• Travel & Vacation: Visiting Belize City, Belize

    'Room service and breakfast on the balcony.  Great way to start off a new day!'

    Visiting Belize City, Belize! We had a wonderful day learning about the country of Belize, seeing the area, going to Jaguar Park (thankfully we didn’t run into any real jaguars), going zip lining, and floating through massive caves on an inner-tube. Plus a great time that evening on the ship at dinner and the shows. It was a fun day!

    'Our friend the pirate!  We tried a different brand of sunblock today, it was not our favorite because it was so greasy.  Jake wiped most of his off, but I still look all oiled up from it!'
    Look out Belize here we come!
    'My hot man!'
    My Handsome!  Love this guy so much!
    'Sunblock on...check, hat on....check, swimsuit on....check, camera packed....check! Ready for our Belize adventures!'
    Excited to go
    'Jake all geared up and ready for take off on the zip line!'
    My Handsome getting ready to fly through the trees.

    The “Travel and Vacation” series is an insight into our trips together as a family, ways we relax, and tips on how to make trips more enjoyable.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Explore with a good attitude, look for fun, and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Love It – Lenovo G460 Laptop

    I am very excited!  I just received my first “new” laptop!  My husband was able to get a great deal on a Lenovo G460 Laptop a few weeks ago.  When it arrived my husband let me open the package first.  It was shiny, sleek and running in a matter of only a few minutes.  It is much faster and one of the nicest pieces of technology I have ever owned.  Love that it is quick, portable, and looks great.  I never thought a piece of technology could be so awesome!

    Why did I need a new laptop?  Having a computer is wonderful but like any technology it doesn’t always run perfectly.  The last few months my “hand me down” laptop screen got a crack and other issues were starting to pop up.  I had to keep decreasing the screen size as the crack spread. It was hard to transport the old one because movement would cause the crack to worsen.  Although I was grateful for a computer and it got the job done (most days), but with the crack and more issues we decided it was time to consider upgrading.  I have been very fortunate to not have to purchase a computer for many years.  In the past, my husband has been able to piece together computers for me with parts that he has and I am thankful for a man who is very knowledgeable in doing that because it has saved us a lot of money.

    My sweet husband has been looking for a couple months for a great deal on a new computer for me.  We were thinking that a laptop would be the best fit because it is light, portable and fits with the projects that I have been doing recently.  Since I spend a lot of my time working on the computer this allows me to be more mobile and efficient.

    I have been using my new Lenovo G460 laptop for only a couple days and I am still amazed at the difference!  Very thankful for such a wonderful computer and for a husband that researched to found the perfect one for me.  I plan to use it for many years to come!