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Teaching Our Children: One Word A Day

We have recently begun teaching our girls “One Word A Day”.  The words we pick are ones that we believe will help them expand their vocabulary and provide a foundation for building healthy characteristics.  At dinner time we announce the new word for the upcoming day and discuss the words that we have been learning throughout the week.  We talk about the words meanings plus allow everyone to give examples of how we effectively used or demonstrated the meaning of that word. Even though this is a recent activity we have begun consistently with the girls it has always been our desire to broaden our children’s vocabulary while teaching them healthy qualities that are practical for the rest of their lives.

Here are a few of the recent words we have been teaching and discussing in our family:

  • Initiative
  • Responsibility
  • Moderation
  • Efficiency
  • Focus
  • Generosity
  • Compassion
  • Hospitality

You can do this starting with a toddler up to teenager (or older).  Make sure to pick words that expand their vocabulary and understanding, however, ones that they can pronounce.  Encourage them to use those words or demonstrate by their actions throughout the day and week. We strive to chose words that continue to develop positive characteristics in our children.  As a parent we need to be good examples of the characteristics we are teaching our children, we have all heard the phrase “actions speak louder than words”.

Photo by ToolStop