• Heart Reflections: Conversation Starters

    There has been so much that has happened over the course of the week its hard to know how to sift through all that is going on and use those moments, sometimes even times of heartaches to start some tough conversations with our kids.  Conversations about life and yes, death too.  While it is my preference to focus on the happy and fun moments sometimes God allows something that brings tears to mold my heart as well as the hearts of my kids.

    How we handle those conversations can be key to reaching the very heart of our children.  As they deal with the death of a precious pet, loved one, or something else they will want to know answers and find peace amidst the heartache.  While circumstances (like in our case the death of a family pet) will prompt conversations it’s never easy answering the questions when your child’s heartbroken.

    Another great way to start some good conversations with your children is through devotionals.  One of  the best parts about reading through a variety of devotional books with them is that it really seems to initiate some good conversations.  Some of the conversations can extend over several days too.

    I pray that Jake and I will seek God’s wisdom so that we know what and how to explain God’s goodness even in the sad moments as well as taking opportunities to share truth during those happy times.  May we always cherish the times we have with the ones we love even more.