• Recipes: Cooking Ground Beef Using a Crockpot

    Recipes - Crockpot Hamburger - Cooked Hamburger - Ground Hamburger  - Recipes P1480769c

    Crockpot full of fresh ground beef

    My favorite way to save time with cooking is to do some of the time consuming and messier tasks all at one time.  One of the ways you can do this is by cooking up your ground beef in advance and freezing it in measured out portions.  When you need cooked beef for a recipe you pull it out, thaw it a little bit, and you are ready for the next step.  I started doing this several years ago and just this one activity saves our entire family a lot of time throughout the month.

    Once we are down to our last bag or two of cooked ground beef in the freezer it’s time to do another big batch a crockpot ground beef.  I can fit several pounds of ground beef into our crockpot at one time.  One crockpot of cooked ground beef will usually last our family at least a month or more (it has lasted up to 3 months for us on more than 1 occasion).  Typically we have about one ground beef based meal per week whether on the week days or weekend.  My husband was a little skeptical about this at first, but after a few months he has come to enjoy being able to pull out a bag of cooked ground beef and proceed forward to the next step of cooking the meal.

    This works really well if you want to cook up a larger batch of ground beef at one time.  It would not be as useful if you are wanting to cook 1 pound of ground beef for a meal later that day (doable, yes, just not as efficient).   I always try to keep an eye out for ground beef deals whenever I am at the grocery store.  If I find a good deal I stick it in the deep freezer and when it is time to cook up the next big batch of ground beef I always have plenty to fill up the crockpot.  This helps you save money in the long run too because you don’t have to pay full price for ground beef (which has gone way up in the last couple of years).  It is a good idea to be home while the ground beef is in the crockpot because it typically only takes 3 to 5 hours and you want to break up the ground beef throughout the cooking process.

    By doing this you make the mess of cooking ground beef once a month (or every couple months) and your done.   No more weekly cooking of your ground beef will also save you more time and clean up mess than you realize!  Seriously!!!  This especially works well if you have an upcoming busy season that you want to prepare for or having a baby soon or summer break or just trying to utilize your time more efficiently.

    Cooking Ground Beef Using a Crockpot Recipe:

    • Several Pounds of Ground Beef (I usually do between 5 to 10 pounds at a time).  You can use traditional beef, grass fed beef, or whatever combination you want.  You can also use whatever percentage of fat you want as well.  Although, the fattier the meat the less actual meat you will have at the end because the fat will be drained off.  We like to buy 93% lean or higher, but at times we do pick up a lower one if it is at a great price (we always stick to 85% or higher).

    1.  Fill your crockpot up to the top with ground beef (every crockpot holds a different amount, but try to fit in as much as possible).  I have put in frozen ground beef (pulled directly from the freezer) as well as thawed ground beef (either way will work fine), but you will be able to fit more of the thawed ground beef into your crockpot therefore creating more meals out of your finished product.

    2.  Put your crockpot on the low heat setting and cook for 3 to 5 hours.  The time will vary depending on how much meat you put into your crockpot and whether or not it was thawed or frozen.   Place the lid on the crockpot and let it cook for an hour.

    3.  After the first hour of cooking add your spices (whatever you typically use to season your ground beef).  We like to keep it simple by adding minced onions and Grill Mates Montreal Steak Seasoning Other good seasonings that compliment the ground beef are salt, pepper, garlic seasoning, etc…  After adding the seasonings take a straight edged spatula or wooden spoon and break up the meat so it starts forming the ground beef crumbles.  Place the lid back on the crockpot and allow it to cook for another hour.

    4.  After the 2nd hour remove the lid and break up the meat again.  This will help it form the nice uniform ground beef crumbles that work well in recipes.  If you do not stir it regularly than the ground beef will form larger clumps of meat which do not work as well in many of the recipes that call for ground beef.  You can still break up the larger clumps at the end, but it will take longer and they will not be as evenly seasoned or as uniform.

    5.  Repeat step #4 every additional hour until your ground beef is cooked thoroughly.  You should have a nice brown color and your meat crumbled into fairly even size pieces.

    6.  Once the hamburger is cooked turn off the crockpot.  Place a small holed strainer on top of a large metal bowl and pour your cooked ground beef into the strainer.  The strainer will keep your cooked meat in it while the oils will drain into the large bowl underneath.  Allow the hamburger to drain for 10 minutes.  Blot with a paper towel to get rid of any access fat.

    7.  Allow the meat to cool completely.  Once it is cool divide the meat up into individual bags or containers by measuring out 2 cups of meat per container (this is approximately 1 pound of ground beef per bag or container).  If you get to the end and you don’t have enough for an additional 2 cups divide the remaining meat equally between the individual containers already fill.  Typically, I have between 2 to 2 1/2 cups of cooked meat per bag or container.  Every time you have a recipe that calls for 1 pound of hamburger all you have to do is pull out 1 of these bags or containers and use it.  Each one of these is used in a family meal.     If you have 6 bags or containers this should get you through your next 6 meals that use cooked ground hamburger.  Say you do 1 meal like this a week this should last you 6 weeks before you have to cook ground hamburger again!

    This allows you to pull the meat out prior to dinner, make your meal, and eliminates a lot of time and mess.  Which means you can spend more time with your family or doing something you enjoy!


    Cooke ground beef is now ready to be drained and divided up into individual bags for later consumption.

  • Chicken & Broccoli Casserole

    I found this Chicken & Broccoli recipe at Pearls, Handcuffs, & Happy Hour.  It is a great combination of chicken, vegetables, and cheese.   This chicken recipe is a hit with our family.   The casserole is best served over rice.

    Chicken & Broccoli Casserole

    • 3 Chicken Breasts, cooked & shredded
    • 2 cans Cream of Chicken Soup
    • 1 cup Mayonnaise
    • 1 cup shredded Cheddar Cheese
    • 1 cup Colby & Monterrey Jack Cheese
    • 1 bag frozen Broccoli pieces
    • Salt & Pepper to taste

    Cook chicken and shred.  Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Grease a 2 quart casserole dish.  Mix all the ingredients together.  Transfer into casserole dish and cook for 30 minutes or until bubbly.

  • Recipe: Lasagna

    Growing up Lasagna was one of my favorite meals. I didn’t realize that there was so many varieties of Lasagna recipes until I was cooking more on my own! This recipe is an adapted version from the one that my Grandma and Mom use.  The main difference is that I use uncooked noodles which helps save me time and extra clean up.  I will often make this meal to deliver to someone who has had surgery or a new baby or to put the extra casserole in the freezer for a later date since it is an easy one to double! 🙂


    • 1 pound lean Ground Beef
    • 1/2 chopped Onion
    • 1 (28 ounces) jar Spaghetti Sauce
    • 1 (16 ounces) container Cottage Cheese
    • 1 cup shredded Parmesan Cheese
    • 1 Egg
    • 1 (16 ounces) box Lasagna Noodles
    • 1 (8 ounces) shredded Mozzarella Cheese

    In a large pan cook the ground beef, drain the excess oil.  Add the onions and cook until the onions are transparent.  Stir in the pasta sauce and heat until bubbly.  In large bowl combine Cottage Cheese, Parmesan Cheese, and Egg.  Spread a thin layer of meat sauce in the bottom of a 13 x 9 pyrex dish.  Place a layer of uncooked lasagna noodles, a layer of cheese mixture, 1/3 cup shredded mozzarella cheese, and meat sauce.  Continue layering until all ingredients are used (reserve 1 cup shredded cheese).  Bake covered at 350 degrees for 1 hour.  Uncover and put the remaining mozzarella cheese over the top and bake for an additional 10 minutes or until the cheese begins to darken.

    Photo Credit

  • Recipes: Preparing for a Busy Season

    I was thinking back over one of the busiest seasons in our family, right after the birth of our twin daughters.  My life went from 12 weeks of permanent bed rest to the hospital, NICU, preemie babies, and a lot of other activities.  As I was reflecting back on those days I began thinking about the various ways that we prepared in advance to make the whole season more enjoyable for the entire family.  Every family has a busy season whether it is due to an upcoming birth of a baby in your family, travel, work, school, Holidays, or something else.  That time in my life was busy, stressful, and completely new to me.  I have an amazing supportive family, friends, and church family that pitched in by physically helping us (cleaning our home, making meals, helping feed the girls, and so much more) and praying for us (although it was an exhausting and stressful time in our lives God was good and the prayers of many were answered).  Looking back over that period of time in our life we can see even more clearly the multitude of love and blessings that were sent our way.

    Since I was on permanent bed rest for 12 weeks I was limited on what I could do as far as menu planning, however, while the girls were in NICU and I was on the mend physically I began preparing for a busy season when they came home.  I spent the majority of my day and late evening in the NICU with the girls, however, I had a few hours every day at home to rest, prep for their homecoming, make meals and more.

    Recipes / Menu Planning / Preparation Work that I can do in advance to be better equipped for the busy season:

    • Ground Hamburger – cook up your ground hamburger in advance and freeze it cooked in measured out portions.  My favorite way to cook it is to get a large pack of hamburger put it in the crockpot and heat it on low stirring occasionally to break up the meat.  At the end pour the hamburger into a strainer (over a bowl) drain, and blot with a paper towel.  Allow it to cool them put into baggies or containers.  I typically do between 2 to 4 cups per item.  This allows you to pull the meat out prior to dinner make your meal and eliminates a lot of time, prep, making the meal, and mess.
    • Chicken – precook chicken breasts and freeze into appropriate portions.  If you want shredded chicken I like to cook it in the crockpot, shred it at the end and drain it.  When I wanted cubed chicken I baked the chicken in the oven then cut it up into cubes and measured out the portions in baggies or containers.
    • Casserole – make up a few casseroles in advance like lasagna, Green Bean Tator Tot Casserole, Grandma’s Western Meat Loaf, Cheesy Spaghetti Bake and freeze them.  You can do this in one day or spread it out over the course of several weeks.  When you make lasagna or a casserole for dinner make two and freeze one, if your making casserole for a new Mom make an extra one to freeze.  Over a few weeks you’ll be stocked and prepared for your upcoming busy season.
    • Cookie Dough – I always enjoy making freshly baked cookies for my family and friends, however, during a busy season I don’t always have the extra time to whip up a fresh baked batch of cookies.  There is something about fresh cookies and if you cannot get a great deal on the ones in the store you can still do it at home in advance.  I will make up a double or larger batch of our family’s favorite cookies (Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal Raisin, and a handful of others).  Mix up the dough, mold it into a rectangle, wrap it in saran wrap, put it in a Ziploc bag, and freeze until we were ready to eat them.  When I am ready to make cookies during the busy season I will pull out one of the cookie dough packages, use a knife to cut them into the size of cookies I want and bake them.  It works really well especially for those “surprise” guests or neighbor kids dropping by for a snack.  The majority of the work was done in advance, but it allows me to still offer freshly baked goodies during the busy season.  I still do this when I make a fresh batch of cookies because it is a great way save a little extra time in the future.
    • BBQ Chicken or Steak – we have several favorite BBQ sauces.  When I our favorite BBQ sauces go on sale I stock up.  I will often find chicken or steak on clearance at the store.  When I get home take the entire package of chicken or beef and divide it up into several portions.  Sometimes I will put one of our favorite BBQ sauces on the steak or chicken, split the meat into two portions (one to put on the grill for dinner that night and the other half into a container to freeze for a later meal).  When it has been a busy day I will pull out the container of already marinated meat, defrost it, put on the grill, add some veggies, salad, and a meal is ready in no time.

    I love finding ways we can make our meals time more efficient, especially during those busy seasons.  Having the ability to make and store already prepped meals saves us the cost of going out to eat or allows us to eat more than sandwiches every meal.  By just prepping the meat you can save a lot of time and still have the opportunity to put together a healthy meal for your family.  What are some ways you prepare for a busy season in your family?

    Photo by armigeress

  • Family Recipe: Green Bean Tator Tot Casserole

    My Mom is a great cook and this is one of the recipes I remember her making when I was a kid.  It is a great mix of flavors and the perfect casserole to take to someone for a meal or if you want to make two and freeze one for a busy day later that month.  One thing I really love about this meal is that you can use what you have on hand in your pantry or freezer (you don’t have to buy a “special” type of green beans, hashbrowns, or cheese) to make it tasty!

    Green Bean Casserole

    • 2 lbs Hamburger, browned
    • 1 can Mushrooms (optional)
    • 1 pkg Shredded Cheese (Mozzarella or Cheddar or Mix)
    • 2 to 3 cans Cream of Mushroom Soup
    • 1 pkg frozen Hashbrowns or Tator Tots
    • 3 cans Green Beans (any style)

    Brown the hamburger then add the mushroom soup and canned mushrooms.  Stir and place on the bottom of a casserole dish.  Then layer the green beans on top of the meat mixture.  Spread the hashbrowns over the top of the green beans.  Sprinkle shredded cheese over the hashbrowns.  Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes to an hour.  Until cheese is golden.

  • Recipe: Broccoli Rice Hot Dish

    I made a new recipe this past weekend from one of  Taste of Home’s “Guilt Free Cooking” Cookbooks and the entire family loved it.  I received thumbs up from everyone, several please make this again, and the kids even asked for seconds.  What was leftover of the casserole was eaten the next day so it didn’t go to waste either.  The best part is it was a “healthier” dish and was easy to make. I am not a huge egg person so I had a little hesitation in trying it because I didn’t want something that had a heavy egg flavor.  In the end I was super happy I tried it because I couldn’t even taste the eggs because it had so much flavor in the dish.  As I am trying to eat healthier and cook better food for my family (not that we don’t have a couple of pizza nights a month) I am looking for new, easy, inexpensive and tasty recipes to try.  I bought this cookbook when it was on clearance for $2.50 before Christmas and this weekend as I was sitting on the front porch glider leafing through it while watching the kids play in the yard this recipe jump off the page begging for me to try it out, glad I did too.  It was a hit with the family and it included ingredients that I can easily have on hand.  I used it as our main meal but since it is meatless you could have it as a side as well.

    Broccoli Rice Hot Dish

    • 2 cups hot cooked Rice
    • 3/4 cup shredded reduced fat Cheddar Cheese
    • 1/2 cup Egg Substitute OR (1 egg)
    • 3/4 teaspoon Garlic Salt


    • 1 pkg (10 oz) frozen chopped Broccoli, thawed
    • 4 oz chopped fresh Mushrooms
    • 1/2 cup chopped sweet red pepper (we choose to not add the red pepper)
    • 1/2 medium Onion, chopped
    • 1 cup Egg Substitute OR (2 Eggs)
    • 1/2 cup Fat Free Milk
    • 1/2 teaspoon Onion Salt
    • 1/2 teaspoon Pepper
    • 1 cup (4 oz) shredded reduced fat Cheddar Cheese

    In a large bowl, combine the rice, cheese, egg, and garlic salt.  Press firmly into a 2 quart baking dish coated with nonstick cooking spray.  Bake at 375 degrees for 10 minutes.

    Meanwhile, place the broccoli, mushrooms, red pepper, onion in a steamer basket over 1 inch of boiling water in a saucepan.  Bring to a boil, cover and steam for 5 minutes or until crisp-tender.

    In a large bowl, combine eggs, milk, onion salt, and pepper; stir in vegetables.  Pour over crust.  Sprinkle with cheese.  Bake, uncovered, at 375 for 25 to 30 minutes or until a knife inserted near the center comes out clean.

    Do you have easy, inexpensive and tasty recipes to try?  Send me an email and I may post it on my blog or put a link to your blog in your comment.  As a family of 4 with a busy schedule having a stash of great healthy recipes on hand is very beneficial!

    Photo by Taste of Home

  • Family Recipe: Great Grandma Albrecht’s Corn Bake

    I have so many wonderful memories of my Great Grandma Albrecht.  Thankful for the opportunity to learn from her.  She was beautiful, a great cook, crafty, and full of spunk.  At my bridal shower she brought her Corn Bake as one of her favorite recipes.  Even after age 90 she was still baking!  When she arrived with the Corn Bake and recipe in hand we were curious about the blue dots in it.  In her hurry to get ready and cook she accidentally put a box of blueberry muffin mix into the Corn Bake instead of the Corn Mix.  She waved her hand and just laughed.  It was interesting, but still tasted good.  This is just one of many memories of Great Grandma Albrecht that make me smile.

    Corn Bake

    • 1 small Onion (optional)
    • 1 small pepper (optional)
    • 1/2 cup of melted Butter
    • 1 can Whole Kernel Corn
    • 1 can Cream Corn
    • 1 (8 oz) box Corn Muffin Mix (or Blueberry Muffin Mix if you want to venture out a little more)
    • 3 Eggs
    • 1 cup Sour Cream
    • 1 cup Shredded Cheddar Cheese

    Saute onion and pepper in the butter.  Mix in corn, muffin mix, eggs, sour cream and cheese.  Put in a casserole dish and bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes.