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Game Closet

Our game closet has been cleaned out and re-organized so we can more easily access the games.  We got rid of some of the games the girls had outgrown!  Some of the games we donated and others we sold at our garage sale or online.

Games have always been a fun activity in our family.  It came to our attention a few months ago that it would be beneficial to do a weekly game night with the kids.  Playing games, we have noticed, has allowed for extra teachable moments in our family.  While everyone wants to play well it’s good to learn how to have fun and be a good sport even if you cannot win every game.  There are a lot of positive attributes to playing games such as  reading, counting, strategies, waiting turns, being a team player and so much more.

While we play at least once a week on our regular “family game night” !  We often pull out a game when friends are over or at some point (or two) over the weekend.  Playing games together allows everyone to relax, spend quality time together, while talking, and creating memories.  To keep it fair we roll a dice to see who will be picking the game for the evening.  If time allows we may play two games or stretch a game out over several evenings.  Our girls look forward to game night every week!