• Love It – Lenovo G460 Laptop

    I am very excited!  I just received my first “new” laptop!  My husband was able to get a great deal on a Lenovo G460 Laptop a few weeks ago.  When it arrived my husband let me open the package first.  It was shiny, sleek and running in a matter of only a few minutes.  It is much faster and one of the nicest pieces of technology I have ever owned.  Love that it is quick, portable, and looks great.  I never thought a piece of technology could be so awesome!

    Why did I need a new laptop?  Having a computer is wonderful but like any technology it doesn’t always run perfectly.  The last few months my “hand me down” laptop screen got a crack and other issues were starting to pop up.  I had to keep decreasing the screen size as the crack spread. It was hard to transport the old one because movement would cause the crack to worsen.  Although I was grateful for a computer and it got the job done (most days), but with the crack and more issues we decided it was time to consider upgrading.  I have been very fortunate to not have to purchase a computer for many years.  In the past, my husband has been able to piece together computers for me with parts that he has and I am thankful for a man who is very knowledgeable in doing that because it has saved us a lot of money.

    My sweet husband has been looking for a couple months for a great deal on a new computer for me.  We were thinking that a laptop would be the best fit because it is light, portable and fits with the projects that I have been doing recently.  Since I spend a lot of my time working on the computer this allows me to be more mobile and efficient.

    I have been using my new Lenovo G460 laptop for only a couple days and I am still amazed at the difference!  Very thankful for such a wonderful computer and for a husband that researched to found the perfect one for me.  I plan to use it for many years to come!