafy Lettuce, Zucchini, Summer Squash, Cherry and Roma Tomatoes, Strawberries, Green Beans, and Purple Beans.

    We got two more big bags of leafy lettuce before we had to pull the stocks because they were flowering.  The zucchini and summer squash are starting to picking.  We’ve been getting a few strawberries and a couple handfuls of cherry tomatoes more regularly now.  We have both green and purple beans producing now in the garden.


    Big Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Purple Beans, Summer Squash, Leafy Green Lettuce, Snow Peas, Strawberry and Green Beans from the Garden

    The snow peas have been amazing and delicious to eat fresh for snacks and in baking, however, they are pretty much done producing.  The lettuce is slowing down too but we hope to get a few more salads in before it completely wraps up for the season.  On a more positive note the tomatoes, beans, and squash are still going pretty strong despite all the storms.

    We were able to share some of the veggies this week with family, friends and people at our church.  During the summer months our church does a “Corner Harvest” where people can share fresh produce from their garden.  It is neat to see what other families are growing and share our produce.

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?