• Erik & Laurel’s Wedding!

    'Three beautiful ladies - inside and out!'

    Three beautiful ladies – Renelle, Laurel, & Aunt Mary Ann

    I was able to attend my cousin Laurel Mura‘s wedding while in Colorado! She was beautiful bride, the wedding was well organized, lots of fun, and amazing! It was great to see a lot of family over the weekend too! Wishing her and Erik an awesome life together! Lots of love!

    'Uncle Rick giving Laurel away at the wedding!'
    Laurel & her Dad (Uncle Rick)
    'The kiss! :)'
    The Kiss!
    'Congratulations @[32508013:2048:Laurel Mura] and Erik!  We are so happy for both of you!  Welcome to the family E! :)'
    Congratulations!  Newly married couple!
    'Beautiful wedding!'
    Happy for my cousin and wish her the very best!
  • Weekend Getaway!

    Weekend Getaway to Hot Springs, North Carolina

    Beautiful Day for a road trip with my Handsome Man!

    Jake and I were able to getaway for a weekend while the girls were at church camp!  It was nice to spend some time relaxing together.  We were able to chat and have some one-on-one time without any interruptions for a solid weekend.  One of the best parts about where we went is that no cell phones, email, or internet work so there were less distractions!  We even had our first couples massage which was so very relaxing!


    Drinking my morning coffee while Jake makes breakfast!  I am so spoiled.  Grateful for a husband that cooks!


    My date for the weekend!  Love you Babycake!


    We rarely take pictures together so we snapped one after our couples massage at the Old Red Bridge in Hot Springs, NC!


    Our home away from home for the weekend!


    We went to the Hot Springs Log Cabins, it was so nice and peaceful in the rocker on the front porch.  The only thing you could hear were the birds!

    We know how to bring in the summer and celebrate!  It’s going to be a busy one so having a weekend together was a true treat!  It was awesome to truly get away from it all!   Thankful for opportunities to spend with him.  He truly is my best friend and the love of my life.  I am blessed!

  • Love It – Purple Heart Necklace

    My Purple Heart Necklace, beautiful reminder of the blessings in my life! Thanks Handsome!

    My husband has known for years the impact the Little Purple Flower had on my life.  We were dating at the time the incident occurred and he was delighted to see God use such a beautiful reminder to encourage me.  Since that time Jake has on numerous occasions surprised me with a gift that had a purple flower or something similar on it as a reminder of how much He loves me.  The gift is also a visual reminder that God daily gives me the many blessings I have in my life.

    On Valentine’s Day my husband and I celebrated together at Winter Jam 2011.  When I got up to go to the restroom before the concert started I came back to a small package on my chair.  He gave me a beautiful purple heart necklace (totally surprised me) as a way to remind me of His love and the many blessings in our lives as a couple.  I had no idea that he was even saving his money to get me such a sweet surprise.

    He had been looking for the perfect necklace for awhile until he found the purple heart which he thought it would be a perfect fit for me.  For those of you who know me personally I am not a glamour and glittery type of person.  I grew up with three brothers on a farm and was more of a tomboy than a princess. I can count on one hand the pieces of jewelry I wear regularly.  Every single piece I wear daily Jake picked out on his own for me (most of them were surprises too).  I wear my watch, engagement & wedding rings, and my heart necklace he gave me for our 7th anniversary every day.  The only other time I wear different or more jewelry is for a special event or Date Night when I an extra necklace, ring, or bracelet.  So needless to say I was shocked to receive a necklace on Valentine’s Day and my heart about burst with love for him when I realized it was a purple heart meant to remind me of the little purple flowers in my life.

    I am surrounded by many blessings in my life.  Some days I have to look harder to find those blessings but they exist no matter how big or small.  I am thankful for a God who extends love and grace to me every day.  A husband whom I adore and kids that bring so much joy and laughter into my life.  The best part is they all love me despite my imperfections and crazy days.  Thank you babe for reminding me of the MANY blessing in my life.  I am thankful for the amazing gifts God has given me!

    “Love It” is a series of posts on items that I use regularly in my household that I love!  There are some items in our daily lives that make life more enjoyable, efficient, or just plain fun.  I will be sharing with you some of the products that have been given to us (or to me) that have made it to the top of my list.  It’s my way of giving a huge thumbs up!

  • Starting off with a BANG….

    Neat pictures - parts of airplanes at the Marriott.

    We left for our exciting cruise vacation late on a Friday afternoon.  We were all packed, loaded in the van, and ready to go only to discover the van would not start.  Oh BOY!  Not again, the van has already been in the shop two times in the last couple of months.  After a quick call to Jake I tried to explain the situation to the girls.  They were in tears because they were super excited about starting their vacation together with friends while we were on the cruise.

    We decided to all head back inside and have fun while waiting for Daddy to come home.  We read a couple books together as we were waiting.  Brina picked out a book about a Ballerina and Karlie picked out “The Empire’s New Clothes”.  After reading the books we took a few minutes to snuggle and talk.  We did a few extra chores around the house then Jake was home.  Looking back it was nice to have a few moments of quiet and relaxing time together before leaving.  He was able to jump start the van and away we went only a little over an hour off schedule.

    We got the girls settled into their new home for the week.  They were excited about spending their vacation with friends and had been looking forward to it for a long time.  Jake and I started our first leg of our trip together as a couple.  The van was a little quiet without the girls giggling and talking in the back but we enjoyed our time together.

    On the way we stopped at Flying J for a potty break and to pick up a snack for breakfast the next morning at the airport.  We were flying out early and getting checked in and through the security could take up any extra time so we wanted to be prepared.  We had a quick but nice supper at Arby’s.  It is always smart to bring coupons on vacation with you because you never know where you might stop to eat.  It is amazing how much you can save over the course of a trip by using coupons.

    The roads under the bridges were still icy from the snow storm earlier that week but we made it safely to Atlanta and checked into Atlanta Airport Marriott for the night.  They have a wonderful program we have used several times where you park your vehicle at the hotel and they drive you to the airport which costs less then parking even in the long term parking at the airport.  You can park even if you are not planning on spending the night at the hotel.  This was the first time we used it and spent the night.  Since we spent the night our parking was free for a week and it was still less then parking at the airport.  Plus with the flight leaving early in the morning we wanted to make sure we were at the airport on time.  Marriott had a shuttle going to and from the airport every 15 minutes making it convenient to catch a ride when you wanted to leave for the airport.   We did all the planning for this ahead of time and reserved the room and parking online.  Love being able to get things done before ever leaving on vacation.  Many other cities provide this service as well so it may be worth checking into before you fly the next time if you cannot have someone drive you, it really has saved us a lot of money over the last few years.

    Jake and I had a wonderful couple hours to relax before getting a good nights sleep.  We don’t have a TV in our room at home so we surfed the channels for a few minutes and ended up watching “Bill Cosby’s Himself”.  I had never seen it before, for an example of the show click here.  It was nice to relax together and just laugh listening to Bill Cosby.  We had no where to be until the morning so we relaxed!

    A Vacation To Remember series is a reflection on our recent trip and ways we relaxed.  Life is short and we were thrilled to have the opportunity to build memories with family and explore of of the most amazing places during our time away.  Go with a good attitude and looking for fun and it will be an awesome trip jammed packed with positive memories.  It is refreshing having some time away from the regular routine.  Make it a once in a lifetime opportunity to meet new people and learn.  You just might see or try something new that takes your breath away!

  • Book: “The Millionaire Next Door” by Thomas Stanley

    My husband and I listened to The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley the first time together.  I found the book at the library book sale and went through it again.  It is about the study of Americas deca-millionaires by leading expert Thomas Stanley and the surprising habits and lifestyles of America’s wealthy.  It was a neat book to listen to as a couple or read on your own.  It provides some great topics for discussion.