• You Know it is Going to Be An Interesting Day When …

    You look down and you are wearing not only two different shoes, but two entirely different colored shoes!  Not that long ago I woke up with my alarm (5:00 am), got dressed and headed downstairs to go yoga before waking up the rest of the family and heading off to work.  It was one of those mornings I had to drag myself out of bed.  I didn’t “want” to go do yoga, but knew that it would be good for me.

    As I was setting up my mat and yoga items I happened to look down at my feet and noticed that I was wearing 1 pink and 1 black flipflop.  Oops!  Granted I did get dressed in the dark as to not wake my sleeping husband, but it was a sure sign I was more tired than I realized when I didn’t even notice I was wearing two different shoes for several minutes.

    It was a rather busy day, but I survived.  Doing yoga that morning even with two different shoes was the right choice.  I don’t always make good choices, but if the worse thing that happens in my day is wearing two different colored shoes I am doing ok.  Who knows maybe I will start a new trend.  At least it is something funny to look at and laugh about.  And I made it out of the house with two coordinating shoes that day (I double checked before heading into work)!