• Book: “The Impact Equation” by Chris Brogan & Julien Smith

    I received a preview book copy of  The Impact Equation by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith.  The subtitle to the book is “Are you making things happen OR just making noise?”  I loved their title because we get hit with a ton of information from all directions every time we go online.  How do companies, blogs, and any other items of importance have a chance to get our attention with everything being thrown at us?  What makes those few stand out?

    When I first started blogging I felt like no one was reading it…..some days especially in the very beginning that it was a waste of time (who would want to read what I was writing about anyway)…….and I looked at all the “numbers”.  If there was a dip in stats I would be upset or stressed about it.  Now I don’t stress about my numbers much at all because I am focusing more on writing and all the fun stuff that I want to share with my readers.  I still have a long way to go and a lot to learn but I was very excited to get a copy of Chris Brogan’s and Julien Smith’s new book because I have been thinking about this very topic.

    It my goal to make a positive impact on the lives around me and one of the ways I reach out to people is through my blog.  Although, at the same time it is important I take the time to review how things are going I have to evaluate how much of an impact I really am making.  Is the impact I am making on my readers positive?  I really liked how Chris and Julien’s book encouraged me to evaluate many areas, they even shared a great CREATE acronym to help.

    Here are a few things I took away from Chris & Julien’s book:

    • CREATE acronym (i.g. Impact = Contrast * [Reach + Exposure + Articulation + Trust + Echo])
    • Spend more time giving thought and refining my ideas
    • Share the great ideas of others – the “give before you get” principle

    If you have a presence online whether it is through your business, blog, or social media accounts to stay in touch with family and friends this is a great book to read.