• A Room of Their Own – Brina & Karlie’s New Rooms

    Brina’s new room after paint and carpet

    Jake and I decided a few months ago that it was time the girls had their own rooms.   As twins they have always shared their room (8 years).  Even though the girls were born on the same day they couldn’t be more different.  At first when we mentioned the possibility of them getting their own rooms one was excited while the other one was reluctant at the idea of getting her own room.  One of the problems we were encountering, other than the normal messy room and no one admitting who made the mess, was that one of the girls needed more sleep, but couldn’t go to sleep at night because her sister who didn’t need as much sleep wouldn’t stop talking.

    Karlie’s new room after paint and carpet

    Since making the decision and starting the process of re-doing their rooms both girls started to get really excited about having  their own space.  They each picked out their own paint colors.  Jake and I went through the colors with them and had to “approve” the chosen colors.  We let them chose three different colors for their room.  Jake and I are not professional painters and I am allergic to latex (which didn’t prove to be fun with all the latex in the paint), but we got through all the painting and re-carpeting in one piece.  Both girls were super excited about their “new” rooms.  We moved Brina into what used to be the “office” so we did her room first.  After we moved Brina into her new room in the middle of August we started on Karlie’s room.  The paint and carpet are done, but the rest of the room is still a work in progress.

    Brina’s Colors

    Main Color – Dazzling Daffodil

    Outer Stripes – Aurora Orange

    Inner Stripe – Orchid Rose

    Brina’s yellow is a bright and cheerful color.  As soon as we started painting on the walls she began giggling because she loved it so much.  Her favorite colors are pink and orange which made good accents on the bright yellow walls.  Karlie told Brina that whenever it is a rainy day the whole family is going to hang out in Brina’s room because it is looked so sunny in her room.

    Karlie’s Colors

    Main Color – Spring Green

    Outer Stripes – Watermelon Smoothie

    Inner Stripe – Cool Colbalt

    Karlie was very patient as we worked on Brina’s room first.  We got her room painted Labor Day weekend, but the carpet kept getting delayed.  She never complained even though she was getting tired of sleeping in the living room.  Karlie surprised me a little more with her colors; originally she was thinking of a red, white, and blue theme, but once we were at the store she choose a bright green color with a fun pink and blue accent.  The best way I can think to describe the main color is it reminds me of  “Key Lime Pie”.  She was super excited to move into her new room and loves both her colors as well as her soft carpet.

    Both girls picked out their three colors and helped pick out their carpet as well.  We ended up agreeing on doing a Thatched Roof color of carpet for both of the girls rooms.  They had a lot of fun picking out the colors, helping, watching, and now finally settling into their new rooms.

    Jake came up with the idea of “posting a note” in each room.  Once all the carpet and padding was removed we had the girls each write a note in both rooms on the floor so someday (hopefully many years from now) when we or someone else goes to replace the carpet in the house they will get to read about the little girls who once lived in the rooms.

    Brina’s note in her room

    It reads:  8-19-13 Hello, my name is Brina.  I am 8.  I have 2 goats, 2 turtles, 5 fish, and 1 dog.  I am getting a new room.  I have never had my own room before.  The colors are dazzling daffodil, pink, and orange.  My favorite colors are pink and orange.

    Karlie’s note in Brina’s new room

    The note says:  Hi, my name is Karlie.  I am Brina’s sister.  I am 8 years old.  I have 1 dog, 2 goats, 2 turtles, and 5 fish.  I hope you like the room like Brina.  I like the colors.  Brina’s favorite colors are pink and orange.  August 2013 – 8/18/13 at 6:14 pm

    Karlie’s note on her floor

    It reads:  Hi, my name is Karlie.  I am going to have my very own room.  I have shared this room with my sister, Brina, for the first eight years of my life.  My room colors are:  Main Color – Spring Green, Outer Stripe – Watermelon Smoothie, and Inner Stripe – Cool Colbalt.  I think I am going to like having my own room.  I hope you like this room just as much as I do.  Love, Karlie * 9/8/13

    Brina’s note in Karlie’s room

    The note reads:  My name is Brina. I am 8 years old.  I have 1 dog named Skipper, 2 goats named Oreo and Snowball, 2 turtles names Shipwreck and Overboard, and 5 fish. Love, Brina 9-8-13

    For those of you who know me well you know this project truly was a “labor of love” because I am not a fancy painter or decorator and I am allergic to latex (any paint drops on my skin or from washing brushes made me react).  I am forever grateful for my husband and all his help as well as support throughout this whole process.  The girls are thrilled and love their rooms.  It is neat to see their personalities really start to pop and develop even more.  I am thankful that we had the opportunity to do this special project as a family.  Now if anyone has any “decorating” advice….let me know!

  • Curious Kids: Triangular Vacuums

    The neat part about having kids is that they notice the small things, the stuff we take for granted as adults.  A few months ago one of my girls wanted to know “Why does the vacuum leave triangles on the carpet?”  It perplexed them when they were watching me because the vacuum itself is a rectangle yet somehow it manages to spit out triangles onto the carpet when I vacuum the floor.  Although the triangles are not necessary I let them know that seeing the triangles indicates to Mommy that the carpet has recently been cleaned and makes the room look nice.

    They had been learning about patterns at school and this strange occurrence at home captivated their attention one day.  The triangles are created in a pattern by the way I steer the vacuum cleaner over the carpet.  It helps me know that I have cleaned the entire floor and adds an extra reward at the end.   It is the little things that you do that the kids pick up on and want to learn more about.  I don’t know for sure if they will do the same things once they are grown but at least they know why Mommy creates triangles on the floor and how to do it with a rectangle shaped vacuum.  I am thankful for kids who have the desire to learn, explore, and try to figure out how things work.  Their curiosity keeps me on my toes and allows me to continue finding ways to teach them about life.  As a Mom love this day to day education opportunity with my girls.