Fresh & Healthy,  Menu Planning,  What's Cooking

What To Do With 25 Pounds of Fresh Organic Carrots

A few months ago I found this 25 pound bag of Fresh Organic Carrots marked down to $2.99 at our local Ingles store.  Yippee!!!  I checked to make sure all the carrots looked fresh and good.  I was super excited because our family loves carrots, these looked great, and having a big bag could be beneficial for several recipes over the next few of months.  We counted the carrots and if I remember correctly there were 76 large (some very large) full size carrots in this bag.

What did we do with all the carrots?

  • Eat It – we ate them raw, in salads, dishes, cooked, and a variety of other great ways (our kids love munching on raw carrots or really anything with carrots in it)
  • Share It – we gave several bags of carrots away to friends and family to use in their cooking too.
  • Feed It – since we have goats they enjoyed a lot of delicious carrot treats over the next few months.

A bowl of fresh sliced carrots

How did we store all the carrots?

After scrubbing, washing, and drying the carrots we did a number of different things with them:

  • Dehydrated Carrots – we sliced up a dehydrator full of carrots to use in soups, stews, and as treats for the goats.  The goats LOVE crunchy dehydrated carrots as a snack!
  • Frozen Carrots – some of the carrots we sliced up or shredded then put into Ziploc bags in the deep freezer to use for future recipes.
  •  Fresh Carrots – we used some right away for various recipes, ate raw carrots, and stored them in the refrigerator.  We put the carrots in a drawer with other vegetables and our BluApple to help keep them fresh longer.

Tray full of sliced carrots ready to be dehydrated

Dehydrating 5 trays of sliced carrots – these are very good in soups and the goats love these as a special treat!

The carrots were still really fresh and I didn’t have to throw any out.  These carrots lasted for several months frozen and dehydrated.  Even though it is a lot of work when you get a big bag (25 pounds) up front the benefits will last a long time so it can be really worth it.