• Fresh & Healthy: Fall Harvest – Community Supported Agriculture (Week 7 & 8)

    We are enjoying our Fall Harvest with our Local Farm with Community Supported Agriculture program. With the Thanksgiving Holiday being on Thursday we decided it would be better not to have to juggle picking up produce in between all the family Holiday fun so we received a full share this week.    We are now getting close to the end of our fall harvest only two more weeks left.  The Fall harvest is 10 weeks long through our farm.  We are thrilled to get the produce and fresh eggs.  Our family is doing a half share again for this harvest.

    Fall Harvest Week 7 & 8 of Fresh Goodies from our CSA!

    Fresh goodies from our Local CSA Farm!

    Items in our Basket this Week:

    • 1 large Green Cabbage
    • 1 bag Snow Peas (LOVE them)
    • 5 Beets
    • 2 Brown Potatoes
    • 4 Sweet Potatoes
    • 2 Spaghetti Squash
    • 2 Yellow Onions
    • 2 Yellow Carrots
    • 1 Dozen Fresh Eggs
    I am looking forward to eating these goodies this week!  Thanks everyone for the delicious Recipes!    To find out how you can be a part of a local CSA check out this post – Fresh & Healthy:  Community Supported Farms
  • Fresh & Healthy: Our Garden – Cabbage, Okra, Green Beans, Cucumbers, Purple Beans,Tomatoes, Peppers and More!

    We are enjoying the fresh vegetables from our garden!  We didn’t have to travel this week so we had the opportunity to enjoy the veggies even more.  Our garden is slowing down a little with all the heat.  I didn’t get a chance to take a picture of all the vegetables because a couple neighbors came over to get some produce.

    Here are some of the fresh veggies we were able to eat and share this week:

    Green Cabbage and Purple Cabbage from our garden

    We made green and red coleslaw out of our two cabbages.

    Red and green cabbage heads ready to be sliced for coleslaw!

    The cabbage made great coleslaw!

    Fresh Garden Produce

    Fresh vegetables and fruit from the garden – Big Tomatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Roma Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Beans, Purple Beans, Okra, Banana Peppers, and Strawberries.

    We have had a lot of great tomatoes the last couple of weeks.   We had a friend made some delicious salsa from our tomatoes and peppers.  It has been neat seeing and hearing what others have been able to make with our vegetables.

    What are you eating out of your garden this week?