• Recipes: Campfire Toasted Portobello Mushrooms & Cinnamon Apples


    Food is prepped and ready to be cooked for dinner over the campfire

    First we shared our Campfire Steak & Kielbasa main dish.  Last week we shared with you our Campfire Garlic Bread.  Now this week we get to do another side dish – Portobello Mushrooms as well as desert – Cinnamon Apples.

    Are you seeing a theme this month?  Maybe I am gearing up for a another fun family camping trip!?  The only probably is figuring out when to fit it in with all the other fun stuff going on!  Our family really does enjoy a good camping trip or fire pit meal!  It is fun to try new things or take items we used to only do on the grill and make them over a fire.  By the way, all of these recipes work beautifully on a grill too so feel free to cook up these goodies on it instead.

    Campfire Toasted Portobello Mushrooms & Cinnamon Apples

    A campfire is not the same without desert.  While we do really enjoy the sweet chocolate goodness of toasted marshmallows and s’mores this time around we tried something new.  Campfire Toasted Cinnamon Apples and they turned out crispy, sweet, and delicious!
    Prep Time10 minutes
    Cook Time6 minutes
    Total Time16 minutes
    Course: Dessert
    Cuisine: American, Camping
    Keyword: Apple, Camp Cooking, Camping, Grill, Mushroom
    Servings: 4


    • 2 Portobello Mushroom Tops
    • 1 tbsp Italian Salad Dressing
    • 2 Sliced Apples Granny Smith or other Baking Apple
    • 1 tbsp Cinnamon Sugar Mixture
    • Wooden or Metal Skewers


    • Soak the wooden skewers in water for about 5 to 10 minutes.  This allows them to not burn up once over the campfire.  If you have metal skewers these can be used immediately.
    • While the skewers are soaking in water.  Drizzle a touch of the Italian Salad Dressing over the outside of the portobello mushroom and the remaining tablespoon amount on the inside of the mushroom and allow to sit inside the cap to marinate it until it goes onto the campfire.
    • Stick the skewers through the portobello mushroom.  Two skewers per piece works a little better when turning over the fire, but 1 will work too.
    • Sprinkle the cinnamon & sugar mixture over the outside of the apple slices.
    • Stick the skewers through the apple slices.  We put 2 slices on each skewer.
    • Place the portobello mushroom (do the top side of the mushroom first so the bowl with the extra Italian Salad Dressing is facing up and continuing to season the mushroom as it cooks) on the campfire.  Cook until slight lines start appearing on the mushroom and flip once.  Depending on how hot the fire is it should only take 1 to 3 minutes per side when you see the Italian Salad Dressing start to boil or bubble inside the mushroom cap it is time to flip it.
    • Place the apple slices on the campfire.  Cook until the apple juices start bubbling and flip once.  Depending on how hot the fire is it should only take 1 to 3 minutes per side


    Mushroom seasoned with Italian Salad Dressing is ready to go onto the fire


    Cooking the portobello mushroom and cinnamon apple slices together


     Almost done, both have been flipped and about ready to come off the fire!  Smells wonderful!

  • Organized Chaos: Yard Clean Up & Bonfire


    Family yard clean up day

    I typically focus my “Organized Chaos” posts on items that have been done inside the house.  Sometimes being organized means going outside and getting stuff done too. We don’t always keep up with everything going on both inside and outside the house, but it feels good when we have a chance to pull together and have a productive day.

    Recently we had a family yard clean up day.  The girls and I spent the some time in the morning picking up fallen sticks from all the trees around our property while Jake changed the oil in our vehicles.  After he was done with the cars Jake mowed the yard.  We had a bonfire and got rid of a bunch of the sticks.  The yard looks better, at least until the grass grows with all the rain we’ve been getting.  The girls always enjoy cleaning up the yard and especially getting a chance to have a bonfire.


    Burning some dead tree branches we picked up in the yard.


    The girls were pretty good about helping feed the fire with dry sticks.

  • Free Ebooks: Clean Food Diet, Battlefields of the Civil War, Who Took My Banana, Essential Wilderness Survival Guide, and more!

    The price to download these books is currently $0.00 (although the price may change at any time, please confirm prior to downloading).  The ebooks are specifically for Kindles, however, you can click here and download the free application that allows you to read Kindle ebooks on your PC.

    Download a free copy of Clean Food Diet – Avoid Processed Foods and Eat Clean by Jonathon Vine

    Download a free copy of Battlefields of the Civil War – Volume 1 by Blair Howard

    Download a free copy of Who Took My Banana? by Sally Huss

    Download a free copy of The Essential Wilderness Survival Guide (Shelter, Water, Fire, & Food) by Rick Edelson

    Download a free copy of Best Healthy Vegan Holiday Recipes by Jonathan Vine

    Download a free copy of How to Spot Spy Cameras Watching You by Bohdan O. Szuprowicz

    Download a free copy of Children of the World by Sally Huss

    Download a free copy of Smoothie Recipes for Weight Loss – 30 Delicious Detox, Cleanse and Green Smoothies by Troy Adashum

  • Travel & Vacation: Snow Days (part 2)

    Karlie hanging out in the snow fort

    The girls were so happy to have time every day to play in the snow while we were in Vermont.  We went sledding, on walks, built a snow fort, started a little fire, had a snowball fight, made snow angels and more!  We were thankful to have some time with family up in Vermont this winter.  It was a relaxing time full of great memories!

    Brina getting ready to do a snow angel

    Karlie working on her snow angel

    Brina sliding down this hill without a sled just on her bottom

    Karlie collecting sticks